Is the bright white light and tunnel an alien trap for discarnate spirits?


Padawan Learner
Is the bright white light and tunnel an alien trap for discarnate spirits?

This is a question which has come up in my mind a while. It didn't come from something I can think I have right read before. Yet some time after that thought I did found "by chance" some books and articles asserting specifically this as a fact. What those writers are foremost saying about is that the light and tunnel are long-term alien devices in "implant facilities" planned to lure and capture souls, erase their life memories, programming them, and then returning them to earth.

Thinking in particular on some notables, for example research Truman Cash, in The Eye of Ra: There is a thread around:,31391.

Also a peculiar case is Simon Parkes (,27283). He is known as a British elected politician who has a number of videos in Youtube on aliens et al. Some of his claims are his mother worked for MI5, his grandfather worked for MI6, he is a ex-Illuminati, he is a recurrent abductee, and more (says him). Whence he seems to endorse good part of Marciniak writings, so many of his statements are in accordance with C's but there are also those ones that somewhat digress from them. Here is a few excerpts (though most a little off topic) from a 2013 interview with Parkes: said:
Q: Which groups of ETs or interdimensionals are the most significant assets to human advancement and well-being?
[...] It won't be the answer they expected, and it's the Mantids. ...or the Mantis. And that will really surprise and shock people. Because they will expect Pleiadians or Andromedans or another humanoid group. They won't expect the answer I’ve just given. It's difficult because Mantids take part in abductions and a number of people have reported that Mantids hurt them. So for me to seat here and say, "Actually, Mantids are one of human race’s best" I can't use the word... get-out-of-jail card, but they are one of the most helpful, and will become one of the most helpful assets that humanity can get its hand on. But most people will have great difficulty understanding them.
People generally think of the Pleiadians as the good guys and the Reptilians as the bad guys. What I would say is that the Pleiadians are particularly warlike and they are far more benevolent for humanity. Pleiadians dislike the fact that humans have been manipulated, that humans don’t have the full information at their fingertips to make a choice. So the Pleiadians are a race of people who have off and on fought Reptilian groups and have aligned themselves with other alien forces who are against the Reptile forces.
Well, first of all let me say that I have the highest regard… he’s passed on now, but… for Zecharia Sitchin. I think he was an excellent, excellent academic, and he did genuinely interpret the tablets correctly. What I’m suggesting is that the tablets were planted and the information on those tablets, or some of those tablets, was actually inaccurate. The long-term plan for those who would rule us would be for us to accept any particular type of alien as our creators. And because if you look on an alien force as a God-force, you are then very, very, very beholden to that creature, and you feel that you are inferior to that creature.... What I’ve always said is that what they did was alter us. Humanity was already existing upon the Earth but it was altered.
And because they [Reptilians] felt that way, when they were putting the control implants – and I don’t mean physical implants – into human’s minds, they did not work with the black races. They worked with the white races with the result now that it is very hard for a Reptilian or what-have-you to take control or mind-control a black person because they do not have the access codes to a black person in the same way they have to a Caucasian simply because when they were doing their dumbing-down and their altering of the human mind, they left the black races alone. However, they did make contact with a number of black races and one of them was the Zulu tribe.
The CERN device would create a huge amount of energy, which… the design was to affect that Wave of energy which you have already mentioned that was coming down, and to fracture it in such a way that it would hold up or slow down the process of ascension for humanity. [...] It didn’t work. It didn’t work when they needed it to work, which is good.
When the airplane arrived at Tehran air field, the leader of the bodyguards – it’s always a Seal Team; the bodyguards are not CIA or NSA, the bodyguards are always Seal, Navy Seal Teams – the lead bodyguard, the commander of the bodyguards, shot Clinton with a handgun. Didn’t obviously kill her. [...] Another plane was sent immediately to recover and that is why the news said that Hillary Clinton had had a fall or had some form of accident that had happened. And that is why she lost her job because that Seal guy knew that she was earmarked to be president of the United States after Obama and [...].
We’ve talked about the white light and humans are conditioned through their life here to always look towards the light. So DON’T!! If you see bright white light, it’s a mousetrap. That’s why it’s there. What you must do is turn yourself away from it in exactly the opposite direction and travel in that. And again you will find the white light coming towards you. Again that trap will come there. You must turn away from it and you must just say in your mind, ‘I seek to return to where I am from. I seek the Source’. And you keep doing it, and you’ll either be successful or you won’t.
Hi Gateway

