Leuren Moret says cruise missile hit Pentagon


The Force is Strong With This One
Leuren Moret’s presentation during the 3rd session of the 911 Truth International Conference in Tokyo on Oct. 7th, 2006.


I made this transcript of her presentation:

Leuren Moret: On the morning of 9/11 at five in the morning, the subway at the Pentagon was full of military personnel and guard dogs. This is not normal.

When the object hit the Pentagon it impacted an area called Naval Intelligence which had just been retrofitted and we know now the object that hit the Pentagon was a cruise missile. The missile also went through the department of accounting. It killed 85 people and destroyed computers withmuch data on them.

This is very important because when Dov Zakheim who is a joint Israeli and American citizen was working in the Pentagon, 3.5 trillion dollar disappeared from the Pentagon. So that cruise missile which destroyed the accounting department made it impossible to trace that money that disappeared. Dov Zakheim when he left the Pentagon went almost directly to Israel. Donald Rumseld and other people involved in 9/11 and the White House administration have ignored that 3.5 trillion dollars has disappeared.

The object, the missile that hit the Pentagon left a round bullet hole through the Pentagon. That was no plane that impacted the Pentagon and it went through four layers of very, very strong walls, cement walls, before it exited the Pentagon and left a very large bullet hole or a punchout at the exit wall.

Right after the object hit the Pentagon I found a medical doctor living 12 miles from the Pentagon. I told her to call the FBI and the emergency response agencies and get all of the emergency workers in full protective gear with air tanks on their backs.

At that time I thought a plane hit the Pentagon and depleted uranium is used in commerical aircraft, I did not want the emergency workers to be poisoned. Depleted uranium burns and forms a radioactive poison gas. It goes everywhere and very long distances.

I also told the medical doctor to take the geiger counter out of her purse, I knew she had a geiger counter in her purse to do air monitoring. Within 5 hours after the missile hit the Pentagon, she called me back and she said the radiation levels are 8 to 10 times higher then normal.

2 days after the cruise missile hit the Pentagon, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) , called and confirmed that the Pentagon crash site was contaminated with depleted uranium.

The bullet hole, the 14 foot bullet hole through the Pentagon is the signature of a kinetic energy penetrator. In other words, depleted uranium warhead in the cruise missile.

In a military magazine for officers, a woman working in the floor above the hole described watching the object on television hit the Pentagon one floor below her and when it was over she and the other workers walked out of the building.

They watched it on tv. They were in their office .... (clarification - internal Pentagon tv)

Nobody even had a scratch because it was a bullet hole through the building. There was no other damage.

It seems that the explosions in all those, fire outside the Pentagon came from a worker's hut, a temporary building right in front of the Pentagon, or perhaps a truck. It was an explosion before the object hit the Pentagon.

Jimmy Walter has just given information, the clock stopped at 9:32am inside the Pentagon, but the missile hit the building at 9:37am.

In order to hide the bullet hole which would have been very obvious to the public if it had been broadcast on national television, the military collapsed that part of the building with a cookie cutter demolition. (translation note - cookie cutter demolition implies the precision demolition of the hole like with a cookie cutter.)

This is an article excellent by General Leonid Ivashov and I will give it to Yumi to translate for the website, "International Terrorism Does Not Exist". He was the head of the Russian military when 9/11 happened. He was Chief of Staff of the Russian military.

What he (Leonid Ivashov) said is, it could only be carried out by intelligence agencies or those retired but still with ties to the intelligence agencies and 9/11 was carried out by US intelligence agencies and the shadow government and the Mossad and the Israeli government, but most importantly it was the British government and the intelligence agencies.

The capitol of terrorism is London and this is carried out for the London money power. These are the old, mostly Jewish bankers some going back to the Roman empire and this is carried out for two reasons.

Number one was to establish a police state in the United States which we have now and every time I go back to the US I'm afraid I'm going to be arrested in custom, but the opposite happens I get very, very, very special treatment. They take me through the line where the plane crews go through customs.

