Is what we do "important"?

I think it depends on the level at which you consider the question. From the 7D all is one it's just all about the experiences level, it doesn't matter at all. The grand cycle/life of Brahma or whatever you want to call it will come to its preordained close no matter what anyone says or does. Then it all just gets reset. The collective experience of humanity can be likened to a novel in a vast cosmic bookstore of possible experiences. In the grand scheme of things, it is of no particular importance if the novel comes to a tragic dystopian end where evil triumphs and all of the heroes die humiliating deaths while the kingdom is reduced to a smoldering postapocalyptic hellscape. One novel isn't going to make or break the publishing industry. Some may actually enjoy the novelty of such a conclusion. An interesting twist on the analogy is that the characters in the story as well as certain interested readers have an influence on how the story plays out, and at that level the things we do absolutely can matter. The real question becomes how do you want the story to end and to what lengths are you willing to go to make it so? Or, do you even care?
Maybe I should just quit wondering and just go with the flow.
I mean according to many spiritual gurus, this is basically the answer. Of course they were not aware of many things that we are now blessed to know of (thanks to Laura and all), but still I think it's a significant part of the answer.

Maybe one half of the coin is developing your will to a point where you can actually Do anything, as Gurdjieff would say, and the other half is in letting go, non-anticipation and surrender to the divine cosmic mind.

Any answers to truly big questions tend to be paradoxes, and if we see something as a paradox then that only indicates that we're not yet quite at the level of consciousness required to fully understand the answer.
Almost impossible to comment on without being able to know the purpose or intended outcome. Important to who and what? The One? Who is that? That all of us right? the future? There is no future, no past, just omnipresent.
Yet we feel a sense of importance both individually and as a group, like something big and real is at stake and if we get it wrong or don’t work ourselves or in ‘time’ then there will be a failure. But will there be?
I’m a genuine fence sitter. I have very few biases when it comes to right and wrong, good and bad. To me it just is. I know that my thoughts and feelings, can be nothing but pure conjecture because there’s so much I cannot know or remember.
What I do know and I know this with out a doubt, I knew it as a child, there is a love and only that, so unlike what humans attempt to explain or feel or interpret, but an all encompassing love that has no bias or opinion, no foundation, no direction, no purpose…. It simply just is what it is and it is everything. That little child had the answer and it seems so simple, but go ahead and try to love everything without an opinion or bias, it’s one of the most difficult things to do as a human.

I know how I sound, I am prepared for much disagreement. Or not… , I’m simply stating something that I can’t and won’t dismiss.
Well, maybe. Although read it again. Laura asks, basically, if it's important for her to do what she had been trying to do up until then, and what she has been doing since then until now, i.e. spread the word. That is what was/is in Laura to do, and certainly she probably had it in mind that it was a kind of "war for souls and the future", as was said later in 2008. In that later session, they said she (among others) was crucial for the successful outcome of that war for souls and the future. Yet in 2000....

The answer was close to the idea that spreading the word in the war for souls and the future does not really matter so much, and that things will go the way they're going to go regardless.

and they added:

So how do we square that this group is crucial to the successful outcome of a "war for souls and the future", while at the same time it doesn't really matter much what we actually do or do not do? What part do we play if it isn't really about what we do or do not do, and I think here it may refer to what we consciously try to do or think we should do and then go about trying to do it.

Right. So maybe what lies behind all of this is a decent amount of predeterminism or predestination (for the religiously-inclined). People think that predestination automatically gives rise to "well, what's the point in doing anything if it's all pre-determined"? But of course, if things are predetermined, then you are required to play your part, as is everyone and everything else, because otherwise there would be nothing to be predetermined, unless "nothing at all happens" is what is predetermined, which wouldn't be much fun.

Looking at both quotes, I think that what was perhaps meant was something along the lines of:

"It doesn't really matter you do, it matters what 'we' do through you. Which requires you to get out of the way with your fixed ideas about 'doing' stuff and just allow things to 'flow' through you, because that's really your purpose".

Basically, y'all are 'god's instruments' so stop trying to 'do stuff' and let him use that instrument in whatever way he has pre-determined he will do.

But there appears to more than one 'god', and more than one 'type' of god. It's in our 'doing stuff' and it producing certain outcomes, both for ourselves and others, that we get an idea which 'god' we are being 'used' by.

