FDA publishes chart showing that prices for truly healthy foods HAVE gone up


Dagobah Resident
The FDA just published a chart demonstrating this.

Inflation-adjusted (real) prices for poultry and dairy products have increased roughly the same as overall inflation, while real prices for eggs and red meats grew by 21.5 and 18 percent between 1985 and 2014, respectively.* Real prices for fresh fruits and vegetables grew the most among all major food categories, increasing just over 40 percent.

Naturally, the prices for most of the really bad stuff (except dairy) - went down. What a Coincidence! Though cereal prices did go up (bit of a surprise, that one). Those who feel that vegetables are over-hyped probably won't much care that those prices have risen.

At least the price of fats went down...though they don't say which specific types - odds are, they meant the industrial seed oils.

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