Lenticular 'UFO' clouds over Cape Town


FOTCM Member

Residents of Cape Town may have thought they were seeing UFOs in the sky - but instead they were being treated to a special cloud formation.

The lenticular clouds appeared over the South African city late on Sunday afternoon and photographer Kyle Mijlof was among those capturing the scene, which he described as "unbelievable".

Mr Mijlof told Sky News the clouds started forming over Table Mountain - about five miles from the city - at around 3pm and his picture was taken three hours later as the formation peaked.

He added: "Honestly, the whole skyline that day was unbelievable and a bit of an eerie stillness in the air.

"I was on my scooter at the time, driving along Signal Hill back home to Camps Bay, I stopped to get this quick shot - I still had my helmet on."

Mr Mijlof said he has seen similar clouds during his travels elsewhere in the world but not in Cape Town.

Sky News meteorologist Chris England said: "They are formed at the top of waves in the atmosphere caused by air going over mountains and are quite common, although more often as long bands of simple arcs."

He said the shapes are formed by either variations in humidity within the air or the originating hills being "fairly isolated peaks".

Picturesque Cape Town is framed by peaks, including Table Mountain, which is around 3,500ft high.

England added: "Lenticular clouds don't really signify anything in particular about the weather, apart from fact that the atmosphere is stable at the time and so not much convection likely - and that can change quite rapidly."

Lenticular clouds, which come from a Latin word meaning "lens-like", can form in many places around the world and have been blamed for a number of previous "UFO sightings".

Massive Cloaked UFO Caught Over Harrogate, UK
June 18, 2018
On June 18, 2018 the witness who lives in Harrogate, GB went out for a cigarette and had a strange feeling to look up.

At first glance it just appears to be clouds but the shape just seems too perfect and it was fairly windy at the time with the clouds moving quickly past but the object just stayed still.


The witness had an uneasy feeling and that’s what prompted him to take photos.

He said that would have got video too but his Iphone has seen better days and video is not working anymore. The photographer has submitted the three impressive images of the cloaked UFO to Mufon case 92772.


Published on Apr 4, 2018
UFO Cloud Camofage : Lenticular clouds (Altocumulus lenticularis in Latin) are stationary clouds that form in the troposphere, typically in perpendicular alignment to the wind direction. They are often comparable in appearance to a lens or saucer.

There are three main types of lenticular clouds:
altocumulus standing lenticular (ACSL),
stratocumulus standing lenticular (SCSL),
and cirrocumulus standing lenticular (CCSL), varying in altitude above the ground.

Because of their unique appearance, they have been brought forward as an explanation for some unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings. Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi, Krasnodar Krai Krasnaya Polyana is an urban locality in Krasnopolyansky Settlement Okrug, which is under the administrative jurisdiction of Adlersky City District of the City of Sochi in Krasnodar Krai, Russia.

UNEDITED WITNESS STATEMENT : Лентикулярное облако Лентикуля́рные (линзови́дные) облака́ — довольно редкое природное явление. Характерной особенностью этих облаков является то, что они не двигаются, сколь бы ни был силён ветер. Поток воздуха, проносящийся над земной поверхностью, обтекает препятствия, и при этом образуются воздушные волны. Облака обычно зависают с подветренной стороны горных хребтов, за хребтами и отдельными вершинами на высоте от двух до пятнадцати километров. В волновых потоках происходит непрерывный процесс конденсации водяных паров при достижении высоты точки росы и испарения при нисходящем движении воздуха. Поэтому чечевицеобразные облака не меняют своего положения в пространстве, а стоят в небе как приклеенные. Появление лентикулярных облаков свидетельствует о том, что в атмосфере присутствуют сильные горизонтальные потоки воздуха, образующие волны над горными препятствиями, а также о том, что в воздухе достаточно высокое содержание влаги. Обычно это связано с приближением атмосферного фронта или с энергичным переносом воздуха из отдаленных районов.

Published on Apr 3, 2018
The summit of the volcano Etna in Sicily is known for its impressive cloud formations. They result from the wave-shaped overflow of the mountain and often have a lenticular shape (technical term: wave cloud, or altocumulus lenticularis).

Their profile is often very sharp, they withstand strong winds and sometimes they are standing on the same place for hours. No wonder they're compared to UFOs. At noon on 30 March this year, my colleague Marco Manitta drew my attention to a particularly spectacular one. It was wonderfully clear to see in a webcam of the nearby village Paterno. In the following hours I loaded all the pictures and produced a time-lapse clip from the 444 individual pictures. Beautiful!

Even in the images of the weather satellite METEOSAT the large lenticularis cloud was visible. A time-lapse clip could be made from the high-resolution satellite images at 5-minute intervals. I then synchronized both time-laps clips as far as possible (second part of this video clip). It is rare that a perfectly formed wave cloud can be so clearly documented from the two different perspectives! A more detailed report about this weather event: http://www.wzforum.de/forum2/read.php...

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