Almost everyone on the 9/11 commission had ties to the Caspian oil companies in the Caspian oil region.

Remember this because it's going to happen to you too. This is what Henry Kissinger said.

"Who controls the food supply controls the people, who controls the energy can control whole continents, who controls money controls the world."

Watch out for the London money power and the Rothschilds are actually the face for the London money power.

Thank you very much.
This is a related video discussing a picture from the WTC collapse that possibly shows a kinetic energy penetrator from a DU warhead.


With no evidence of a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon available to the public, some 9/11 researchers claim a DU tipped missile, launched by a weaponized UAV, like the Global Hawk, struck the Pentagon. The Global Hawk followed the missile into the building and was destroyed leaving behind only its most durable parts, such as the engine parts and parts of its landing gear.

Because DU is extremely dense, a wide variety of missiles in the U.S. arsenal are tipped with DU rods to penetrate the armored steel of military vehicles and buildings. Because uranium is a spontaneous pyrophoric material, it inflames when it reaches its target and generates such intense heat that it explodes. This is what causes the bright flash that is seen when a DU missile impacts upon its target.

The white flash seen in videos of the two planes striking the twin towers is exactly the kind of flash that occurs when a missile with a DU penetrator strikes. If DU penetrators caused the flashes seen on videos of the planes smashing into the towers, where did the uranium rods go?

Working with Hufschmid, AFP has located several photos that show a mysterious burning object passing through the initial explosion in the South Tower. This object, which displays the characteristics of a burning DU penetrator, can be seen on page 39 of Painful Questions.

The photo of the fireball that occurred immediately after the crash of the plane into the South Tower shows two fast moving objects that passed through the tower and are far ahead of the inferno. One appears as a black dot leaving a trail of white smoke; the second appears to be a dark rod burning with a white flame followed by a trail of black smoke.

The second object displays the characteristics of a burning DU penetrator. AFP sent enlarged photos of the object to Marion Fulk, a retired chemical physicist from the Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and asked him if this object could be DU.

"Yes, it is possible," Fulk said. Asked about the dark smoke trailing behind the nearly pure white flame, Fulk said, "It could be uranium oxide."

"Let's assume it is uranium," Fulk added. "It's burning near the surface and it's pretty hot." It is a small object with great mass and has huge momentum behind it, Fulk said. "It's way out ahead of the explosion and nothing stopped it."

If the object is a DU penetrator, that would explain its intense heat, radiation expert Leuren Moret told AFP. The DU would have already been burning before it hit the tower. The burning uranium would have acted to ignite the fuel in the aircraft causing the tremendous explosions seen in both towers. As it passed through the building some of the penetrator's kinetic energy would have been converted to heat energy.

The difference between the orange colors of the flames coming from the explosion in the tower and the white flame of the small dense object are indicative of "a huge temperature difference," Moret said. The white flame coming off of the uranium suggests it is burning at a very high temperature although it is not possible to determine the exact temperature from the photograph, according to Fulk and Moret.

The gap between the burning object and its dark smoke trail is because the vapor coming off of the burning object is very hot and has to cool in order to condense and form the visible dark colored uranium oxides, Moret said.
Leuren Moret's bio:

Leuren Moret, of Berkeley, Calif., is an independent scientist who works on radiation and public health issues with communities around the world. She earned her B.S. in Geology at U.C. Davis in 1968, and her M.A. in Near Eastern Studies from U.C. Berkeley in 1978.

Moret is a geoscientist who became a whistleblower in 1991 at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab after witnessing fraud on the Yucca Mountain Project. She now dedicates her life to revealing and understanding the actual health effects of radiation exposure. She has worked extensively on the impact of radiation on public health from nuclear power plants and atmospheric testing and how radiation moves through the environment.