This what the C’ had to say about it:

[quote author= July 19, 1995]Q: (L) Now, the question has arisen that, since other dimensional beings have the ability to kidnap or abduct or forcibly extract souls, do they also have the capability of manipulating our soul essences after they have left our bodies during the transition to fifth density?
A: Not correct.
Q: (L) They do not?
A: No, you see when your physical body expires, and you enter fifth density, this is done one way and one way only: by passing through a conduit which opens specifically for the purpose of transference from third density to fifth density. Now, something often referred to in your terminology as a silver thread, is like a closed line which opens when this conduit is needed. That's rather awkward, but it's the only way to describe it. So that when the physical body terminates, this line is opened forming a conduit through which the soul passes naturally. However, part of the existence of this conduit is that it is absolutely impenetrable by any force from any density level. Therefore, souls in the process of transferring from third density to fifth density are not in any way able to be molested or tampered with. And it should be mentioned here, also, that the soul imprint of the physical body always has a connection to fifth density and that is through the so-called "silver thread." That always exists as the third density soul's doorway to fifth density. It can be opened at a moment's notice whenever needed. When it is opened it becomes a conduit. Through that conduit the soul passes. And it is not subject to interferency by anything. This is not a deliberate construction, it is merely the natural process similar to what could be described as the protection mechanisms existing on second level density for creatures which are not capable of protecting themselves through their own conscious thought processes. For example, your turtle is contained within a shell that protects it. That shell is impenetrable by any natural forces, therefore nothing that is natural can harm that turtle. However, the same can exist for any creature when it is connected by the silver thread to fifth density. Once it is passing through the conduit produced by the opening of the silver thread, then, of course, it cannot be tampered with. Do you understand?
Q: (L) Yes, but why do so many souls, when they leave the body, not traverse this conduit, and why do they stay earthbound, and why do they attach to other bodies? Why does this condition exist?
A: That is a complicated question, however the best answer is choice is involved there for those souls who wish not to leave the plane of third density. The only possibility to do this is to be detached from the now expired physical body but still be within the third density plane, which, of course, is not natural, but nonetheless can occcur. In situations such as this, though it has been incorrectly reported, the silver thread is still attached and still remains a thread rather than a conduit. The soul is still attached to the silver thread but detached from the host body which has now expired. So the effect is very similar to being consciously aware of third density surroundings without a third density unit to accompany. Do you understand?
Q: (L) Yes. Okay...
A: Also, please be aware of the fact that once the soul leaves the confines of the physical body, the illusion of time passage is no longer apparent even when the soul remains on the third density plane. Therefore, it appears to that soul that no time whatsoever has passed. And, we mention this merely for you to contemplate all of the various meanings behind this. [/quote]

This 'silver cord' or conduit connects every soul with 5D. And since 5D exceeds 4D, 4STS is powerless to tamper with it. I think there is even more to it. Since this conduit is a natural function, it may even shine from 7D in a way.

