how about discussing recent EU re-map. UK is now in 5 parts


jake abf

A recent article deals with loss of languages on the world scene, yet I see no reaction to EU carving up UK into 5 parts in a recent re-map of EU. These separating 5 parts makes english by default the majority of speakers in these countries. Is this a sign scandinavian languages are history? Its a given in EU HQ Brussels that English is used to speak to reps from these countries. If you read editorials in respective scandinavian countries like Sweden or Danmark( not a misspell, thats what Danes call it) local newspapers are nearly hysterical in their save the language at all costs propaganda. Together scandinavia incl Finland, Iceland is under 30 million population. UK is about 60 million, by dividing UK into 12 million folks parcels, they outnumber the host country they are placed in. A close read of Margot Wallstroms blog shows she goes along with this admin plan as a practical necessity in an expanding EU.
The av Brit like the av amareekin one meets over here takes for granted everybody speaks english and accepts the currency to boot. No other language and currency carries that kind of clout. The av Brit thinks of Danish as a disease 'cuz it sounds like a Dane is getting ready no puke on them. Germans have the same attitude to spoken Dutch and don't like to get saliva sprayed when the dutch let loose with their gutturals. I speak a scandinavian language like a typical amareekin and my German comes across likewise, but I am still understood, despite this amareekin handicap. I do a real number on French and it sounds hilarious, 'cept to a die hard frenchy. No I don't say whores ovaries for hor doeuvres. I even heard an amareekin call them horses duvers. I hope you follow my point here, it ain't that easy for a amareekin frum the deep down south yawl to pass for a native in them there langwidges. I haven't quite gone as far as saying nook you lere for nuclear like a whole bunch of amareekins over here do.
Since the power scene usually follows the money, its only a matter of time the EU will have to come to grips with a national language or do a Switzerland with 4 of them to keep the majority blocks happy. English and German are givens in this scenario, the large slavic east bloc wants theirs, the rest of the romance languages are gonna have to slug it out. I forsee the Pope and catholic church having a deciding say in this scenario, 'cuz a whole lotta money is at stake here.
A very large, unrepresented arabic presence makes them a economic power group over here. I see a lot of changes in the very near future looming over the horizon, since the amareekins will be in an Orwellian permanent warfare mode, EU by default is the U.S safety valve. I hope the editors of sott are doing their homework on the terrestrial plane and not lost sight of the plight of the planet. There is a recent spate of heavens related phenomena that is diverting attention away from good ole terra firma and tons of spin to boot to obfuscate matters.
I can't comment on the EU situation, as I've not done any research into it.

However, as to your comments below:

I hope the editors of sott are doing their homework on the terrestrial plane and not lost sight of the plight of the planet. There is a recent spate of heavens related phenomena that is diverting attention away from good ole terra firma and tons of spin to boot to obfuscate matters.
I think you'll find, if you read a lot more of this site, that the editors of SOTT spend most of their time researching "terrestrial" matters. Ponerology is one of their most important "terrestrial" areas of research, and it's no small thing. That they spend some time on phenomena from the heavens simply shows that they take a holistic approach to our situation here on earth.
Third_Density_Resident said:
I can't comment on the EU situation, as I've not done any research into it.

However, as to your comments below:

I hope the editors of sott are doing their homework on the terrestrial plane and not lost sight of the plight of the planet. There is a recent spate of heavens related phenomena that is diverting attention away from good ole terra firma and tons of spin to boot to obfuscate matters.
I think you'll find, if you read a lot more of this site, that the editors of SOTT spend most of their time researching "terrestrial" matters. Ponerology is one of their most important "terrestrial" areas of research, and it's no small thing. That they spend some time on phenomena from the heavens simply shows that they take a holistic approach to our situation here on earth.
In fact, the Signs page is one of the VERY few, if not the only News site that covers a broad range of topics, including, and in particular, the "plight of the planet".

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