Книга Джея Ди Миссия Кассандра


Jedi Council Member
Пару лет назад, наткнулся на данную книгу в русском инете (_http://nvris.ucoz.ru/text/mission-Cassandra.htm). Английской версии я не нашел, поэтому решил разместить ветку здесь.

Книга, сама по себе, содержит информацию, которая процентов на 90% совпадает с материалами Касси и Команды. Читается легко, есть очень интересная фактура not covered here.
Меня интересует вопрос - учитывая ее "источник" (якобы некто Габриэль, который вошел "в контакт" с автором-в книге признается, что он bi-density STO being и член общества типа Кворума, который вопреки запрету решил помочь людям открыть истину) - возможно ли такое? В сессиях есть подтверждение, что они существуют. Или это "просто" сильно компилированный плагиат?
Если кто нибудь читал ее или захочет прочесть - было бы интересно обменяться мнениями по существу представленных сведений.

Admin edit: link deactivated
"90% percent the same materials as Cass"? And "easy to read"? How could it even be possible?

Antony, what was your point in joining this particular forum? You don't seem truly interested in what we are doing here. Please (re-)read the Forum Guidelines that you agreed to when you signed up and either get with the program or start looking for another forum that would suit you better.
I looked it through very briefly, and this is indeed a plagiarism or a compilation from different authors, imo. It's interesting, that this "author" mentioned many sources his knowledge is based on, such as Ra Materials, Barbara Marciniak and others, but he never mentioned Laura's books, which is highly suspicious because "his" book is primarily based on Laura's work as far as I can see. He did mentioned the Cs sessions though.

His "official" website doesn't give any info except for the book itself. What is the author's real name? Where is the contacts info? Any feedbacks, forums, etc.? What are his assumptions based on - the opinion of some person who calls himself Gabriel?

For me it looks like this man is a disinfo agent whose purpose is to distract people from the real knowledge.
Possibility of Being,

Not the same material (I put it wrong), but I meant that the facts presented in the book(history, how the universe works, agenda of the Brotherhood etc) mostly Do not contradict the Cass material.

Sorry, if i got you confused by the meaning of the post. this book (unfortunately I was unable to find it in English) contains familiar to us facts that were ostensibly given to the author by the "stranger", who calls himself a bi-density being, a member of secret organization type as Quorum (such "things" exist according to Cs) who decided to reveal to people the truth in spite of prohibition.
I just offered readers, if interested, to evaluate and define together where the "rat" is. Nothing more.

That's what I thought of it as well, I have similar questions about the author and the mysterious guy.
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