Moret works with the Radiation and Public Health Project, a group of independent scientists and has written a scientific report on depleted uranium for the United Nations subcommission investigating the illegality of depleted uranium munitions. She has been trained on radiation issues by a former Manhattan Project Scientist and retired insider at the Livermore Lab who is an expert on radioactive fallout and rainout. Together with Dr. Hari Sharma, they have studied high levels of depleted uranium measured in the tissue samples of 70 residents of Basra, Iraq, who died after the Gulf War from internal exposure to depleted uranium.

She wrote the forword to Akira Tashiro’s award-winning “Discounted Casualties: The Human Cost of Depleted Uranium,” and appears in the recently released DVD “Beyond Treason” that was produced by Power Hour Productions , an 89-minute film that presents comprehensive documentation from United States Government archives of a massive cover-up, including military and civilian experimentation, dating back over 60 years.
Unfortunately it's misinfo hopefully not disinfo.

Nobody saw a missile or ANYTHING on the south side of the station at all let alone hit the light poles.

The light poles were staged in advance and there was a plane that flew on the north side of the citgo station but didn't hit the building.

This right here is a long time truth movement myth:
That was no plane that impacted the Pentagon and it went through four layers of very, very strong walls, cement walls, before it exited the Pentagon and left a very large bullet hole or a punchout at the exit wall.
There were no walls in the bottom 2 floors of the Pentagon between the E and C ring.

You can tell if you count the windows:


The c-ring hole was probably created with something like this:

They had years during the "renovation" to plant explosives or whatever they wanted.
Craig Ranke CIT said:
Unfortunately it's misinfo hopefully not disinfo.

Nobody saw a missile or ANYTHING on the south side of the station at all let alone hit the light poles.

The light poles were staged in advance and there was a plane that flew on the north side of the citgo station but didn't hit the building.

This right here is a long time truth movement myth:
That was no plane that impacted the Pentagon and it went through four layers of very, very strong walls, cement walls, before it exited the Pentagon and left a very large bullet hole or a punchout at the exit wall.
There were no walls in the bottom 2 floors of the Pentagon between the E and C ring.

You can tell if you count the windows:

The c-ring hole was probably created with something like this:

They had years during the "renovation" to plant explosives or whatever they wanted.
Why do you bring up that no one saw anything on the south side? There was no mention of the south side or direction in Leuren Moret's presentation.

I have no idea how you qualify the statement that there were no walls in between.

So what hit the Pentagon then and how do you account for the high radiation levels that were detected?


Why would they purposely make holes in the wall with explosives when it's one of the most contentious issues about the Pentagon strike?
Pentagon Attacked By A Missile And A Retrofitted Jet

Greetings to All:

The Pentagon was attacked at 9:31:39 AM by a Supersonic “L-Pill Carrying” Missile and again at 9:36:27 AM by a Refitted Remote-controlled A-3 Custom Jet in a second attack. The Missile (like these, and these) Strike was carried out under cover of a the painted-up A-3 that caught every eye, as the roaring engines caught every ear, so nobody realized the pre-9:32 AM First Explosion was created by a missile. The released security frames (upper right) show a 20-inch Diameter Missile (pic) on final approach on a 45-degree Trajectory Heading (pic) about to strike the Pentagon. The Department of Defense has been running a cover up operation from the very beginning in a case literally filled to the brim with carefully planted disinformation to throw 911Truth investigators off the track. The Official Government/Media Timeline ( link ) has been manipulated and purposely fabricated to give credibility and believability to a Flight 77 HOAX with no basis in reality whatsoever. Official Pentagon 9/11 pictures have been photoshopped to conceal the 911Truth that the E-Ring wall was struck not once, but twice in two separate attacks just 4 minutes and 48 seconds apart.

