Just saw a Two-Venus glued together UFO


The Living Force
I developed a habit of spending ~60 seconds outside every couple hours at night. C's said its a good change to breath in the differently ionized outside environment. I watch the stars during these brief outings.
looked up
WEST 10...11 o'clock
I spotted Venus.
Wait a minute! That thing is too bright to be Venus. Almost could make out mechanical details on the thing. Looked like someone glued together two Venuses and put them up there, and as usual, completely motionless. Like it was The Unmovable Object and everything else in the Universe was speeding along, but not this thing. It looked like it was nailed there by God. Totally stationary. Not blinking, not flickering, like all the other stars. Perfectly even light strength and shape. No atmospheric or cloud-distortions were visible on its light. Maybe it was lower than the clouds?

Mars is reddish, orangey, so it couldn't have been Mars. The North Star is too pointy for this, and waay smaller!

This one was white. Looked like a ship of this 3D geometrical shape

and slightly turned towards me, as if observing me.

I'm not a pro sky-watcher, and please correct me here, if you are a pro, but I do not think stars move that much in ~3 hours, because when I next went out, this time for Artesian-water, to the well, it was ~23:30 and I checked the object out, it was not there. Most faint and fainter stars were visible in its place, in the region, where it was shining so strongly, its light unflinching.

Also a CRY of a CREATURE was heard for like 10-15 minutes, very ambient, very omni-directional, annoyingly regular - like played from a "CIA Black Tape Recorder". A mix of a goose cry and a cat. Perfectly matching cries, no difference at all, no change in tone, no change in pitch, no emotion = no anger or fear or annoyance in the cry, just the perfect very same cry of a strange "monkey-cat-bird creature hybrid" as if played on a loudspeaker. Very ambient, coming from multiple directions.

I went to the back of the house and tracked The Thing to the dark & abandoned "mini-junkyard"-shed of the neighbor: all the old stuff they don't want are permanently placed there. It must have been a pig-sty long..long time ago.
Window Faller I don't think it was, because I wasn't afraid and I think they feed on fear and this thing was pretty persistent in its unchanging voice.

As I said, these regular brief outings, allow me to hear wild goose sounds, amazing small predator-bird sounds, latter sounding very much like a Avian Warrior Lord. Amazing aerodynamic majestic creatures, way smaller than our brown & biggest "countryside-eagle", I love them all. (Also every week I exercise in the countryside "in the wild" = so I see & observe the design of rabbits, eagles and small predator birds.) The eagle is majestic and is like a flying tank, but the small predator birds are like specially designed fighter jets, absolutely amazing looking.

So the UFO is gone. I don't think stars move that fast in the sky that in 3 hours they move so far away, you can't see them in their old positions?
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Nope! Its just Venus. Now its on the exact same spot again, like it should. Big fat Venus. Memorized the image.
The brightest planets in March's night sky: How to see them (and when)
During March, Venus will continue its long and spectacular evening apparition in the western evening sky. It will be well worth viewing in telescopes, particularly during twilight, when it will be higher in the sky and seen through a thinner blanket of distorting air.
This is a very interesting observation to me personally as I, over the last few weeks, have also been drawn to Venus in the night sky. I spend extensive time outside away from the lights and pollution as much as possible. Early morning before the sun comes up is one of my favorite times. For me it is impossible NOT to stand in awe of the sky.

My wife asked me one night, "What is this bright object in the sky?" I said "to the west?" "Yes" she said. My answer was and still is "it's Venus". So I went out to "observe" and while doing so I was struck by what appeared to be "dancing motion" and also "a moving forward (as in coming towards me) and backwards (obviously the opposite) motion" I dismissed it as my own "constructs and incorrect perceptions"

Funny I looked the following night and have been for several nights afterwards, Venus looked "normal" again.
I sure thought it was just my very creative mind making up things. Very bright is a good description as is "geometry" and "patterns" of what I saw and it probably is just that, my mind twisting things...but man is it cool. It's even more interesting to hear someone else say it.
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