Knowledge and Being Part 5 - video by Laura

So does that mean Laura momentarily received information from the future when she produced the original talk recorded on video?

Maybe! Although a more mundane explanation would be that, in trying to remember the name of a place in Oz/Nz areaa, her brain pulled out Christchurch, rather than Port Arthur, possibly because Christchurch had been in the news a few years previously and it's a name that tends to stick in people's heads, especially the heads of biblical historians.
I've tried to find any previous mass shootings in Christchurch before 2014 and I can't find anything.

So does that mean Laura momentarily received information from the future when she produced the original talk recorded on video?

If so, then not only is that pretty crazy, but what's even crazier is that it was in the context of receiving information specifically about a mass shooting.
...because Christchurch had been in the news a few years previously and it's a name that tends to stick in people's heads, especially the heads of biblical historians.
For context, the reason, Christchurch had been in the news due to major earthquakes happening there. From wikipedia:
The city suffered a series of earthquakes between September 2010 and January 2012, with the most destructive occurring on 22 February 2011, in which 185 people were killed and thousands of buildings across the city suffered severe damage, with a few central city buildings collapsing. By late 2013, 1,500 buildings in the city had been demolished, leading to ongoing recovery and rebuilding projects.
For context, the reason, Christchurch had been in the news due to major earthquakes happening there. From wikipedia:
The thing is that there are some links between the two events. The gunman Brenton Tarrant was from Australia, consequences for New Zealand of the Christchurch Mosque shootings was gun law reform and seizures. This is also what happened in Australia after Port Arthur. The gunmen were both 28 years old.

When the phrase ‘Christchurch mass shooting’ is uttered it is so strongly associated to the deaths of the 51 people that died that day in 2019 rather than the 2011 earthquake. To me it seems possible Laura picked up a signal from this future rather than get it mixed up with the death toll of an earthquake.

However perhaps she had in her mind both the Christchurch earthquake and the Norway attacks by Anders Behring Breivik both in 2011. Incidentally the Christchurch shooters manifesto was inspired by Breiviks.
Brenton Harrison Tarrant, the Australian-born perpetrator of two consecutive mass shootings at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, said in his manifesto "The Great Replacement" (in reference to a far-right theory from France by Renaud Camus) that he was in particular inspired by Breivik and claimed to have been in "brief contact" with him, as well as meeting with his organisation, the Knights Templar.[348][349] The shootings took place at Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Islamic Centre during Friday Prayer on 15 March 2019, killing 51 people and injuring 40 more.[350]
There seems to be sone entanglement if these events.
I was referring to the Port Arthur Massacre, April 28, 1996, which was occurring at the same time I was "chatting" with my friend who was, at that moment, lying brain dead in the hospital, being kept alive by machines until her family could assemble. Later (by quite a few years), when making the video, I mistakenly referred to it as "Christ Church" massacre because that name was stuck in my head for some reason.
I was referring to the Port Arthur Massacre, April 28, 1996, which was occurring at the same time I was "chatting" with my friend who was, at that moment, lying brain dead in the hospital, being kept alive by machines until her family could assemble. Later (by quite a few years), when making the video, I mistakenly referred to it as "Christ Church" massacre because that name was stuck in my head for some reason.
The point is when you referred to it as the Christchurch massacre and the name was “stuck” in your head in 2014, 5 years before the actual Christchurch massacre occurred. In 2019.
When Laura talks about people describing their spiritual attachments in hypnosis, they dress in white clothes, crowns and jewels etc but now since I know this information and my spirits attachment now know that I know, will they change their appearance to try to look as much like a pure ball of light as possible to avoid being detected?

I'm not going to do a spirit release therapy because I like suffering raw and unabridged but it's just a thought.. could they change their "strategy" now that I know in what form they hide?
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When Laura talks about people describing their spiritual attachments in hypnosis, they dress in white clothes, crowns and jewels etc but now since I know this information and my spirits attachment now know that I know, will they change their appearance to try to look as much like a pure ball of light as possible to avoid being detected?

I'm not going to do a spirit release therapy because I like suffering raw and unabridged but it's just a thought.. could they change their "strategy" now that I know in what form they hide?

I don’t think they can change how they appear to you, since their appearance is just a symbolic representation by the subconscious mind. I think they could leave and come back though. It could also be that things need to be removed in layers.
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