[quote author= Gateway]What those writers are foremost saying about is that the light and tunnel are long-term alien devices in "implant facilities" planned to lure and capture souls, erase their life memories, programming them, and then returning them to earth.[/quote]

How many souls you think are stuck in 3D because they are afraid to go to ''Hell''? I think that false information such as this can prevent souls from going to 5D. Staying earthbound is unnatural and may even help feed 4DSTS or any nasty entity that roams that plane of existence. OSIT
This is a question that I was asking me lately and the C's say, that our silver cord is a valid uplink that cannot be penetrated - which is cool.
But e.g. in Raymond Moody's book "Life after Life" it was like everyone would go into the light, negative experiences were the great exeption. This book, among others, was like an opinion leader for a growing "love and light" movement back then. Or take Michael Newton's "Journey of Souls". What bothered me reading his book: with all the extensive preparation before incarnation, why does the soul, why does humanity make so little progress? For Newton it's just the immature souls who "don't get it".

I found this at

... First, about Newton’s book. Yes, it does talk about “guides” and celestial “councils” that help us decide the direction of our next incarnation. And of course those all represent enslavement and manipulation. ...

According to the book, people are assigned a “council of three” elders who are members of the larger “council of elders” who are at the top of the hierarchy in the afterlife. This “gentle and loving” smaller council works to steer the soul into plans for its reincarnation that will be to the soul’s “spiritual benefit.” That’s as far as Newton’s book takes it, because Newton is blind to the New World Order conspiracy. Those of us aware of the New World Order agenda read the book from a very different perspective than the one the author wrote it from. We are given a window into how the manipulation of souls takes place in the nether world, and why we encounter spontaneous mishaps and disasters in this one. It is because we ourselves planned it, set it up before we born, according to the transcripts’ uncovered memories. We created events on the time line that would cause us suffering in this life, thinking those would make us wiser and better spiritually.

This explains the reason for the three kinds of scenarios you listed at the top of your comment, the kind of horrible events that strike us out of the blue, that we were not desiring – things that appear to “just happen.” The truth is, they don’t “just happen.” They happen because we allowed them. Not consciously in this life, but in the pre-life place where we set them up as part of what we would experience here. If the soul feels it is guilty (and what soul does not?), that soul will most likely set up an experience of self-punishment in this world to cleanse itself of its “bad karma.” You and I agree that karma is a story fed to us to keep us enslaved, a doctrine that when accepted always creates more suffering. The incessant suffering supplies our upline, the Fourth Dimension energy vampires, with food. That’s why they assign us a “council of elders” to “help” us design each lifetime to be studded with bad things.

It’s supposed to purge the soul, but it does not. It makes us sadder, more hurt, weaker. More prone to further manipulation and still another lifetime filled with even more “lessons to learn” and “sins to be punished.” There’s no end to the cycle until we consciously break it. And this is what the knowledge of our power to create our own reality allows us to do. Bad things may still strike us out of the blue until we fully wake up and reprogram our pre-life plans for our future. But even disasters do hit, we have the power to get out of our fixes by using our current choices (intent), visualization, and control of our thoughts to extract ourselves.


A little rant of a former light-worker: Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2
The Light Review Scam

The primary tool that the ToK use to manipulate a being into accepting nearly endless reincarnation is the (false) "Light Review." When a person's body dies, they move out into the astral realms and begin to shed most of their previously held identity. If this process were allowed to occur without interruption, the True Light of that being would emerge from within them and they would release layer upon layer of limiting beliefs generated in that incarnation. However, within the realms of the demiurgic control system, what happens is that the ToK intercept that being just as their light is starting to emerge from within and surround them in a dazzling display of colorful external light. (This is why most of the people with near-death experiences report going through a tunnel of light.) The dazzling outer display distracts the being from the light emerging from within them and hypnotizes them through frequency entrainment and activation of any and all religious programming that being had been exposed to during their incarnation. The ToK and other members of the Spiritual Liararchy such as arch(on) "angels" and "ascended masters" will often be present in the background during this process. As the individual is filled with a feeling of universal love and connectedness, they are told that this feeling is coming into them from the external "beings of light" that are surrounding them. However, this feeling of universal oneness and love is actually emerging from INSIDE of the being, and it is being reflected back to them by the ToK and the liararchy. The individual doesn't have any time to reflect on what is happening, because they are quickly moved into the "review" phase of the process. They are shown a little movie of their life which focuses on the disappointments, unfulfilled desires, painful experiences and hurtful actions the person experienced during their life. Through this biased and manipulated "life review," the being is made to feel bad about their life, which is exactly what the ToK want. They tell the person that even though they failed at so many things in their life, that they will be given a chance to go back one more time and "get things right" in a new incarnation. The being is then grateful at this chance for redemption and accepts the agreements that the ToK present them with to incarnate again. If that being was raised with a Christian type of indoctrination, they will encounter "Jesus and the angels" but be told that they are "not yet worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven." Of course, the fear of being sent to hell is so strong in their belief system that they JUMP at the chance to reincarnate and become "worthy" to enter "God's kingdom," which is actually the demiurge's kingdom. After agreeing to reincarnate, the being is then sent to a "heavenly realm" in the middle to upper astral realms to await reincarnation. This realm is nicely decorated with simulations of nature, lovely views and a staff of "guardian angels" who make sure those beings go back to earth when their time comes. Of course, those "guardians" are actually parasitic sheep-herders tending to their flock, and there is NO allowance for the beings held in this realm to go elsewhere.

