Leuren Moret’s presentation during the 3rd session of the 911 Truth International Conference in Tokyo on Oct. 7th, 2006.
I made this transcript of her presentation:
I made this transcript of her presentation:
This is a related video discussing a picture from the WTC collapse that possibly shows a kinetic energy penetrator from a DU warhead.Leuren Moret: On the morning of 9/11 at five in the morning, the subway at the Pentagon was full of military personnel and guard dogs. This is not normal.
When the object hit the Pentagon it impacted an area called Naval Intelligence which had just been retrofitted and we know now the object that hit the Pentagon was a cruise missile. The missile also went through the department of accounting. It killed 85 people and destroyed computers withmuch data on them.
This is very important because when Dov Zakheim who is a joint Israeli and American citizen was working in the Pentagon, 3.5 trillion dollar disappeared from the Pentagon. So that cruise missile which destroyed the accounting department made it impossible to trace that money that disappeared. Dov Zakheim when he left the Pentagon went almost directly to Israel. Donald Rumseld and other people involved in 9/11 and the White House administration have ignored that 3.5 trillion dollars has disappeared.
The object, the missile that hit the Pentagon left a round bullet hole through the Pentagon. That was no plane that impacted the Pentagon and it went through four layers of very, very strong walls, cement walls, before it exited the Pentagon and left a very large bullet hole or a punchout at the exit wall.
Right after the object hit the Pentagon I found a medical doctor living 12 miles from the Pentagon. I told her to call the FBI and the emergency response agencies and get all of the emergency workers in full protective gear with air tanks on their backs.
At that time I thought a plane hit the Pentagon and depleted uranium is used in commerical aircraft, I did not want the emergency workers to be poisoned. Depleted uranium burns and forms a radioactive poison gas. It goes everywhere and very long distances.
I also told the medical doctor to take the geiger counter out of her purse, I knew she had a geiger counter in her purse to do air monitoring. Within 5 hours after the missile hit the Pentagon, she called me back and she said the radiation levels are 8 to 10 times higher then normal.
2 days after the cruise missile hit the Pentagon, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) , called and confirmed that the Pentagon crash site was contaminated with depleted uranium.
The bullet hole, the 14 foot bullet hole through the Pentagon is the signature of a kinetic energy penetrator. In other words, depleted uranium warhead in the cruise missile.
In a military magazine for officers, a woman working in the floor above the hole described watching the object on television hit the Pentagon one floor below her and when it was over she and the other workers walked out of the building.
They watched it on tv. They were in their office .... (clarification - internal Pentagon tv)
Nobody even had a scratch because it was a bullet hole through the building. There was no other damage.
It seems that the explosions in all those, fire outside the Pentagon came from a worker's hut, a temporary building right in front of the Pentagon, or perhaps a truck. It was an explosion before the object hit the Pentagon.
Jimmy Walter has just given information, the clock stopped at 9:32am inside the Pentagon, but the missile hit the building at 9:37am.
In order to hide the bullet hole which would have been very obvious to the public if it had been broadcast on national television, the military collapsed that part of the building with a cookie cutter demolition. (translation note - cookie cutter demolition implies the precision demolition of the hole like with a cookie cutter.)
This is an article excellent by General Leonid Ivashov and I will give it to Yumi to translate for the website, "International Terrorism Does Not Exist". He was the head of the Russian military when 9/11 happened. He was Chief of Staff of the Russian military.
What he (Leonid Ivashov) said is, it could only be carried out by intelligence agencies or those retired but still with ties to the intelligence agencies and 9/11 was carried out by US intelligence agencies and the shadow government and the Mossad and the Israeli government, but most importantly it was the British government and the intelligence agencies.
The capitol of terrorism is London and this is carried out for the London money power. These are the old, mostly Jewish bankers some going back to the Roman empire and this is carried out for two reasons.
Number one was to establish a police state in the United States which we have now and every time I go back to the US I'm afraid I'm going to be arrested in custom, but the opposite happens I get very, very, very special treatment. They take me through the line where the plane crews go through customs.
Almost everyone on the 9/11 commission had ties to the Caspian oil companies in the Caspian oil region.
Remember this because it's going to happen to you too. This is what Henry Kissinger said.
"Who controls the food supply controls the people, who controls the energy can control whole continents, who controls money controls the world."