This story begins with evidence from the Arlington County After-Action Report (link) that “Captain Steve McCoy and the crew of Engine 101 were in route to a training session” traveling north on Interstate 395. At 9:38 AM they were talking about the World Trade Center attacks and saw a Jetliner disappear from sight with an explosion. However, they were “unable to pinpoint the precise location,” because at that point only “on station” Foam 161 fire crew had knowledge of the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike attack, even though the firemen thought the Decoy Plane struck the Pentagon. Right away you should realize this report and time describe the ‘second crew’s’ location having nothing to do with the on station Foam 161 crew ‘already at the Pentagon.’ The report says,

“Captain Dennis Gilroy and his team were already on station at the Pentagon when Flight #77 (not) slammed into it, just beyond the heliport. Foam 161 caught fire and suffered a flat tire from flying debris. Firefighters Mark Skipper and Alan Wallace were outside the vehicle at impact and received burns and lacerations.”
Alan Wallace and Mark Skipper were injured during the 9:31:39 AM Decoy Flyover Plane / Missile Strike where they ran ‘north’ (story) with their backs facing the E-Ring Column Line (CL) 14 location at the moment of missile impact. These ‘on station’ firefighters hid under their vehicles parked just north of the Heliport location, until driven out by the massive fires created by the 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet attack. The A-3 Skywarrior Retrofit information is posted here. Fort Myer Rescue Engine 161 (second truck from Foam 161) is mentioned in this Public Action Report:

Carol Valentine's Public Action Article

The ARFF foam units knocked down the bulk of the fire in the first seven minutes after their arrival, said Captain Michael Defina, who was the shift commander that day at National . . . Captain Defina drove onto the heliport and directed Foam Unit 331 to set up there, where Fort Myer Rescue Engine161 had established a hydrant water supply.
The problem with both reports is they tell stories from perspectives other than from the vantage point of Fort Myer Foam 161 that was "on station" (story = second from bottom) and at the scene ‘before’ the 9:38 AM timelines established by ‘others’ coming along after the original 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike. The Fort Meyer "Foam 161" engine was parked outside the Heliport Garage earlier that morning with Alan Wallace and Mark Skipper "outside the vehicle" (ACAAC Page 26 = A-4*) when the Decoy Flyover Plane entered Pentagon airspace for the ‘first’ attack. The released Pentagon Security frames have been censored (video) to remove 2 frames and conceal the 9:31:39 AM Decoy Flyover Plane evidence, but the Plane cast a shadow on Citgo Station Security Camera #7 (Gif Clip) at exactly 9:31:39 AM, when you allow for the security system running exactly 10 minutes fast. The FAA Timeline includes the 9:32 AM aircraft crash (link) part of their Official Timeline, because this marks the time the Pentagon was first attacked to stop these Pentagon clocks (pics). These frames show how the 9:31:39 AM Supersonic Missile approached and detonated:


This 9:31:39 AM fire/smoke plume is limited to the direct area surrounding the 18-feet diameter entry hole where Terry Cohen stood just minutes after the initial attack.

Terry Cohen News Video

Terry Cohen is a construction supervisor attending a meeting inside one of the construction trailers just 100 feet away from the Wedge One E-Ring CL 14 location inside the construction fence. She reports seeing “Just Smoke” several times in this interview with no mention of the massive 9:36:27 AM ‘fires’ (pic) created by the “Terrible Explosion” that was Lloyd’s “Big Boom” (Liberty Post article) taking place five minutes ‘after’ his original Pole #1 adventures began from the 9:31:39 AM Decoy Plane / Missile Strike. However, this picture* shows evidence of a much wider attack running far north of the E-ring entry hole where the ‘second’ A-3 Jet attack created a 300-feet long series of massive fires. The Foam 161 crewmen ("Mark Skipper and Alan Wallace"*) were reported to be in a state of "shock" after the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike, so I am not even sure if they realize today that the ‘fires’ came from a second attack. By the time these ‘on station’ firemen recovered, the landscape was filled with fire, fire trucks and firemen; so they began assisting people evacuating the area, while trying to recover from their injuries and the initial shock. Click on the Geoffmetcalf link to see the best image, then my picture is a cut showing the A-3 Custom-built Jet impact location.