WARNING: The Afterlife Life Review Is A Trap
Interesting further references Kyoshirō, thanks. Though I have to say the video, "The Afterlife Life Review Is A Trap", sounds a little sensationalist IMO.

bjorn said:
...Staying earthbound is unnatural and may even help feed 4DSTS or any nasty entity that roams that plane of existence.
Be that as it may, few years ago when first reading this C's session on the silver thread i remember feeling myself relieved. Yeah, I had also thought something like taking that as a possible nefarious scheme. So for sure keeping souls away from such light may be a plot planted by STS powers.

But if not? This is a free will universe, right? As it is stated by C's, indeed some spirits choose to ignore the silver thread conduit and remaining 3D earth bounded. So why not some souls, if not the most, could choose, exercising their free will, jumping out to an attractive and apparently "acquainted, angelical, safe" white light before they have ran the silver thread conduit till the 5D?
As I understand it, the idea that the light at the end of the tunnel is a trap was generated and propagated by LRH of Scientology. However, my personal experiences with spirit release therapy are that the earthbound spirits, attached spirits, etc, are always entrapped by being afraid of the light and turning away from it.

One thing that these theories do not take into account is the possibility of Organic Portals which are "souled" by something like a group soul similar to animal souls and are a long way from growth/individuation.
[quote author= Gateway]So for sure keeping souls away from such light may be a plot planted by STS powers.[/quote]

That’s might be a very good possibility. Just remember that without physicality there is in truth no way they can keep and lock you earthbound. You can only be trapped by your own mind by choosing to stay there. By fear, believing lies or whatever reason. The 'silver cord' is always there.
bjorn said:
This 'silver cord' or conduit connects every soul with 5D.

It's interesting the C's have used an identical term in describing the movement from 3rd D into 4th D. And it's similarly through a "conduit."

Apparently the conduit (from any density below -- to 5th D) is an automatic passage. While the one (from 3rd D to 4th D) is conditional.

This has (I think) interesting implications regarding the nature of these passages (conduits.)

By their use of the same term, I'm guessing the mechanics are similar in all cases. Suggesting a pathway of sorts.

In Kalachakra, much detail is given on the intricacies of this pathway. From dissolution of various bodily elements (earth, water, winds ... etc.,) right down to the "clear light" state. The implication here, is that the process is knowable -- and amendable to manipulation & enhancement. (This would be an internal manipulation, and not from anything external.)

While all that is intriguing, I just don't have nearly sufficient knowledge to tell if it's accurate -- or way off the mark.

Lynn at
did one or more readings on that question..

Q. Hi Lynn!! I just read an article that reminded me about the man who somehow figured out how not to go to the light when he died. This article explains in detail how to turn away from the hypnotizing tunnel where you will eventually be recycled back to earth so that you can escape the matrix and be free to do what you choose. Does this resonate with you?