And therein lies the extent of our 'free will' what we can actually do, and the struggle it involves. If we decide that we don't like the outcomes of the things we do, and decide to change things, we find we have a lot of work on plates, and most of it internal 'realignment'.

That got pretty philosophically navel-gazey pretty quick! Serves me right for asking hard-to-answer questions! :halo: Maybe I should just quit wondering and just go with the flow.
Well remember how they say the battle is through us. But they also said, in a conduit, both sides are of equal importance. And they constantly remind us to connect chakras and network and enhance our receivership capability - the latter, which is tied to our FRV, being very important. So it's important what "they" do, but we have free will, so we can't just be a vessel for "thy will be done" either. I see it as a mix of all of the above. It's like can we do all this without information from "above"? Prolly not. Can information from above, or 6D do anything without us being here to receive it - which requires receivership capability combined with asking? Prolly not. And of course, if we were just a conduit of their will, we wouldn't be growing and learning, we'd be like those trance channelers who don't even remember what they channeled or why. It doesn't lead to growth. And if we don't grow, how can we ever become "us in the future" who can come back and help the present us? If they are us in the future, it requires us to grow into them, which can't be done by becoming an unconscious vessel, or without, well, growth.

Also, Laura asked a pretty specific question in 2000, which may have restricted the answer and probably shouldn't be interpreted outside the parameters of what was asked.

"Is it important for the information about the potential making new of everything and the awareness of the state of the planet as it is now, or the state of the universe, be shared and spread so that as many people as possible will be aware at the point of the arrival of the wave so that it makes it more likely that beneficial changes will occur, that the universe will change in a positive way? Or is that simply not even important. It will change the way it is going to change no matter what anybody does?"

The C's said they're doing just that with crop circles anyway - because to restrict the availability of "supreme knowledge" at the end of the grand cycle where many are asking but few are willing/able to channel isn't in line with their directive (paraphrasing). Which seems like they're doing what Laura suggested she wants to do. It seems kinda odd given their response. But if you think about it, how many people on this planet are aware of, follow, and able to correctly interpret/understand the encoded pictographs? Probably fewer than are following along with the C's channeled material, network on the forum, and work on themselves to "apply" all this knowledge and inspiration appropriately. And I say this pretty confidently because even we on the forum don't really know how to interpret the darn crop circles!

So one way to look at it isn't that making "supreme knowledge" available to the whole planet is undesirable (although they did tell us to practice more strategic enclosure when it comes to SOTT, to avoid unwanted attention), but that the amount of impact it will have is rather limited if you look at it strictly from the perspective of how many people can receive, understand, and meaningfully apply it. And yet, they have also said the impact of this work has had non-linear and tremendous impact way beyond what we realize, and you really can't look at it from a pure numbers perspective.

So your question has to be very specific, and their answer can be very specific. If this planet is a school, and is largely meant to remain one for each grand cycle, then we shouldn't expect planetary changes to the school and the majority of humanity. From that perspective, this work might even be "useless". So if your aim is to change this entire sector of space/time in a positive way, maybe that's not possible if stated as such? The devil is in the details.

But maybe a subset of humans will benefit greatly and shift to another reality and that's good enough, while everyone else just continues recycling as needed until it's their time to be the graduating class at the end of the next grand cycle, and so on? From that perspective, the main purpose of spreading this information far and wide is to alert those few who are ready, asking, and capable of "recognizing the application" and joining in the adventure.

But in terms of them acting "through" us - look at how many other channelers and people are being acted "through" - to various negative or time-wasting effects. Without concerted efforts to clean ourselves up combined with incorruptibility, the will of a lion, discipline, and correct intentions, they can't do squat - otherwise they'd be able to act through anyone to the same effect, and that's clearly not the case. And could Laura be such an effective "vessel" for them if she didn't share this information, attract the attention of you, Joe, and the rest of the Chateau gang, and others who joined the forum, FOTCM, etc? Laura always said she can't do all this alone - and we know this is true for anyone - not just in terms of time and bandwidth limitations, but the Work requires a group to be effective to even just clean up your own machine. Without sharing this info far and wide to attract the right people, Laura wouldn't be able to do the Work just the same, and wouldn't be able to do all the research either. In fact, Laura's research also depends on people who wrote books, and therefore shared with the world the fruit of their labors. How could she just do research in a vacuum when "sharing your soul with the world" isn't something people do in general? Did all those writers of all those books realize they would be used by someone like Laura to ultimately present the greatest truths to anyone who wanted them? Probably not, and we currently probably can't predict how Laura's and everyone else's efforts here will be used in the future, which may be way beyond what anyone is using them for now. It all kinda builds on each other and culminates in crescendos that can't exist without the preceding musical composition that led up to it.

