Forced to vaccinate 2 year old - how to reduce risks?


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
The law in my area in the context of litigation with mother of my son leaves me no choice but to accept that he will be vaccinated. In fact he already took 3 shots for Hepatitis B without my knowledge (in few months interval ofcourse), but as I still have some control over that at the moment I think it would be wise to decide what, when and how to vaccinate, rather then postpone the inevitable and be left with no rights to decide about anything. Its also a question how to counteract this potential health ballast for him?
Kosma said:
The law in my area in the context of litigation with mother of my son leaves me no choice but to accept that he will be vaccinated. In fact he already took 3 shots for Hepatitis B without my knowledge (in few months interval ofcourse), but as I still have some control over that at the moment I think it would be wise to decide what, when and how to vaccinate, rather then postpone the inevitable and be left with no rights to decide about anything. Its also a question how to counteract this potential health ballast for him?

You might want to do some research on detox agents. Iodine/potassium iodide might be an option since there are dosing instructions for children in Brownstein's book.
Have a look at this article. Vitamin C, along with the iodine that Laura already mentioned, can help ameliorate some the the effects.

Will you have access to your son in the days leading up to the vaccination or in the days following? These recommendations really can't be implemented if you don't and it doesn't sound as if your (ex)wife would be willing to give them to your son considering she believes in the whole vaccine myth to begin with.
Thanks for advices.

Laura said:
You might want to do some research on detox agents. Iodine/potassium iodide might be an option since there are dosing instructions for children in Brownstein's book.
I've got interested in the topic of Iodine recently and will continue this research for sure, including this book.

Odyssey said:
Have a look at this article. Vitamin C, along with the iodine that Laura already mentioned, can help ameliorate some the the effects.
Will you have access to your son in the days leading up to the vaccination or in the days following? These recommendations really can't be implemented if you don't and it doesn't sound as if your (ex)wife would be willing to give them to your son considering she believes in the whole vaccine myth to begin with.
I've already served him some Vitaminc C ( together with fruit juice), especially when he had to deal with catarrh, so it will be one of the remedies for sure.
And yes, I should have care over him around these days, so will try to implement it. Any way I hope we will go through this without any complications and his immunity is good enough to deal even with this.
Kosma said:
The law in my area in the context of litigation with mother of my son leaves me no choice but to accept that he will be vaccinated. In fact he already took 3 shots for Hepatitis B without my knowledge (in few months interval ofcourse), but as I still have some control over that at the moment I think it would be wise to decide what, when and how to vaccinate, rather then postpone the inevitable and be left with no rights to decide about anything. Its also a question how to counteract this potential health ballast for him?

Hi Kosma,

As a Biofeedback practitioner, I have seen Quantum Biofeedback do amazing things for children who have been vaccinated. There is a book also that may be helpful even if you don't see symptoms of ADD, or anything right away: "Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders" by Kenneth Bock and Cameron Stauth
It's available on Amazon.
I would give you more details, but a client borrowed the book and lost it, so I wouldn't be able to quote directly, sorry. But there is lots of good information on diet and supplementation, etc to give you more help on what gets depleted through vaccinations.

Hope this helps.
What are the consequences if you don't vaccinate your kid? Will you have to pay some fine, or go to jail?
None of these, but I may loose custody so it would be up to my wife to solely decide about vaccination.
There is some good information on this site on a variety of subjects:

Steve Fowkes (same Steve as above) answers a lot of health and toxicity questions on Quora:

I believe he mentions some ways of mitigating damage and figuring out which people are most at risk for vaccine complications. Worth a read of his answers on these subjects. For some reason I can't clip and paste them here.
Quora is an interesting site for determining the level of Kool-aid intoxication in society at large. On many subjects, (IMO) the most truthful answers are either down-voted into oblivion or just not posted at all because the bot determines that they are 'not helpful'.

I hope you find some good information. I hope your ex learns something useful, too.
I know some wellness clinics practice chelation therapy, where they inject heavy metal and pollution chelators directly into the bloodstream. Even if they probably don't do the full protocol on a baby, they certainly will have pediatric consultants who will probably be used to dealing with vaccine fallout or prep, at least if they're worth their salt. :)
Why should vaccinations be highly encouraged, but not compulsory?
Steven Fowkes
Steven Fowkes, Organic chemist familiar with the redox chemisty of the immune system

Vaccinations lower public health risks and increase personal health risks. This is a trade off that answers both sides of your question.

The government will tell you, and is telling everybody, that vaccines are perfectly safe. Or at least that they are highly safe. This is not true.

Do you know the old joke, "How do you know that a politician is lying?" The answer: their lips are moving. This joke also works for government bureaucrats, public health officials, FDA spokespersons, cigarette-industry expert witnesses, and industry public-relations agents. Most of the information on the Internet is provided by commercial interests; feel free to believe it at your own risk.

In a free society, there is a fundamental requirement that people be able to make veracity determinations without restriction, except, for example, in an emergency situation, like a police action, fire-fighting situation, automobile accident, or fill in the blank. According to the US Supreme Court, government agents can lie and mislead all they want to; the government is not (NOT!) in any way financially or legally liable. Recently, policy has extended this to government lies under oath, and to ignorance of the law.

So this is the rub. Compulsory vaccinations are a violation of the US Constitution, US-signed treaty (the Helsinki Declarations), and of Common Law. It is also medically unethical to administer a treatment without consent, and if you want to get legally technical, it is supposed to be informed consent. It is never informed consent in practice, but it is supposed to be.