A. This does resonate with me. I see that there are a few things that someone can do when they pass to avoid having memories wiped away in the tunnel. First, don't go down the tunnel. I see that you need to have some kind of plan or belief system in place to avoid it. The tunnel is warm and enticing, so it is difficult to resist. It is designed that way to lure you in, but if you have a strong will upon passing, you can turn away much easier.

If you want to incarnate and retain as much wisdom as possible, I get there is a vibration that you need to give off when you pass through the tunnel. It visually looks like this vibration allows you go through the tunnel and pass through the light waves because your vibration works opposite of the natural vibration in the tunnel. I get that highly spiritual people have learned how to do this.

( from Psychic Focus Blog . com )

I think in another reading on this subject She said
Carlos Castaneda knew how to humm something
and go thru the tunnel with out them messing with your
vibration and memory ????
I experienced all the normal behaviour programming but I was inquisitive. April fools day 1976 i died? Almost died? A dream? All I remember was blasting through a grey cloud funnel tunnel lightening fast when a pin point of light lay a head and I went a zooming towards it. And it grew... But... But I said, screamed maybe.?.?.? "I am not done." "I am not done." and I woke up with a little but of attitude about what was to happen. Long story short...
So what was that? I dunno, but something happened.
crazycharlie.1 said:
Lynn at
did one or more readings on that question..

Q. Hi Lynn!! I just read an article that reminded me about the man who somehow figured out how not to go to the light when he died. This article explains in detail how to turn away from the hypnotizing tunnel where you will eventually be recycled back to earth so that you can escape the matrix and be free to do what you choose. Does this resonate with you?

A. This does resonate with me. I see that there are a few things that someone can do when they pass to avoid having memories wiped away in the tunnel. First, don't go down the tunnel. I see that you need to have some kind of plan or belief system in place to avoid it. The tunnel is warm and enticing, so it is difficult to resist. It is designed that way to lure you in, but if you have a strong will upon passing, you can turn away much easier.

If you want to incarnate and retain as much wisdom as possible, I get there is a vibration that you need to give off when you pass through the tunnel. It visually looks like this vibration allows you go through the tunnel and pass through the light waves because your vibration works opposite of the natural vibration in the tunnel. I get that highly spiritual people have learned how to do this.

( from Psychic Focus Blog . com )

I think in another reading on this subject She said
Carlos Castaneda knew how to humm something
and go thru the tunnel with out them messing with your
vibration and memory ????

Well, if you think that's reasonable and you trust that source, then maybe you should ask her and hang out there?
Gateway said:
Is the bright white light and tunnel an alien trap for discarnate spirits?

This is a question which has come up in my mind a while. It didn't come from something I can think I have right read before. Yet some time after that thought I did found "by chance" some books and articles asserting specifically this as a fact. What those writers are foremost saying about is that the light and tunnel are long-term alien devices in "implant facilities" planned to lure and capture souls, erase their life memories, programming them, and then returning them to earth.

No offence intended Gateway, but really, the general pattern of this kind of presentation is the same, even when details change with the different people who tell it. The main focus seems to be the tunnel (vision) and the white light which some have even likened to the path an infant follows through the birth canal on its way into the world beginning with the brightly lit hospital room. You've probably even been exposed to the 'tunnel & light' elements previously, from the many, many stories of near death experiences in the common literature. From this base, anyone can simply add their own embellishments.

As for Simon Parkes, he attributes the CERN collider's shut down back in August 2015 to his groups meditative focus on some idea of "not allowing interruption to the descending force intended to help with man's ascension" or words to that effect.

I'm not going to tell you or anyone that it's all bogus or crap because you'll probably ask me to prove it. I have no proof, but for me it comes down to what I feel aligned with, or what my 'tuning' is or however you want to describe it. Essentially, the certainty you seem to be searching for is not going to come if it's this searching that defines your 'spiritual' identity because when you find that answer, it will be the end of your search, thus the end of you and you're not going to let that happen.

