James Bartley- on reptilian machinations


I found this interview when I was conducting some high strangeness research today. This abductee details some specific information on his encounters with reptilians and human hybrids. He covers the consuming of life-force energy, astral abduction, the amalgamation of hybrid beings into society, and even technology that is all being utilized by the reptilians to subvert the human race and maintain their sustenance. Much of this info seems to align with what the C's have described about the reptilians and their machinations. Of course some could be misinformation or confabulation, because you can never completely trust an abductees account, due to manipulation through dreamscapes and screen memories. Plus us being on level 3 density, probably can't quite fathom level 4 density, and I'm sure abductees can be fooled by that awareness factor as well, OSIT. But anyways, this was a very interesting read, I recommend it.
Re: Interesting account by abductee P.R per James Bartley- on reptilian machinations

Yes it was an interesting article and ending up reading a few more of Bartley's articles and a Karla Turner book . May have crossed path with an alien hybrid once. Tall blonde women in a Mercedes Benz drove by me slowly going into a charity auction on the University of Toronto football field. The sensation was electrical in some manner, much like Ingo Swann reported in his book Penetration (free downloadable on the internet if you search). Considering what the article and others stated about the alien hybrids not quite functioning properly in society, the fact that this woman had on a fur coat on a warm early September evening seemed out of place. And would a 4D Blonde Nordic STO type wear a fur?

Free books and videos of Karla Turner can be found here...
Yes, I have all the Bartley files archived on my hard drive. I've got mixed feelings/reactions to it.

See also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3K4-6K5is
I've listened now to four segments of the above linked talk. I think that this is a case where there is a fundamental truth - the effects of hyperdimensional realities on our world - that has been deliberately hyped, fuel loaded on, and a whole host of disinfo introduced thereby. He mentions quite a few individuals who we can assess as disinfo carriers as being close colleagues, etc. Jordan Maxwell, for one.

Bartley talks about his work in intell communications for the Navy. Then he is an abductee and he got out of the Navy and became an abduction researcher. Apparently, it doesn't occur to him that there is a definite connection.

Now, I'm the last one to reject many of the things that he is saying, particularly about cross-density interactions - lord knows, I've had some bizarre experiences along those lines. But it is all too easy to try to formulate theories and solutions to what these things are or what they mean that is a narrative created by System 2.

I've certainly encountered enough people under hypnosis giving accounts that are frightening and very, very real. I've seen bruises on abductees that were made by 3 fingered hands and I don't think that the person was lying to me about how they got them.

What I think he fails to do - but maybe he does it later on - is to emphasize the hyperdimensional nature of these interactions as well as the part that the target's mind can play in the exchange. That is, what you see and how you interpret it depends about 50% on YOU. The energies you are perceiving are interpreted as reptilian because they are similar to the energies that make up reptilian creatures in the Living System. Do these energies manifest as real, reptilian aliens? Possibly, even probably, but that's not the most important thing about them and the same "critter" might look very different to different percipients due to the different orientations of their minds.

One thing that I object to is that these people get up there and talk about these things in the way they do to people who do not have the necessary knowledge to understand and possibly correctly interpret the matters. Talking to a general audience about sexual interactions with aliens, about "creating portals in the wall" and so forth, without making it clear that there are a number of ways to interpret these things, is irresponsible. It feeds things into the minds of vulnerable people who are looking for any excuse to explain why they aren't masters of themselves or their own lives. Then, he does not give the correct remedy which is gathering and gaining knowledge of all sorts.

So these are among the reasons why I have not, up to now, promoted this work: there are serious flaws there. Also, several of the individuals who Bartley mentions as close colleagues are among those who promote the idea that "Jesus saves" you from aliens. You only have to pray etc. Nothing about acquiring knowledge, growing yourself from the inside, utilizing a network to connect energies for defense, etc. All the things we have learned that work extremely well. He basically says "they have more power than you, you are screwed" (literally and figuratively).

He doesn't talk about diet and how that can make one more susceptible to, or resistant against, hyperdimensional manipulations.

He doesn't talk about psychopaths, the tools of hyperdimensional principles operative in our world.

He talks about addictions, compulsive behaviors, autoimmune type conditions, without addressing the fact that diet can play a HUGE role in those effects. Now the question is: do the aliens cause these problems, or are these problems caused by the general negative influence on life itself that has promulgated and propagated agriculture which has brought these ills on society? Then, do aliens feed on the suffering that they cause directly (like back pain) or does it simply provide "food for the moon" as Gurdjieff suggested: a general feeding of a negative principle?

