I'm not sure if you meant to imply that this NPO will pay for removal of amalgams, but it doesn't look like that is the case:
Your initial visit with our team encompasses some of the most progressive testing as well as a lifestyle questionnaire and biometric measurements such as your height, weight, waist girth and blood pressure. We perform extensive blood tests and urine tests to measure your nutrient levels and possible markers for disease. We inquire about your dental history and recommend the removal of mercury amalgam fillings to encourage a healthy mouth. These assessments allow us to appropriately evaluate your current health status and your potential health risks. In a private discussion with one of our clinicians, you work together to formulate a custom plan for optimum health. We also give you an initial supply of high quality vitamins and minerals that are no longer found in most foods today.
Aside from that, it looks interesting. But they have virtually zero online presence. No website at least. I would be interested in what exactly they recommend as far as diet is concerned. It sounds like they have their heads on straight, but without knowing the details of their protocols it's hard to say if they are truly good for people. Obviously their trumpeting of removing heavy metals and amalgams from the body and taking supplements is going to be helpful, but do they introduce meat and fat into the diet primarily and do they suggest elimination of grains, dairy, and processed foods?