So, what it comes down to, IMO, is something like: "what do you want?"
Laura said:
As I understand it, the idea that the light at the end of the tunnel is a trap was generated and propagated by LRH of Scientology.

I found this:

Thankfully, Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard spoke very plainly what he says happens after you die and take up another body. He revealed it in a 1963 lecture as part of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, which church members flocked to in order to go “clear.”

Wouldn’t you know it — we found a lengthy excerpt from Hubbard’s 1963 lecture, and we’re happy to share it with you. This is really amazing stuff: Hubbard begins by telling of his amazing experiences hanging out in the Earth’s Van Allen Belt, which he says is actually toasty warm, even though scientists believe the temperatures several thousand kilometers above the planet are low enough to freeze off your dangly parts!

In this excerpt, Hubbard begins talking about your experiences after you die, then there’s a break, and he takes up later what it means for Earth. After the excerpt, we’ll do our best to summarize what he’s talking about…

The recording begins several minutes into the lecture, when Hubbard explains that recently, he’s been exploring the solar system in an exteriorized state — in other words, as a thetan, separate from a corporeal human body. He’s been hanging out in Earth’s Van Allen Belt, where scientists say the temperature is about -450 degrees Fahrenheit, or just above absolute zero. But Hubbard claims that while he was hanging out there, the temperatures were quite warm.

He then reported that he felt less than in control of himself, and that things appeared odd — suddenly he found himself on the planet Venus. Hubbard determined that after a person dies, he or she then travels to Mars or Venus to undergo a “between-lives implant.” In other words, your inner soul — a thetan — travels to a way station where your memory is erased, and a hellacious implant is put into your mind before you take up another body on earth.

“Of all the nasty, mean and vicious implants that have ever been invented, this one is it. And has been going on for thousands of years. It’s the most complete memory wipeout system and the biggest bunch of lies that anybody ever had anything to do with,” Hubbard says.

He then asserts that time spent between death and your rebirth takes longer than previously expected — more than 69 days, he says, because the tricksters running things on Venus or Mars are filling you with images of your death that actually didn’t happen. The nefarious bastards!

The recording then skips past about twenty minutes of Hubbard cogitation about your “whole track” that would probably motivate most modern listeners to commit suicide for the boredom.

Then the recording picks up again, and Hubbard notes that this kind of implanting has been going on a long, long time. And it was Mary Sue — his third wife — who pointed out that it was a lot of effort by “them” to keep an OT (high-level Scientologist, an “Operating Thetan”) from keeping his or her awareness of themselves from life to life.

“Hey, now, that’s quite a thought! Isn’t that quite a thought?” Hubbard asks.

For some reason, he says, the powers that be whisk you away between lives to places like Mars, which appears to be a nicely-maintained place, for your heavy between-lives implant. (Earlier, he had said that he’d been compelled to go to Venus, where he was almost run over by a locomotive.)

Hubbard says he’s simply relaying what he found on his travels around the Solar System: that someone is making sure that human beings have their memories erased after they die, at relay stations on Mars and Venus, and that they then take up new bodies having no clue what they went through before.

“I don’t pretend to have the answers to these questions…I’ve seen the room. And you’re just beginning to look at it,” he says.

As he explains in other parts of this lecture, Hubbard says only Scientology can help defeat this implant, so that a high-level Scientologist can go through lifetime after lifetime while retaining the memory of what he’s gone through. And isn’t that possibility thrilling? Now, perhaps, you can see the appeal of Scientology!


And for some reason, the same theory is becoming quite popular today. But today they often add some extra modern things, like cosmic supercomputers with artificial intelligence, and how we live in virtual reality, and things like that.

Perhaps they realized that Scientology, because it's so expensive, is not so popular among the general population, so they invented many other false teachings, based on the same principles, but adjusted for 'modern man'.
I've managed to locate another quote of the C's which seems pertinent to this topic. See Session November 16 1994:

Q: (L) So, for energy to go into 3rd density physical level... is energy moving down when it comes into 3rd level?