See what I mean? It's difficult to articulate what I mean which is that it is as though negative principles of the cosmos are given faces and names and activities to explain things that happen in our world and by anthropomorphizing it this way, we lose a lot of the larger picture. The human mind is a genius at translating energies and movements of energies into symbolic images. Indeed, there are spirits, powers, forces, and they can be perceived - or can consolidate - as beings. We don't think that this perception down through history is wrong, it's just not the whole thing!

There is a vast hyperdimensional realm that is probably teeming with life at a level we cannot even imagine. Our reality is probably embedded in that realm or extruded from it. The denizens of that realm are undoubtedly, in our perception (and it's not wrong) demonic. But we have to be very careful with this sort of material and keep the context and understand where, when and how the unconscious (or conscious) disinfo enters in.

Bartley is absolutely correct that the corruption of our reality is due to the negative energies of that realm. Things like vulgarity, porn, sexual perversions, drug use, unhealthy body images, and so forth, are definitely influenced from that realm via psychopaths. But he doesn't talk about psychopaths. He doesn't talk about one of the main ways that humans become susceptible to those influences: diet and the anti-smoking campaign. If there is one sign above all that indicates that a person, community, society, nation is following the "Lizzie defined path to destruction", it is the adoption of an anti-smoking attitude. For millennia it was known that tobacco was repulsive to negative entities and it was used in that context by nearly all North and South American indigenous cultures. Similar approaches were probably taken in the Old Central Asian and European cultures though they did not yet have tobacco.

So it's all fine and good to talk about the things he is outlining, but far more important to distill it down to what is verifiable and what is actually useful here and now: what we CAN DO. Why not talk about "hyperdimensional manifestations of STS energies that manifest in our world and here's how, and how they may LOOK if you are poisoned enough by your diet so that they can gain access to you, but more importantly, here's what's happening as a result of that energy in a global sense." ???

I'm listening as I'm writing and making notes here and I'm now on part 6. He's talking about drugs. He's right, it makes a person susceptible to many influences including porn and pedophilia. But I haven't yet heard him say a word about the fact that wheat, dairy, sugar, vegetarianism can also make a person just as susceptible! He doesn't talk about psychopaths in power creating the cultural soup we swim in, how our attitudes and programs are installed via our society and families and that we DO have a choice and can change them.

He talks about "possession" as being the bottom line when, in fact, the destruction of the brain due to diet and drugs, not to mention programming, follows a generally observable and somewhat understood process. Of course, we suspect that schizophrenia is involved with a capacity to interact with hyperdimensions. But there are many brain processes that are simply brain destruction. Just because a person hears voices doesn't mean they are hosting a lizard in their liver!

He talks about "reptilian hybrids" but what he is really talking about are psychopaths and/or related scientifically understood (mostly) personality disorders.

What he is doing to the topic is as bad as what David Icke has done: just pour on the twists, the total alien reinterpretation of reality, forget about the real things that are here and now that we can actually do something about once we understand them in a broader context.

And of course, it's all demons and Jesus saves.

Overall, it is just a representation of what is in James Bartley's mind and those who follow this easy explanation, this cheap way to excuse oneself from responsibility and growth.

Now he's talking about how aliens create serial murderers who are, of course, alien/human hybrids. Geeze, can't we say psychopath and stay in the real world and have a practical way to approach things while keeping in mind that hyperdimensional are always involved?

Okay, now a reptilian is "entering into the body of a sleeping male, has taken over his dreams" he inserts a sexually provocative woman into the dream, the guy is dreaming he's engaging in intercourse, at that moment, the reptilian who has "downloaded into him" initiates sodomy on the guy. Meanwhile, the girl in the dream morphs into someone repellent. The guy wakes up and has an "icky tingly feeling" which is pronounced to be the sensation of the entity who was just possessing him. Etc, etc.

Now, if what we have speculated about HAARP is true, all of this sort of thing comes from ideas that are beamed out and picked up as I described in TSHOTW and unpacked within different people's subconscious minds according to the substratum, the cultural images, etc. And what makes the individual susceptible is the frequency of their total cellular system which is determined by diet.

Now there are physical characteristics of human/reptilian hybrids and serial killers he says. His examples are ridiculous. What's more, he doesn't talk at all about psychopaths in power who are beautiful/handsome and wear a perfect mask of sanity.

Now he's saying in a few generations our descendants will regain their personal sovereignty, that we will leave earth and become basically the new aliens to inhabitants of other planets.

In short, the guy hasn't said a single thing of real practical value to the entire population.

Now he's talking about the "good reptilians" as a result of a question from some airhead woman who just can't grok that there are human beings on the planet without a conscience and has transferred this belief to aliens. Sheesh.

Do take a look at this one, also, which is far better but, again, she didn't have the whole banana or she would still be alive.
Laura said:
If there is one sign above all that indicates that a person, community, society, nation is following the "Lizzie defined path to destruction", it is the adoption of an anti-smoking attitude.