So yeah I think all of it is equally important and requires all the pieces to be effective. Another way to say it is that none of this would be possible without all of this.
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So how do we square that this group is crucial to the successful outcome of a "war for souls and the future", while at the same time it doesn't really matter much what we actually do or do not do? What part do we play if it isn't really about what we do or do not do, and I think here it may refer to what we consciously try to do or think we should do and then go about trying to do it.
I thought of this quote.
Q: (L) What did they tell us once... it's not where you are, but who you are and what you see that counts. (TK) So, we aren't gonna change what happens. There is no way we can have any appreciable effect on the underground armies... it is just a matter of changing ourselves and whoever else we can share with.

A: Correct, the cow has no effect on the health of the livestock industry...

I think we need to work on basics. Awareness of immediate environment and body is the most basic.
A: Just work daily at becoming more aware on three levels
1. Body and immediate environment,
2. Wider world affairs,
3. Cosmos and spirit.

We see people with problems and we tell them the solutions, though we can't force them to implement the solutions. Free will makes it so that they are the only ones who can do it.
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"It doesn't really matter you do, it matters what 'we' do through you. Which requires you to get out of the way with your fixed ideas about 'doing' stuff and just allow things to 'flow' through you, because that's really your purpose".

Funny, I have been thinking about that a lot lately, about destiny/predetermination and all that. The "older" I get the more it seems to me that we don't have as much control over our destiny as we might think. As you said, stuff seems to happen, our personal and collective destiny falling into place, one way or the other. But we can screw it up, or at least so we think.

There is an inherent paradox here obviously, but then again paradox seems to be part of 3d existence. In a sense, we are both the makers of our own destiny and not. Perhaps this can only be understood from another density, where we are "us in the future" and us now simultanously, where it's all connected and fractal and whatever. If this is so it isn't so surprising that this paradox is also reflected in seemingly contradicting statements from the Cs - statements that, strangely enough, both ring true!

In terms of what we can or should do, I like @T.C.'s point of holding the group together. I have been thinking lately that our mere existence, our Being might have more impact than we think. Frequency anchoring and all that. I sometimes get the very direct sense, like a flash, that the way we have thought, felt and acted in the past as a group and individual group members has indeed locked something into place, a seed that would later germinate into all kinds of developments.

Just to give an example, many of us have relocated to remote places and embraced a very different lifestyle "before it was cool". Now lots of people are talking about such things and doing it, escaping the cool lifestyle. I've read a ton such things in the last few years. Or the way we tried to interact with each other and striving for a life of honesty. This literally opens up the channels to our future selves or whatever (living in truth removes the frequency fence), and so many others are doing it too now. There are many more such examples.

Now, that could all be self-importance and everything could have just happened without all that. But maybe we do need to strengthen the connection to the "program rewriters". We can never know, at least not in this life. But overall, this cultivating of a different form of Being aligned with truth, including and especially truth in our daily lives, is what's important, and not so much "spreading the truth". Except of course the two are inseperately linked: if you live in truth, you may also automatically feel the urge to spread some truth, and spreading truth is part of Being in Truth, so...
Well, maybe. Although read it again. Laura asks, basically, if it's important for her to do what she had been trying to do up until then, and what she has been doing since then until now, i.e. spread the word. That is what was/is in Laura to do, and certainly she probably had it in mind that it was a kind of "war for souls and the future", as was said later in 2008. In that later session, they said she (among others) was crucial for the successful outcome of that war for souls and the future. Yet in 2000....

The answer was close to the idea that spreading the word in the war for souls and the future does not really matter so much, and that things will go the way they're going to go regardless.

and they added:

So how do we square that this group is crucial to the successful outcome of a "war for souls and the future", while at the same time it doesn't really matter much what we actually do or do not do? What part do we play if it isn't really about what we do or do not do, and I think here it may refer to what we consciously try to do or think we should do and then go about trying to do it.