A: No. Upward.

Q: (L) What moves upward?

A: Molecules, atomic matter. Light is first density and unifies all densities.

Q: (L) Does that mean that by us moving from 3rd density into 4th density that we are getting farther away from unification with the source?

A: No. Light and darkness unify all densities.

Q: (L) How many levels of density are there?

A: 7

Q: (L) When you reach the seventh level, how would you describe that if 1st level is light?

A: 7th is core of existence.

Q: (L) Well, if seventh density is the core of existence, would that mean that 1st density is the outer edge of existence?

A: Base.

Q: (L) When one has reached 7th density, then what does one do?

A: When one reaches 7th all do.

Q: (L) Are there any beings on 7th level?

A: Time does not exist.

Q: (L) When light is transferred to electrical energy, does it actually change density?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it from 1st to 3rd when it becomes electricity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Once again, are there any beings on 7th level?

A: Big bang.

Q: (L) Big bang is at 7th level?

A: Close enough.

Q: (L) So, when we all reach 7th level we will all blow up? We will all become one and it will all start all over again?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, that's not a pleasant thought!

A: Why? There is no time, you dwell there eternally. 7th is the light you see at death of the body.

Q: (L) So, when you die and leave the body, do you go to seventh level?

A: See it.
Buddy said:
I'm not going to tell you or anyone that it's all bogus or crap because you'll probably ask me to prove it. I have no proof, but for me it comes down to what I feel aligned with, or what my 'tuning' is or however you want to describe it. ...
Well, that is a quite subjective way for answering the present question of the topic. Yet maybe that is right (really), maybe not. :)

Palinurus said:
I've managed to locate another quote of the C's which seems pertinent to this topic. See Session November 16 1994:
A: Why? There is no time, you dwell there eternally. 7th is the light you see at death of the body.

Q: (L) So, when you die and leave the body, do you go to seventh level?
A: See it.
Well done, another good point. Yet this 7th light is the same "bright light and tunnel" claimed by all spirits?

Laura said:
[...] However, my personal experiences with spirit release therapy are that the earthbound spirits, attached spirits, etc, are always entrapped by being afraid of the light and turning away from it. [...]
Could be more than "one" confusion for earthbound spirits? Might earthbound spirits that fear "a" bright white light be feeling some kind of instinctive fear? Might they have some residual memory about what happens when they run "that" specific tunnel? So even without knowing why, might they be feeling a guttural fear in their deep soul?

On the other hand:
Laura said:
As I understand it, the idea that the light at the end of the tunnel is a trap was generated and propagated by LRH of Scientology. [...]
Yeah! That is exactly what foremost made and remains making me to have suspicions on all those "light trap" claims. So that is a very good point to the present question IMO.
Gateway said:
Buddy said:
I'm not going to tell you or anyone that it's all bogus or crap because you'll probably ask me to prove it. I have no proof, but for me it comes down to what I feel aligned with, or what my 'tuning' is or however you want to describe it. ...
Well, that is a quite subjective way for answering the present question of the topic. Yet maybe that is right (really), maybe not. :)

Exactly! I'm not certain of anything like this yet I'm ok with it when you consider the alternative. I was once informed in no uncertain terms that if I wanted to find out for sure, I'd have to die now, and was I ready? Me: er uhm, can I get back to you on that?

I wasn't aware of what the C's said on the topic. I am aware of Scientology's view but wasn't moved to mention it for my own reasons unless someone else did first and I do think that crap is crap. LRH didn't have anyone 'above' him when he was 'gathering' and 'experimenting' for the purposes of acquiring data for advanced courses so of course there were no checks and balances and if you imagine that some of his experiments involved LSD and whatnot, you'd definitely be on the right track about it all being highly doubtful and wonder if any results could be trusted.
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