How Your Facial Features Reveal Your Heart's Health


FOTCM Member
This is a short video (almost 10 minutes) on how to spot potential heart problems through face reading based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Since various facial organs correspond to the heart, Dr Hui also offers tips and little exercises on how to stimulate them in order to improve the general health of this vital organ. Given that heart issues are becoming all the more prominent in our world, for both genders, this might provide some help for early recognition of potential problems and prevention.

Here's the video and the accompanying blurb:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been practiced for thousands of years and offers a unique approach to diagnosing and treating various health conditions, including heart health. In this video, we'll explore how we can use facial analysis to identify potential heart problems and the significance of different facial features in diagnosing heart conditions. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of TCM and discover how you can use this ancient practice to promote a healthy heart.

Dr. Alex Hui (Dr.TCM, R.TCM.P, R.Ac.) is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Registered Acupuncturist, Registered TCM Herbalist, Qi Gong and Tai Chi Practitioner. Besides clinical practice, Dr. Hui also focuses on health education and promoting Traditional Chinese Medicine via online platforms.

This might be an interesting video to watch if you would like to protect your cardiovascular health and blood vessels in addition to the exercises mentioned in the video above:

EO Nutrition mentions several supplements and herbs that could be helpful like gingko biloba and l-arginine (together with vit. C).

Added: @Alana, thanks for posting this very useful video!
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