On the subject of human origins, the C's said the following:
The C's have said that Prototype 3 (Neanderthal) appeared on earth 5.3 million years ago, and coexisted for 233 years with Cro-Magnon, which "landed" approx. 70,000 years ago. The point the Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson make in their book Forbidden Archaeology is that there doesn't seem to be any clear evidence in the fossil record of a clear progression from one hominid species to the other. This supports the C's data. The point out many problems with the fossil record and possible misidentification and combination of separate species in examples of Australopithecus, Homo habilis and Homo erectus. Australopithecine species have been found not only in Africa, but in China, Indonesia, and SE Asia. Their anatomy also indicates the lived on trees, not on land, indicating they were simply an ape species. For the record, here's the "official" as summarized by Cremo, with a little extra research thrown in.
20-5 MYA - Dryopithecine apes
6-7 MYA - hominids arrival
6 MYA - Orrorin tugensis / Millenium man (possibly just an upright ape)
4.4-5.8 MYA - Ardepithecus (probably extinct ape)
4-5 - Australopithecus afarensis, followed by A. robustus, A. boisei, A. anamensis, and A. aethiopicus (probably extinct ape)
3.5 MYA - Kenyanthropus platyops (Meave Leakey proposed this as alternative to Australopithecus as human ancestor)
2 MYA - H. habilis (latest found 1.8 MYA)
1.6 MYA - H. erectus
500 KYA - H. neanderthalensis (earliest fossil is 130 KYA, disappeared 20 KYA)
200 KYA - H. sapiens
150 KYA - H. sapiens idaltu (extinct)
100 KYA - H. sapiens sapiens (anatomically modern humans)
35 KYA - Cro-Magnon
Wikipedia lists the following as hominids:
Most species listed seem to be different names for the same type. Obviously, the fossil record cannot be fully trusted, and is not a reliable indicator of when one species appeared and disappeared. (E.g., there was no gorilla fossil record until AFTER the discovery of gorillas.) Which leads to my questions:
Which species fit the designations of prototypes 1 and 2, with possible subdivisions (a, b, c, etc.)? (Were they Homo habilis and Homo erectus, respectively?)
How many years ago did each appear and when did they disappear?
How do we account for modern femurs and other fossils being found millions of years ago, as documented in Cremo's book?
Also, on the subject of modern humans, the C's mentioned prototyopes 4 C and D. What is the distinction? Is it racial or perhaps OP/non-OP?
What were/are human types 4 A and B?
Q: What is number 3 prototype?
A: Known as Neanderthal man.
Q: And what are we?
A: Number 4 types c and d. Translation into English comprehension. [...]
Q: Are you saying that the physical bodies on planet earth, the various types of mankind such as Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, Australopithicus, etc., were generated on that other planet and then brought here?
A: Yes.
The C's have said that Prototype 3 (Neanderthal) appeared on earth 5.3 million years ago, and coexisted for 233 years with Cro-Magnon, which "landed" approx. 70,000 years ago. The point the Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson make in their book Forbidden Archaeology is that there doesn't seem to be any clear evidence in the fossil record of a clear progression from one hominid species to the other. This supports the C's data. The point out many problems with the fossil record and possible misidentification and combination of separate species in examples of Australopithecus, Homo habilis and Homo erectus. Australopithecine species have been found not only in Africa, but in China, Indonesia, and SE Asia. Their anatomy also indicates the lived on trees, not on land, indicating they were simply an ape species. For the record, here's the "official" as summarized by Cremo, with a little extra research thrown in.
20-5 MYA - Dryopithecine apes
6-7 MYA - hominids arrival
6 MYA - Orrorin tugensis / Millenium man (possibly just an upright ape)
4.4-5.8 MYA - Ardepithecus (probably extinct ape)
4-5 - Australopithecus afarensis, followed by A. robustus, A. boisei, A. anamensis, and A. aethiopicus (probably extinct ape)
3.5 MYA - Kenyanthropus platyops (Meave Leakey proposed this as alternative to Australopithecus as human ancestor)
2 MYA - H. habilis (latest found 1.8 MYA)
1.6 MYA - H. erectus
500 KYA - H. neanderthalensis (earliest fossil is 130 KYA, disappeared 20 KYA)
200 KYA - H. sapiens
150 KYA - H. sapiens idaltu (extinct)
100 KYA - H. sapiens sapiens (anatomically modern humans)
35 KYA - Cro-Magnon
Wikipedia lists the following as hominids:
* Homo – immediate ancestors of modern humans
o Homo habilis†
o Homo rudolfensis†
o Homo ergaster†
o Homo georgicus†
o Homo erectus†
o Homo cepranensis†
o Homo antecessor†
o Homo heidelbergensis†
o Homo rhodesiensis†
o Homo neanderthalensis†
o Homo sapiens
+ Homo sapiens idaltu†
+ Archaic Homo sapiens (Cro-magnon)†
o Homo floresiensis†
* Oreopithecus†
* Paranthropus†
* Australopithecus†
* Sahelanthropus†(hominid status highly problematic)
* Orrorin†
* Ardipithecus† (hominid status highly problematic)
* Kenyanthropus†
Most species listed seem to be different names for the same type. Obviously, the fossil record cannot be fully trusted, and is not a reliable indicator of when one species appeared and disappeared. (E.g., there was no gorilla fossil record until AFTER the discovery of gorillas.) Which leads to my questions:
Which species fit the designations of prototypes 1 and 2, with possible subdivisions (a, b, c, etc.)? (Were they Homo habilis and Homo erectus, respectively?)
How many years ago did each appear and when did they disappear?
How do we account for modern femurs and other fossils being found millions of years ago, as documented in Cremo's book?
Also, on the subject of modern humans, the C's mentioned prototyopes 4 C and D. What is the distinction? Is it racial or perhaps OP/non-OP?
What were/are human types 4 A and B?