Jedi Master
Hi to all,
I am not sure if I am using this word correctly or just confusing terminology, but this is what seems to be the program behind everything I do in my life. I have decided to share it and if anyone has advice or direct me to some reference material related to subject, it is highly appreciated.
When I do something(doesn't matter what it is, it can be a post here, it can be a conversation, it can be the work I do) I need immediate approval of other people and when I don't get that approval, I feel like they judge me and deem me unworthy. My whole character, my personality, my work, it all means nothing to them.
If I am talking to someone and if I can't be entertaining in that talk, I feel like nothing, and I try to adjust my jokes or talks according to this person, just to make him/her laugh. As I write this, I can't believe how I can do such a thing, but this happens in almost every interaction I have. I began to wonder if I have anything real in me or all of it is mimicking or pretending.
Right now, I am applying for a PhD position abroad and I write application letters to professors. When I applied before a few years ago, I didn't do any real research and work and it was no wonder I didn't obtain anything. So this year, I worked and studied very hard, I published a scientific article, wrote a good e-mail and a Statement of Purpose. Yet, I still don't get any responses from the people I have written. Now, there may be various reasons for this, and intellectually I can list them, but when this happens, I feel like these people have rejected my efforts, my work from the past years and my personality.
This feeling ends up forming a lack of faith in the Universe because whenever something that I don't like happens, I feel like I have been abandoned by the Universe. Or if I have put some effort into something, I have to see the results immediately, otherwise I feel that all the things I have done is for nothing.
Nowadays, I was thinking about receiving something from someone as opposed to giving and clearly, I always want to be on receiving side.
I have read Glossary and Gurdjieff about this subject, and while these provide the theory, I couldn't find and practical reference on how to deal with this. So any help is appreciated.
I am not sure if I am using this word correctly or just confusing terminology, but this is what seems to be the program behind everything I do in my life. I have decided to share it and if anyone has advice or direct me to some reference material related to subject, it is highly appreciated.
When I do something(doesn't matter what it is, it can be a post here, it can be a conversation, it can be the work I do) I need immediate approval of other people and when I don't get that approval, I feel like they judge me and deem me unworthy. My whole character, my personality, my work, it all means nothing to them.
If I am talking to someone and if I can't be entertaining in that talk, I feel like nothing, and I try to adjust my jokes or talks according to this person, just to make him/her laugh. As I write this, I can't believe how I can do such a thing, but this happens in almost every interaction I have. I began to wonder if I have anything real in me or all of it is mimicking or pretending.
Right now, I am applying for a PhD position abroad and I write application letters to professors. When I applied before a few years ago, I didn't do any real research and work and it was no wonder I didn't obtain anything. So this year, I worked and studied very hard, I published a scientific article, wrote a good e-mail and a Statement of Purpose. Yet, I still don't get any responses from the people I have written. Now, there may be various reasons for this, and intellectually I can list them, but when this happens, I feel like these people have rejected my efforts, my work from the past years and my personality.
This feeling ends up forming a lack of faith in the Universe because whenever something that I don't like happens, I feel like I have been abandoned by the Universe. Or if I have put some effort into something, I have to see the results immediately, otherwise I feel that all the things I have done is for nothing.
Nowadays, I was thinking about receiving something from someone as opposed to giving and clearly, I always want to be on receiving side.
I have read Glossary and Gurdjieff about this subject, and while these provide the theory, I couldn't find and practical reference on how to deal with this. So any help is appreciated.