During one of our FOTCM meetings, Laura recently read from, and commented on a passage from From Paul to Mark, Paleochristianity (her most recent book, but I hope you all know that already).
We thought it was so interesting, that all forum members might enjoy listening to her explanations too. She connects certain passages of the Bible with a lot of research discussed here, and with several comments by the Cs. Towards the end she also answers questions from forum members.
Here you go:
And if you still haven't read her book, after listening to this you probably will!
Second video, posted on Sept 3, 2022:
See this post for more information.
Third video, from a meeting on Sept. 10, 2022:
See this post for more information.
We thought it was so interesting, that all forum members might enjoy listening to her explanations too. She connects certain passages of the Bible with a lot of research discussed here, and with several comments by the Cs. Towards the end she also answers questions from forum members.
Here you go:
And if you still haven't read her book, after listening to this you probably will!

Second video, posted on Sept 3, 2022:
See this post for more information.
Third video, from a meeting on Sept. 10, 2022:
See this post for more information.
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