How hypnotizable are you?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I encountered a small video that gave small examples of hypnotic inductions and visualizations, to teach people how it feels to be in a state of heightened suggestibility. In the video you're asked to do certain things with your hands, and follow a guided visualization. Some of the side-effects of the experience along the way (if you follow the instructions) provide indicators on how much your body subconsciously responds to suggestions. I tried going through each activity twice, one time trying to oppose the predicted outcomes of a hypnotizable person, and one time trying to generate the outcomes them as best I could. The internal mental/sensorimotor sensations felt kind of different in the different tries. As a side note it was hard trying to go into the activity with nonanticipation, as I have read enough about it to understand what each process was trying to effect. That was just my own experience though. :)

I'm sure there's other videos like this out there, but this one stuck out for me.
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