Heavy Water


I dream that I am in a clothing store talking to a woman. She leads me towards an elevator, we take it and go down. When it finally opens I find myself in front of a swimming pool. It seems that I am inside the planet or under our world. The pool seems to be in a maze or tree form with these long "corridors" of water. The lighting around is bright but not harsh. I get in and swim. I realise that it is not water but some sort of clear liquid that feels "softer" and "heavier" then water, almost like a slow moving fluid, but at the same time my body can move freely through it. I get out of the water and see women showering, some of them are pregnant. I say to the woman took me to this pool, "this water is from the placenta, it is the water of life".
The dream finishes there.
Has anyone else dreamt of this strange liquid? Felt very real!
I don't know how close it comes, but it reminds me of a dream I had when I was about 5 years old (it's the only dream that I remember until about the time I was a teenager). In that dream, I was in a pool filled with a greenish water -- I remember being able to dive underneath and breathe it -- I still remember the smell and taste of the water passing through my nose and into my lungs, and how natural it felt. I remember that there were other people around, but that was peripheral -- my dream focused primarily on the sensation of the swimming and breathing, and as far as I can remember, the water felt the way you describe above.

Just for fun, here is a session transcript where heavy water is discussed:

11/22/97 said:
Q: What is the ‘prime matter’ of the alchemical process?
A: H2O.

Q: What?
(Ark) Water can be in different states.
A: Heavy water.

Q: What is heavy water?
(Ark) Instead of normal hydrogen, you have hydrogen
atoms with two neutrons. It is used in atomic plants.
(L) Okay, if that is the prime matter, what is the philosophical mercury that goes with it?
A: Wrong “track.”

Q: What is the right track?
A: See several answers back.

Q: It is not ethereally correct to answer this?
A: No, sound, Laura, sound! See Leed Skallen.

Q: How does one produce this sound?
A: We have given you the pieces, now “fit them in.”

Q: Well, they say that prime matter is that which is created by God and is firmly captured within you, yourself, and that any creature of God deprived of it will die. So, I have come to the idea that this prime matter is blood, which is connected to the hemoglobin molecule, which is...
A: What is the human body composed of? 77 per cent... what?

Q: Well, water...
A: Bingo!

Q: Well, how does one change the water in one’s body to heavy water, and what kind of effect does that have on the system?
A: See previous responses!

Q: How does one make the water in the body into heavy water?
A: See previous responses!

Q: Is it as simple as going into a trance an humming ‘ooom?’
A: On the right track, but short of destination.

Q: Does it have something to do with the bones... using the bones in the body as resonators?
A: Just review when convenient. Guessing will derail you.

Q: I need a clue about this sound...
A: You have been given this.

Q: Well, I thought about the DNA, marrow, blood, hemoglobin, magnetite, and the fact that blood is manufactured in the marrow of the bones, and the symbolism of the skull and crossbones which is also the symbol of the Rosie Cross, and the image of the blood of the pelican - so it just made me think that blood was important. Does blood have something to do with this internal sound or does the sound change the blood?
A: No more on this.
I had a recurring dream for several years. I was drowning in a liquid. I would always wake up without any conclusion to the dream, often in the night. I stopped having the dream when a voice spoke to me in the dream and said, "if you don't breathe you will die, what have you got to lose, you can breathe liquid, people have lied to you so you are going to die because you believe a lie. I breathed the liquid and then woke up. I wondered if it had something to do with amniotic fluid.

Interesting dream. Water in dreams is sometimes interpreted as referring to our unconscious mind. While your dream was about a liquid rather than plain water, traditional interpretations might still apply.

To see calm, clear water in your dream, signifies that you are in tune with your spirituality. It denotes serenity, peace of mind, and rejuvenation.


I wonder if the elevator signifies going down deep into the unconscious represented by the liquid. As for the pregnant women around you - maybe people beginning a new life/rejuvenating?
thanks Shijing

Thanks Shijing. I found that transcript quite interesing. Maybe dreaming of this heavy water/liquid is something about transformation? The other clue being the
pregnant women...maybe they were bathing themselves in this liquid getting ready to give birth to something new? I have a feeling it has to do with the work that is being done here by all of us. I too am doing the EE program now for 2 months and am having very vivid dreams. Always dreamt a lot but now they are getting clearer and seem more real.
manitoban said:

Interesting dream. Water in dreams is sometimes interpreted as referring to our unconscious mind. While your dream was about a liquid rather than plain water, traditional interpretations might still apply.

To see calm, clear water in your dream, signifies that you are in tune with your spirituality. It denotes serenity, peace of mind, and rejuvenation.


I wonder if the elevator signifies going down deep into the unconscious represented by the liquid. As for the pregnant women around you - maybe people beginning a new life/rejuvenating?

Thank you Manitoban! Yes I am familiar with dream symbols, always had a lot of "funky" dreams and many of them with water. Everything from drowning in it, tidal waves, breathing it, swimming with whales etc and can definitely say that when I dream water it is about my emotional state of mind and do agree with the meaning of calm, clear water. Don't know if it applies here as I have never dreamt swimming in this strange liquid before.
I think you are right about the elevator...like walking down the stairs, must have been deep in my unconscious.
One effect of heavy water in the body is proper protein folding, and may help with difficult genetic conditions.

Edit: the article.

Chemical chaperones are small molecules that help proteins be folded into their correct configuration, and hence can ensure protein stability or help the body eliminate misfolded protein. Since many challenging diseases (particularly genetic ones) are a result of misfolded or non-functional proteins, chemical chaperons offer a potentially invaluable therapeutic strategy.
Note: I believe the physiologic zeta potential has an important role in ensuring the correct folding of proteins.

Some of the best-known chemical chaperones include glycerol, deuterated water, and DMSO (which is thought to be in part due to it creating a tighter packing around proteins and stabilizing their confirmation).
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