Right. So maybe what lies behind all of this is a decent amount of predeterminism or predestination (for the religiously-inclined). People think that predestination automatically gives rise to "well, what's the point in doing anything if it's all pre-determined"? But of course, if things are predetermined, then you are required to play your part, as is everyone and everything else, because otherwise there would be nothing to be predetermined, unless "nothing at all happens" is what is predetermined, which wouldn't be much fun.

Looking at both quotes, I think that what was perhaps meant was something along the lines of:

"It doesn't really matter you do, it matters what 'we' do through you. Which requires you to get out of the way with your fixed ideas about 'doing' stuff and just allow things to 'flow' through you, because that's really your purpose".

Basically, y'all are 'god's instruments' so stop trying to 'do stuff' and let him use that instrument in whatever way he has pre-determined he will do.

But there appears to more than one 'god', and more than one 'type' of god. It's in our 'doing stuff' and it producing certain outcomes, both for ourselves and others, that we get an idea which 'god' we are being 'used' by.

And therein lies the extent of our 'free will' what we can actually do, and the struggle it involves. If we decide that we don't like the outcomes of the things we do, and decide to change things, we find we have a lot of work on plates, and most of it internal 'realignment'.

That got pretty philosophically navel-gazey pretty quick! Serves me right for asking hard-to-answer questions! :halo: Maybe I should just quit wondering and just go with the flow.
Thank you, it is indeed difficult.
Perhaps the one that is closest to the second criterion is the general panorama, the wave can come in a cyclical manner and things will take place no matter what, regardless of anything else, that is why what the Cs said "closer", but That does not exclude that the first option has its validity to a certain extent (although it is still secondary), after all they continued with the importance of program rewriters, that is, the program will happen, but we can rewrite it... maybe it is about Focus on what we do and how it changes us more than whether the information spreads or not (which could eventually happen) Events will happen, how we deal with them and whether it is beneficial so to speak is another thing.

P.S: No, I'm not entirely happy with my answer.
There is also this about "play individual roles":

Session 3 December 1994​

FWIW, I don't think there is a dichotomy per se, it's a matter of scale. The way I understand it is that it is not "important" for the linear future as we perceive it right now, but it is important for the other "future" that is simultaneously the present and the past as well.
A lot of great replies in this thread! Much of my own current "understanding" of what is important in being in 3D has already been expressed here. I'll just add my 200 cents (inflation, you know!).

Each of us is currently embodied physically in 3D. While we are a part of the whole, we can never completely understand any level that we are immersed within. One can only fully understand levels that we have already mastered and transcended. Thus, we are at the mercy of the "programmers" and can only do what we can to remain energetically whole and stable individually to the degree we are able.

That said, I believe the "work" is to come to alignment with objective truth and live life according to the principles we do here. In that process, we become aligned with others of like mind and being. As we interact coherently in ways that promote a resonant "structure" (through standing wave patterns?), we form a social complex that then becomes aligned with a higher dimensional state of being that we resonate with. When the "time" comes for change we then move to the "next level" we resonate with (if we are truly done with our lessons here) to explore as a group soul, and we then get to do all of this over again at a higher level.

So it's a process of conscious creation. Learning to determine what the objective truth of the reality we are immersed in; living our lives in coherence with that truth; and doing so while working with others with the same FRV who can help each other stay focused aids all of us in creating a future reality that we are resonant with. And the fact that we do so together in the ways we do enhances our chances of resonating with an STO future. OSIT.
I have thought of these same issues. But the one thing that always it comes back to is that, how can I be a decent dignified person? And what will others say about me when I have passed to the other side? So it is about living a decent life just where we are. And we have tons of knowledge here from this forum and from our readings and from our observations on how to live a good, dignified, and virtuous life. If we can live according to these principles, then I think we are doing exactly what the title of this thread says, something 'important'🤔.
Without any doubt there is a whole heap of suffering,hatred greed ,delusion going on all over the place -
each one of us can lessen/lighten this already overwhelming burden through practicing kindness /compassion toward self /others by being of service - by cultivating self awareness /insight through meditation we are no longer contributing to the burden,in that way we begin to liberate ourselves from the constraints of this . some may name it as the noble eightfold path in buddhism or the Fourth Way - greed, hatred and delusion are the root cause of suffering ..
I thought of this quote.

