Thanks for the link to the documentary and results of Henrik Svensmark's extraordinary research.
There is another very recent thread here on the forum by Pashalis on Gerald Pollack's theory of Electrically Structured Water:,31363.msg415790.html#msg415790
Pashalis said:
I found a interesting presentation wich I would like to share.
GERALD POLLACK: Electrically Structured Water, Part 1 | EU 2013:
GERALD POLLACK: Electrically Structured Water, Part 2 | EU 2013:
In the beginning of the second part of the video series, Mr. Pollack puts forward a theory of cloud formation by making use of his theory of a negatively charged EZ layer (made up of water molecules) that surrounds a charged aerosol particle. He says that clouds form due to attraction of positively charged protons in the cloud with this negatively EZ layer of water molecules. Henrik Svensmark's theory seems to suggest that higher concentration of cosmic rays increase the formation of aerosol particles (that may be charged or plasma-like). Hence, by the EZ layer theory, cloud formation should get easier with increased influx of cosmic rays into the atmosphere.
There is also the question of the effect of Sun's magnetic field on these incoming cosmic rays. If there is some sort electrical grounding taking place due a dark binary star in the solar system, it would be interesting to see its effect on the electric charge and consequently the magnetic field of the Sun.
Weather has been very severe in the recent months. The Cs say that weather is a reflection of battles between 4d STS and STO. They also say that the electromagnetic components of the approaching Wave are causing planets of the solar system to heat up besides other effects. There was also discussion about a recent burst of gamma rays from a huge supernova here:,31265.msg413508.html#msg413508
What I am really interested in is comprehending how all these things tie up together. Influx of cosmic rays maybe increasing due to supernova activity or sun's decreasing magnetic field caused by interaction with a binary star, which will lead to increasing cloud formation.
Also, there is the issue of increasing overloading of cometary dust in the Earth's atmosphere which might be causing increasing precipitation in the lower atmosphere or cosmic radiation in the upper.
What we suspect has really been happening, based on our research thus far, is that the upper atmosphere is cooling because it is being loaded with comet dust, which shows up in the form of noctilucent clouds and other upper atmospheric formations. The comet dust is electrically charged which is causing the earth's rotation to slow marginally. The slowing of the rotation is reducing the magnetic field, opening earth to more dangerous cosmic radiation and stimulating more volcanism.
And lastly, the heating effects of the Wave and global warming and how it might be enhancing cloud formation resulting in all kinds of weird weather we are noticing in the world everyday.
Q: (L) Other than floods, anything else for Florida upcoming?
A: All areas experience accelerating "freak weather
Q: (L) Okay, all of these freaky weather patterns and bizarre
things going on on the planet, how does it relate to the
comet cluster and the brown star? Is it related?
A: Human experiential cycle intersects.
Q: (L) Any specifice physical manifestation of either this
brown star or this comet cluster or this realm border,
that is related to these events on the planet?
A: Approach of wave stimulates precursor activity which in
turn causes effects which in turn stimulates further
"heating up" of activity...
Q: (L) I thought it was curious that you used the term 'birth
of the spike.' Is there something or someone that was
born at that particular time?
A: No. Spike is as on a graph...
Q: (L) Okay, is there anyway we could graph this ourselves,
and if so, what types of events would we include to create
the background data?
A: "El Nino, La Nina," etc...
Q: (L) Is this El Nino thing connected to sunspot cycles?
A: No.
Q: (L) It has its own cycle. I don't think it has been
tracked for long enough to get...
A: Global warming, a part of the human experiential cycle.
Q: (L) I read where Edgar Cayce said that a sligth increase
in global temperature would make hurricanes something like
5 times stronger... given a baseline temperature. Does
this mean we are going to have stronger and more frequent
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Will they hit land more frequently, or just spin out
in the ocean?
A: Either, or.
I know I might be very off but this documentary just made me see all these connections, which may or may not exist, that I couldn't see earlier. This info makes for a good discussion. Thanks.