How each person reacts biochemically to the adjuvants in the vaccine (aluminum salt, or mercury chelate) changes the degree of amplification of the antibody response. Most people are unaware of their sensitivity to adjuvants, and 99% of physicians do not know how to assess it. And certainly the government's vaccinators are not assessing it. But it could be assessed if public health officials were willing to make vaccination policy a "kinder and gentler" policy designed to minimize collateral damage to the most sensitive portion of the population.

Vaccines would then come in "strengths" designed to semi-quantifiably compromise the antioxidant defense system without overwhelming it. But that would be admitting, overtly or tacitly, that vaccination is inherently dangerous, at least to some minority of people, and many additional people might start to question vaccination policy and start asking embarrassing questions.

Given the history of the US wholesale violations of the Constitution regarding the theft of native-American lands, the internment of US Citizens of Japanese ancestry, deliberate and uninformed infections of African-American citizens with syphilis, the witch trials of suspected communists, and uncountable other heresies, travesties, injustices and crimes (take your pick), IMHO it is unreasonable to expect that vaccinations will NOT become compulsory. It is the current madness (or fadness) of this age.

Self defense?

If you want to know whether you are such a vaccination "sensitive," consider your basal metabolic rate (BMR). If it is low, your risks are higher than average. And if it is high, your risks are lower than average. People with insulin resistance have a higher risk, unless they are in ketosis at the time of the vaccination. People who supplement vitamin C are also of lower risk. People under oxidative stress (sunburn, heavy metal poisoning, toxic chemical exposures, chronic adrenal stress, hypothyroidism, alcohol hangover, etc.) are at higher risk.

But keep in mind that as you lower your risk of a complication and injury, you simultaneously lower the degree of vaccination response by your body. In other words, the shorter your vaccination will last; the shorter your vaccination will give you protection.

Vitamin C taken a couple of hours before the vaccination, and for 48 hours after the vaccination will greatly attenuate the redox challenge of the adjuvants in pretty much anybody. Vitamin C is the most common redox-limiting agent in humans because of our inability to make it metabolically. We tend to have about 1% of the vitamin C level that other mammals make, so repleting it (raising it to maybe 10%) makes a huge difference, at least in the average person.

There is also a deeper mechanism involved regarding host resistance that is not addressed by vaccinations. But this answer is already long enough.
I`m really sorry to hear that you are forced to do that.
Few years ago while i was on a regular check for my son at my homeopath office, she mentioned to me that if i`m forced to vaccinate my child, that i can call her and she will give me some remedy immediately after the shot, so he can very easy in a matter of a few days flush out all the toxins from vaccine. I dont know the name of the remedy, but i`m sure that any homeopath can tell you some more about that.
Combine this with other things that are posted here and try to detoxify the child after shots
Konstantin said:
I`m really sorry to hear that you are forced to do that.
Few years ago while i was on a regular check for my son at my homeopath office, she mentioned to me that if i`m forced to vaccinate my child, that i can call her and she will give me some remedy immediately after the shot, so he can very easy in a matter of a few days flush out all the toxins from vaccine. I dont know the name of the remedy, but i`m sure that any homeopath can tell you some more about that.
Combine this with other things that are posted here and try to detoxify the child after shots

My grandaughter's homeopath suggested that she give the baby the Homeopathic Remedy Thuja 30c after her immunizations. Also liposomal vitamin C before and after her doctor's visit is very helpful for lessening the harmful side effects of the injection. One other thing my daughter has been doing at the REQUIRED doctor's visits is limiting the shots/injections to ONE at each visit. And even though the nurses have strongly suggested to her that this is not the best course of action to take - that this is a cruel thing to do to the baby by extending the time period that the child will be getting shots at every doctor visit - she has stood steadfast.

The medical establishment here in the US has made it almost impossible for your children to participate in any type of social activities if you don't follow the Immunization Requirements. It makes it almost impossible to send your child to a day care, or other social activities you would like your children to be involved in. Sad really. It puts the parents in a very difficult position.

Good luck with your situation.
Echo Blue said:
Konstantin said:
I`m really sorry to hear that you are forced to do that.
Few years ago while i was on a regular check for my son at my homeopath office, she mentioned to me that if i`m forced to vaccinate my child, that i can call her and she will give me some remedy immediately after the shot, so he can very easy in a matter of a few days flush out all the toxins from vaccine. I dont know the name of the remedy, but i`m sure that any homeopath can tell you some more about that.
Combine this with other things that are posted here and try to detoxify the child after shots

My grandaughter's homeopath suggested that she give the baby the Homeopathic Remedy Thuja 30c after her immunizations. Also liposomal vitamin C before and after her doctor's visit is very helpful for lessening the harmful side effects of the injection. One other thing my daughter has been doing at the REQUIRED doctor's visits is limiting the shots/injections to ONE at each visit. And even though the nurses have strongly suggested to her that this is not the best course of action to take - that this is a cruel thing to do to the baby by extending the time period that the child will be getting shots at every doctor visit - she has stood steadfast.

The medical establishment here in the US has made it almost impossible for your children to participate in any type of social activities if you don't follow the Immunization Requirements. It makes it almost impossible to send your child to a day care, or other social activities you would like your children to be involved in. Sad really. It puts the parents in a very difficult position.

Good luck with your situation.

Yes, the remedy was Thuja. It was all the time in my head but i cant remember the right name.
Its very sad what psychopathic PTB are doing to our children. Here at my place its a same situation. Until now we still can navigate somehow and try to avoid that poisoning, but its harder every day because of new laws and rules.
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