I think we need to work on basics. Awareness of immediate environment and body is the most basic.

We see people with problems and we tell them the solutions, though we can't force them to implement the solutions. Free will makes it so that they are the only ones who can do it.
I have thought about the title, Is what we do important?

The answer is no.

It simply to be.

Haven't you had enough of not to be?
Observing things these days, I have the feeling of extreme pressure to stifle true objective reality and awareness. It is like standing on a sand bar, with the tide coming in.

I can't hardly watch any news or any media for that matter, as everything just seems so over the top absurd. But even so, I know that there is a portion of the population that sees through this, and I think this is the important thing for these times.

I think this is what the C's meant when they talked about anchoring the frequency. This frequency, (STO, or objective reality awareness) could be viewed as a seed for a new reality, that can take root as the upcoming changes, eg realm border crossing, occurs.

From 18 May 2019

(Joe) The point is that... I mean, you have in your head that there's going to be some kind of clash of civilizations, but that doesn't seem to be the point. If you look at social media today, they've gotten to the point where Christians are denounced as basically atavistic racist backward nutjobs. When they...

(Artemis) I think they want to speak...

A: It was the plan all along. Beware! It is coming to fruition and only those who stay awake and aware can navigate. The STS forces are determined to quash awareness and the possibility of seeding a new reality.

(L) So you're saying that - and I guess you've said it before - that the importance of tuning the antennae of a group of people, the importance of staying awake and aware, is because you then become a receiver for creative energies?

A: Yes yes yes!!!

Q: (Joe) Is it that people who have a certain awareness which is equivalent to information or ideas or conception of the world in their mind, that this contributes building blocks for a new reality?

A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of th
e vanguard of the new reality!!!
17 Aug 2000

Q: Is it important for the information about the potential making new of everything and the awareness of the state of the planet as it is now, or the state of the universe, be shared and spread so that as many people as possible will be aware at the point of the arrival of the wave so that it makes it more likely that beneficial changes will occur, that the universe will change in a positive way? Or is that simply not even important. It will change the way it is going to change no matter what anybody does?

A: Closer to 2nd criterion.

Q: In other words, we are doing what we are doing, and it doesn't really matter what we are doing. The Wave will happen, everything will change, become new, and that's that?

A: What matters most is what others are doing, have done and will do.

Q: Who are these others that it matters most what they have done, are doing and will do?

A: Program rewriters, i.e. you and us in the future.

So, what we have done, what we are doing, what we will do - WE - is important? I think that I missed something. I thought you said that what we were doing simply didn't matter.

A: You are/will be others.

Q: Okay, how is what we are doing now helping or hindering this process?

A: No help/hinder, just is.

I am reading it as - the wave will bring the change that it does as a function of how the universe has been designed. Earth, due to it location and whatever else factors, will rise to higher density which will bring the associated changes. We, as individuated souls can use that change to speed our progress to the next density too by influencing the reality around us by our own actions. Now, whether we manage to do that or not, it perhaps matters not in the grander design as other things will proceed as they would and if we don't manage to do it, others will "step in" and do it for themselves. All up, its a bit like us creating small pendulums which can combine (if vibrating on same frequencies) to alter/influence the frequencies of the larger reality-shifting pendulums which then provides a net benefit back to us.

A: Close. You must never forget that this is a real war at the deepest levels, a war for souls and the future. All of you here are crucial to the successful outcome. All sorts of ploys will be utilized to destroy your unity. This was begun at your births and includes early childhood torture at the hands of those most susceptible to control in your lives. This was intended to make dysfunctional traits that would interfere with the successful completion of your respective missions. It is a great challenge. But you knew it beforehand and were strengthened for the task.
And, since we are here now and trying to vibrate at the same frequencies and create those pendulums, there are opposing forces trying to do the same, for their own betterment i.e. they are also trying to use the grand-scale changes to their own benefit. Whether they manage to do that or not, the changes will proceed as planned. As always, there will be winners and losers.
Looking at both quotes, I think that what was perhaps meant was something along the lines of:

"It doesn't really matter you do, it matters what 'we' do through you. Which requires you to get out of the way with your fixed ideas about 'doing' stuff and just allow things to 'flow' through you, because that's really your purpose".

