HR 5736 The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Saw this while eating breakfast this morning. Nothing really new for SOTT readers (though I saw no mention of HR 5736 via short search) but I thought it was refreshing to see this on the news stand.
selected quote follows:
And yes, our government is also now allowed to create propaganda tailored specifically for U.S. public consumption, using any media as it sees fit, while remaining anonymous as the source of the material being reported.

This covert activity by our government's state department (Public Diplomacy) and Public Affairs department can only occur with corporate media's full complicity, for which it is well compensated, thanks to the tax dollars appropriated by the SMMA. It means that when our own government's propaganda is presented to we the American people as news, we are none the wiser that it is scripted, orchestrated, and fully supported with the invisible USBS (United States BullS---) seal of approval.

The SMMA provides for ample funding for U.S. propaganda programming, incentivizing the corporate-media cartel to partner with the BBG for a new source of revenue to backstop its operational budgets that have been declining due to years of increasingly low ratings, social media competition, loss of relevance, and the public's growing loss of confidence in media's reporting veracity regardless of political affiliation.

The SMMA promotes unholy alliances between the U.S. State Department and America's corporate media that unbinds reporters and news departments from the solemn responsibility to verify information.

Traditional “news,” based on reliable, verifiable fact-based evidence is slowly giving way to “newz” – an ersatz form of information dissemination via broadcasting and/or publishing that enjoys specialized immunity for libel, misinformation, false or fraudulent information, misrepresentation, and anything else previously prohibited by the SMA. If serving a national security purpose(s), the media cartel has a government-sanctioned license to lie.

full text here:
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