The New Zealand government is working towards a smoke-free nation by incrementally increasing the tax on tobacco each year by 10%.
At present, 30 grams of roll-your-own tobacco costs the equivalent of 20 Euros (and 70% of the price is government tax). In a few more years, 30 grams of roll-your-own tobacco will be around 30 Euros.

It is legal to grow your own tobacco in New Zealand, but not to sell what you have grown, and also not to give it away.
Mal7 said:
Laura said:
If there is one sign above all that indicates that a person, community, society, nation is following the "Lizzie defined path to destruction", it is the adoption of an anti-smoking attitude.

The New Zealand government is working towards a smoke-free nation by incrementally increasing the tax on tobacco each year by 10%.
At present, 30 grams of roll-your-own tobacco costs the equivalent of 20 Euros (and 70% of the price is government tax). In a few more years, 30 grams of roll-your-own tobacco will be around 30 Euros.

It is legal to grow your own tobacco in New Zealand, but not to sell what you have grown, and also not to give it away.

The incredible sense of urgency about this activity, embedded in a pathological world control system everywhere that includes gaining power over every aspect of life, inflicting death and destruction on millions, is the evidence that it is part and parcel of same as well as the idea that it is a desirable state at some particular point in "time" when something changes. Hyperdimensional powers/beings obviously know that tobacco is one of their enemies.
Also in July 2012, it became illegal in New Zealand for tobacco to be visibly on display in shops. So you have to ask e.g. "Can I have 30 grams of Park Drive please?" and the retailer will retrieve it from behind a plain white cupboard door.
Mal7 said:
Also in July 2012, it became illegal in New Zealand for tobacco to be visibly on display in shops. So you have to ask e.g. "Can I have 30 grams of Park Drive please?" and the retailer will retrieve it from behind a plain white cupboard door.

So, does anybody REALLY think/believe that the governments of the world, all engaged in trying to implement total controls on everyone, and killing people with evil food and pharmaceuticals right and left, are actually doing this "for our good"???? Puhleeeeeeze!
Yes, the three things I see being pushed the most are first no smoking signs everywhere, second thing would be getting a flu shot, and on almost every street corner some guy holding a spinning "we buy your gold sign". However hates us smoking wants the gold it seems lol!
When I talk to my friends about goverments that dont give a hoot about your health or life for that matter, all the sudden caring about your lungs and how insane that idea is, they just think I have gone off the deep end. Oh well, I think I will go smoke a stoggie and wear some gold today he he. :P
Mal7 said:
The New Zealand government is working towards a smoke-free nation by incrementally increasing the tax on tobacco each year by 10%.
At present, 30 grams of roll-your-own tobacco costs the equivalent of 20 Euros (and 70% of the price is government tax). In a few more years, 30 grams of roll-your-own tobacco will be around 30 Euros.

Thanks for that info. That means that sooner or later it will be like that in all countries of the world. Obviously they are going for the complete eradication of tobacco consumption.
There seems to be a sense of urgency. I received an email titled "Snuff's Law" this morning from the administration on new laws on smoking. Nazification is intensifying.
Interestingly, the Venezuelan government bucked the trend when it mysteriously cancelled a smoking ban just one day after it went into effect a couple of years ago:

Laura said:
He doesn't talk about psychopaths, the tools of hyperdimensional principles operative in our world.

As Joe said in the Sott radio talk show#6-Global war on terror: The REAL conspiracy is psychopathy.
I can truly understand why they would want to band something so precious as tobacco. when I smoke a cigarette I can feel the effects of so to say protection. It clears my mind for critical thinking and I am better able to process information. But more importantly it clears my mind of negative thoughts. So in a sense it is hard for me to function without it.

When they speak of eliminating it, it just boils my blood. It shows that they would take any measure necessary to keep us in a negative state.
In Australia when I live now is even worst. it's difficult to find organic tobacco and paper and when you do is 32,50 AUD for 35 gram! This is around 26 Euro! :O

Not to mention all the tobacco packs with the foto of people and different organs full of disease, to make you think, that tobacco is responsible for that! You can't smoke in the indoors public places and you must be ad least 15 meters far away from public places outdoor. The no-smoking signs are everywhere and people look at you if you smoke, like you are insane or an alien. :rolleyes:

You have the strong feeling, that everything is arrange, so that you feel insane, unworthy, stupid or whatever. :mad:

Despite that, I very often feel great sadnes for the people, who are so blind and manipulated.

However, this is for me just another approval that the system doesn't care much for the people and that somebody wants that you are not aware, that you CAN DO something about programming and disinformation. So I remember again and again how "fortunate" I am to find Laura's work and this forum. :D

Hope that more and more people find the way to this forum and to amazing material provided buy Laura.
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