Basically, y'all are 'god's instruments' so stop trying to 'do stuff' and let him use that instrument in whatever way he has pre-determined he will do.

I agree. Further down in the same session that you quoted, there is the following quote, which fits with what you wrote.
Q: In other words, the best way for an STO future to manifest is for us not to anticipate that ANYTHING we do will matter. Because, if we are anticipating that what we do will make a difference, it won't. It is wanting. (A) I can't stop thinking that my working is going to be useful! (L) I can't stop what I am doing either because it is what I DO. It is being ME. We have to stop anticipating. We do what is in us to do without expecting it to matter.

A: And you do it because you are directing you to do it from another plane of existence where you know the score. Where you are on your present awareness plane, you are largely, though not completely, scoreless and clueless.

So, it is from another level of reality that we create THIS reality?

A: Close.

Q: How much input do we have from this level of reality regarding the creation of a future reality, and I use the term "future" loosely, but meaning "future" as we perceive it from this reality? How much input?

A: About as much awareness as a small child does when contemplating how to fly the plane they are riding on.

So at this level, we will do what we will do because that's what "we in the future" direct us at this level to do it. What we try to do doesn't really matter because we have very little awareness. It may even be harmful if we try to go against our destiny due to programming and some preconceptions.

Of course, the trick is to distinguish between programming and our real destiny, which requires working on ourselves, networking and knowledge input. And isn't that what "we in the future" have been urging us to do? 😇
Maybe it isn't a dichotomy, maybe they're not mutually exclusive.

I've always liked that quote from Gladiator "what we do in life, echoes in eternity", to me it speaks to the implications of our choices to realms beyond this one, and times beyond this one. And in that sense, maybe changing the personal choices affects one's immediate reality, one's perception of life and one's reaction to these happenings of life. What was once a tragedy, for instance, might seem a tiny nuisance if one changes one's level of awareness, or a blessing, but then that also changes the experience that others have of ourselves, or the relationships we create and let go of, which might have implications in their own awareness, their own expectations and their own programs.

I think most of the truly significant events in our lives (if not all) are born out of relationships, and the C's did say that relationships in 4D were more important than in 3D. All of our good memories, the ones we draw strength from and the traumatizing ones, everything was born out of interacting with another soul. So, working on ourselves, is the best way to "change" reality, but it isn't that we're going to "change the world for the better" because, we can't for one, and two.. that "for the better" is terribly subjective and also.. it's a concept that may change as we learn, but also, it isn't our task to change the world, the world itself exists for the purpose of learning, it's like a course.. and the course remains for those who need it, the student moves on.

There will always be tyranny and lies, evil, and self serving leaders, misery, cruelty and so on, that won't cease because we spread knowledge, or because we learn ourselves, but our perception of it can change, and that shift in vision changes the world for those who learn, and that represents a reality shift even if it means stepping into reality seeing it more whole than before.

That isn't to say that we can't have a practical effect on someone else, but that impact is individual on a soul looking for resonating information. Just today for instance, it was shared with me that this guy recommended SOTT to his audience, so the collective work SOTT does, all by individuals, resonates with someone they had no clue was paying attention. Will that change the world? not really, but will it have an effect on his perception? sure... and it may affect his choices, which will affect the experiences he has, and others have of him and that can reverberate at several levels, echoing in eternity.

So, I do think it matters, or maybe not "matters" but.. the choices we make, specially those that implicate others, do have an effect that we can't yet comprehend at a larger collective level, and that all began with the individual work that each of us does. Sometimes it's by inspiration, sometimes it's by conveying information, sometimes it's by teaching, sometimes it may simply be by refusing to align oneself with a lie.

What I do think is that this work on the self can't be perceived or initiated hoping for a pot of gold at the end, it has to be a very personal choice, private almost, that then shines out. Because in the end, that's all we really can offer, what we've done with ourselves, as the parable of the talents.

In summary, I think what we do is as important as it is to us, personally, because we attach importance to our choices, and those choices affect the universes's experience of us and that can have a larger effect, but that shouldn't be the goal, the goal should remain personal, and the rest is an effect of the choices we've made for ourselves. I hope that makes sense.
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