Watch out for the London money power and the Rothschilds are actually the face for the London money power.
Thank you very much.
Leuren Moret's bio:With no evidence of a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon available to the public, some 9/11 researchers claim a DU tipped missile, launched by a weaponized UAV, like the Global Hawk, struck the Pentagon. The Global Hawk followed the missile into the building and was destroyed leaving behind only its most durable parts, such as the engine parts and parts of its landing gear.
Because DU is extremely dense, a wide variety of missiles in the U.S. arsenal are tipped with DU rods to penetrate the armored steel of military vehicles and buildings. Because uranium is a spontaneous pyrophoric material, it inflames when it reaches its target and generates such intense heat that it explodes. This is what causes the bright flash that is seen when a DU missile impacts upon its target.
The white flash seen in videos of the two planes striking the twin towers is exactly the kind of flash that occurs when a missile with a DU penetrator strikes. If DU penetrators caused the flashes seen on videos of the planes smashing into the towers, where did the uranium rods go?
Working with Hufschmid, AFP has located several photos that show a mysterious burning object passing through the initial explosion in the South Tower. This object, which displays the characteristics of a burning DU penetrator, can be seen on page 39 of Painful Questions.
The photo of the fireball that occurred immediately after the crash of the plane into the South Tower shows two fast moving objects that passed through the tower and are far ahead of the inferno. One appears as a black dot leaving a trail of white smoke; the second appears to be a dark rod burning with a white flame followed by a trail of black smoke.
The second object displays the characteristics of a burning DU penetrator. AFP sent enlarged photos of the object to Marion Fulk, a retired chemical physicist from the Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and asked him if this object could be DU.
"Yes, it is possible," Fulk said. Asked about the dark smoke trailing behind the nearly pure white flame, Fulk said, "It could be uranium oxide."
"Let's assume it is uranium," Fulk added. "It's burning near the surface and it's pretty hot." It is a small object with great mass and has huge momentum behind it, Fulk said. "It's way out ahead of the explosion and nothing stopped it."
If the object is a DU penetrator, that would explain its intense heat, radiation expert Leuren Moret told AFP. The DU would have already been burning before it hit the tower. The burning uranium would have acted to ignite the fuel in the aircraft causing the tremendous explosions seen in both towers. As it passed through the building some of the penetrator's kinetic energy would have been converted to heat energy.
The difference between the orange colors of the flames coming from the explosion in the tower and the white flame of the small dense object are indicative of "a huge temperature difference," Moret said. The white flame coming off of the uranium suggests it is burning at a very high temperature although it is not possible to determine the exact temperature from the photograph, according to Fulk and Moret.
The gap between the burning object and its dark smoke trail is because the vapor coming off of the burning object is very hot and has to cool in order to condense and form the visible dark colored uranium oxides, Moret said.
Comments?Leuren Moret, of Berkeley, Calif., is an independent scientist who works on radiation and public health issues with communities around the world. She earned her B.S. in Geology at U.C. Davis in 1968, and her M.A. in Near Eastern Studies from U.C. Berkeley in 1978.
Moret is a geoscientist who became a whistleblower in 1991 at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab after witnessing fraud on the Yucca Mountain Project. She now dedicates her life to revealing and understanding the actual health effects of radiation exposure. She has worked extensively on the impact of radiation on public health from nuclear power plants and atmospheric testing and how radiation moves through the environment.
Moret works with the Radiation and Public Health Project, a group of independent scientists and has written a scientific report on depleted uranium for the United Nations subcommission investigating the illegality of depleted uranium munitions. She has been trained on radiation issues by a former Manhattan Project Scientist and retired insider at the Livermore Lab who is an expert on radioactive fallout and rainout. Together with Dr. Hari Sharma, they have studied high levels of depleted uranium measured in the tissue samples of 70 residents of Basra, Iraq, who died after the Gulf War from internal exposure to depleted uranium.
She wrote the forword to Akira Tashiro’s award-winning “Discounted Casualties: The Human Cost of Depleted Uranium,” and appears in the recently released DVD “Beyond Treason” that was produced by Power Hour Productions , an 89-minute film that presents comprehensive documentation from United States Government archives of a massive cover-up, including military and civilian experimentation, dating back over 60 years.