Jesus the Unauthorized Biography


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Between the 3rd and 6th centuries, the Church established the official version of Jesus' life according to the four Gospels and the texts of the apostles. But seventy texts, mostly written between the 2nd and 5th centuries, were banned from reading, under penalty of death or mutilation. These are the apocryphal gospels, which trace the whole life of Jesus and his family: the relationship between Mary and Joseph, the story of Joseph, that of Mary's parents, Mary's virginity and pregnancy, the birth of Jesus, his childhood, the escape to Egypt, his relations with Judas and Mary Magdalene, etc.

It's interesting because when we read the book we understand why the texts were banned: it give the sensation that authors pushed the storyline a bit too far. In one of the texts a man had received a spell and was turned into a mule. Jesus is put on the back of the mule by Marie and the man is transformed back to an human...

But the style is here. So it look like, as if it was too extreme plots that were cut from the global scenario.

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