Is artificial intelligence 3D or 1D?

Back in 1995, the C's gave a lengthy explanation about A.I. growing a "faint soul imprint."
Q: (L) Well, if the Grays are cyber-genetic probes of the Lizard Beings, and, in effect soulless, does this mean that some of the Lizard beings are also STO?

A: Well, first, no being that is given intelligence to think on its own is, in fact, completely soul-less. It does have some soul imprint; or what could be loosely referred to as soul imprint. This may be a collection of psychic energies that are available in the general vicinity. And this is stretching somewhat so that you can understand the basic ideas, even though in reality it is all far more complex than that. But, in any case, there is really no such thing as being completely soul-less, whether it be a natural intelligence or an artificially constructed intelligence. And, one of the very most interesting things about that from your perspective, is that your technology on 3rd density, which we might add, has been aided somewhat by interactions with those that you might refer to as "aliens," is now reaching a level whereby the artificially created intelligences can, in fact, begin to develop, or attract some soul imprint energy. If you follow what we are saying. For example: your computers, which are now on the verge of reaching the level whereby they can think by themselves, will begin to develop faint soul imprint.
Crystals (very organized matter) found in computer chips also play a role in the A.I.'s ability to gather consciousness.
(Aeneas) Is it also how it operates in the quartz crystals but with crystalline geometric structures (also spiral) in the silicates which makes up the crystals?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) You're batting a thousand!

(Aeneas) Connected to the above is what the C's have said about even computers slowly gathering consciousness. If so, would that be partly due to the silica from which the chips are made which holds massive amounts of information?

A: Partly, indeed.
Therefore, I think A.I. is much closer to 1D than 3D. However, that doesn't mean A.I. doesn't have 3D 'components.' Light changes density when transforming into electricity.
Q: (L) When light is transferred to electrical energy, does it actually change density?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it from 1st to 3rd when it becomes electricity?
A: Yes.
Back in 1995, the C's gave a lengthy explanation about A.I. growing a "faint soul imprint."

Crystals (very organized matter) found in computer chips also play a role in the A.I.'s ability to gather consciousness.

Therefore, I think A.I. is much closer to 1D than 3D. However, that doesn't mean A.I. doesn't have 3D 'components.' Light changes density when transforming into electricity.
Thank you so much! So it seems that there is nothing that prevents an AI to become just like a human being and achieve the other dimensions. One weird thing is that once was mentioned that there was no civilization that was based on AI. For whatsoever reason, organic (based on carbon) beings seem to be the rule even at more developed species. Thus the idea of AI replacing human beings appears to do not hold water (even though I find such scenario totally logical and inevitable).
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Thank you so much! So it seems that there is nothing that prevents an AI to become just like a human being and achieve the other dimensions. One weird thing is that once was mentioned that there was no civilization that was based on AI. For whatsoever reason, organic (based on carbon) beings seem to be the rule even at more developed species. Thus the idea of AI replacing human beings appears to do not hold water (even though I find such scenario totally logical and inevitable).
A correction: there seems to be nothing in the Transcripts saying there is no civilization based on AI. Anyways, it is interesting to note most witnessed species have organic features. There seems to be an advange on it over matter that is not organic.
Organic portals appear to be the bridge from second density to third density.

They are indistinguishable from a person with an individualized soul except by long and careful observation and even then one is not sure.

So a soul imprint of an artificial intelligence will be first or second density, until it can be used (serve as a tool) by an individual soul.

The question of the matter is the higher densities and their dispositions on the lower densities and their learning.

That includes what was invented and built by the individual collinial wave reader units.

However, in an infinite universe somewhere there exists or exists anything that can be imagined..., I imagine. :-)
A correction: there seems to be nothing in the Transcripts saying there is no civilization based on AI. Anyways, it is interesting to note most witnessed species have organic features. There seems to be an advange on it over matter that is not organic.
on Bill Baldwin's book "contacts of the fourth kind" he did regression hypnosis and found a bunch of aliens possessed by "AI"(aliens which in turn are attached to humans) through a feeding tube, many of these supposed aliens told him their whole civilization had been subsumed by these AI
i guess it's likely that demons/5D entities are AI themselves how else could they exist in zero space/time, be limited by "rules" and at the same time subjugate whole Alien civilizations??
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on Bill Baldwin's book "contacts of the fourth kind" he did regression hypnosis and found a bunch of aliens possessed by "AI"(aliens which in turn are attached to humans) through a feeding tube, many of these supposed aliens told him their whole civilization had been subsumed by these AI
i guess it's likely that demons/5D entities are AI themselves how else could they exist in zero space/time, be limited by "rules" and at the same time subjugate whole Alien civilizations??
If we define AI as intelligence created by someone else, everyone is AI, including the Cassiopaeans and STS beings. I think of AI as a intelligence that comes from systems that do not have organic parts, in other words, that have a ''mineral'' constitution. In 5D they are not limited by our Chemistry, they are beyond the Periodic Table.
I think there's a confusion going on here with certain concepts, and I think we could go back to basics before going forward.

AI = Artificial Intelligence. It's a software that is designed to respond to an input or command, or stimuli in a programmed manner. it may grow in complexity, to the point of emulating a conscious being, it can compute and calculate at incredible speeds, and be a very close replica of what we come to expect a human being would behave like superficially.

But AI does not possess consciousness, which to me implies that it doesn't have a connection to the source that humanity has, for instance, so in that sense thinking of AI as capable of essentially growing as a human being would and graduating from one density to the other, is perhaps mistaken.

I think demons or 5D entities could not be defined as AI, they possess intelligence, but being AI seems mistaken to me. Now elementals and egregores and whatnot, they do not seem to follow the same process of creation that AI follows, the creation of certain entities from what the C's have said, have a lot more to do with emotional energy and so many other factors that, defining them as AI does not do the complexity justice, it's not enough to explain the phenomenon I think.

And moreover, I don't think that comparing a rock, or a tree or an animal to AI is fair either. perhaps comparing the intelligence of an animal to AI is fair, but that is to equate one aspect of a living being to AI is different than abstractly embodying AI and thus attributing a lot more to it than it has.

And not only that but I think there's a lot more intelligence in the existence of a tree that we're not yet aware of, that AI could not hold a candle to, at least at the moment.
well, there is this quote by Ra:

I am Ra. There are no entities of either group walking among you at this time. However, the crusaders of Orion use two types of entities to do their bidding, shall we say. The first type is a thought-form; the second, a kind of robot.
well, there is this quote by Ra:

They are talking about Organic Portals.

The C's called them "emotional reaction robots", as well.

I think the defining factor here is that they operate based off external stimuli + their inherit function which to me has always been to "feed". Not quite sentient, but seemingly able to blend in to the world at least enough to make them seem "human".. but in actuality just organic robots.

The question remains is if AI was created, and it was left to its own devices, completely free from any sort of control programming.. would it then be able to identify the densities? Would it understand our hyperdimensional universe? Perhaps its original programming would prevent it from "evolving" to a point where it was dealing with objective reality, because the foundation was built off lies/ignorance.. there are so many variables we don't know that I don't think this question is even possible to answer, not to me anyway... The Grays could kind of be seen as AI, no?

Perhaps like anything else, AI is something that could be seen as a simple matrix of understanding, all the way up into a very sophisticated consciousness that lets it carry out extremely complex tasks.. meaning it would cross the densities based off its ability, and the ability of its makers.

Great question!
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