Too big to post. Use the zoom option

Examine the original large photo to realize there is no foam yet sprayed on anything. The time of this picture must be between 9:31:39 AM and the period 'before' Foam Unit #331 (story) showed up later to apply foam and knock down the bulk of the fire in just seven minutes (story). The important detail to note is our fire is raging at least two hundred feet to the left (north) of the green SUV, which seems a highly unlikely location for any fire from the original “Just Smoke” Missile Strike directly over the cable spools (pic). Examine all 9:31:39+ AM frames carefully to realize the ‘inside-the-building fires’ and “Just Smoke” with a ‘single smoke plume’ situation exists after Frame #8.


A close up shot reveals our tall green undamaged SUV with mystery debris littering the area south (right) of Column Line 7. The white Nissan is parked in front of Column Line 6, which is 80 feet north of the center (CL 14) of our E-Ring entry hole. That means the fire burning to the north of our Nissan is at least 120 feet from the original impact crater, which appears highly unlikely from the damage recorded in the original missile strike.


While we do not have nearly enough damage to the E-Ring limestone wall to support the Official Flight 77 cover story, we have plenty of evidence to support a second attack from a Remote-controlled Custom-built A-3 Attack Jet. Barbara Honegger interviewed Lloyd the taxi driver who reported to seeing only ‘inside-the-building fires’ (Barabara Honegger's Famous Paper) upon first stopping in front of the Pentagon, which supports Terry Cohen’s testimony above 100 percent. Voltairenet.org (link) makes the same ‘smoke only / fire’ observations using this picture in the middle of the page where you can find “missile commentary” supporting my case. FreedomFiles.org Missile Analysis Data is posted on their website (link). Here is News footage of eyewitnesses to a small plane striking the Pentagon. Don Wright testifies to seeing a 'twin-engine' plane crashing into the Pentagon fitting the description perfectly.

Michael Kelly News Video

Don Wright News Video



This appears to be a first response picture of Engine #331 on the scene directly in front of the 18-feet diameter entry hole. Note the tall green SUV appears undamaged, but with a large section of debris stretched across the hood.


However, this picture shows our vehicles now much shorter and located in front of Column Line 4. This picture appears to be a fake. :0) These two vehicles change colors often and appear on fire in many of the pictures, because the photoshop artist used the smoke to assist in the cover-up operation.


This picture of the E-Ring wall left side damage shows our little white two-door Nissan and the larger green undamaged SUV between CL 6 and 8. The DoD is moving vehicles around and setting them on fire for a reason, as if all these firemen and fire trucks cannot put out this little fire.

Great Website for more info >> link


This photo shows the area in front of Column Lines 5 – 8 and our vehicles have switched colors. :0) ( more on that here: link ) We have two sets of Pentagon photographs with changing vehicles clearly indicating a high percentage of these pictures have been doctored to hide plane wreckage from the second 9:36:27 AM attack. I realize these two vehicles have been set ablaze so many times that we are looking at primer colors and severe burn damage, but nothing except DoD trickery can explain why these vehicles are moved back and forth for these series of photo ops.


This is my NF#3 picture from the “The Dod Manipulated Fire And Firemen On 9/11” (link) thread giving the 1:00 PM time very near the Zenith where the sun climbs to its highest point in the sky. I have been assuming this picture was taken on 9/11, because the fire is raging some 250 feet from the original E-Ring entry hole. However, even our white SUV and black sports car have been removed from this picture either manually or by photoshopping the image. Whoever doctored these images is definitely hiding evidence between Column Lines 5 and 13 where the 9:36:27 AM A-3 Custom-built Jet Attack occurred. The Department of Defense has manipulated a good portion of Pentagon data to fabricate a fictitious timeline in support of their Official Flight 77 Cover Story. This explains why so many 911Truthers have contradictory explanations for what really happened at the Pentagon, because there were two attacks (my new 911oz.com thread) all along.


Pentagon Attacked By A Missile And A Retrofitted Jet

I've looked at some of your links and what you are proposing as the solution is very interesting. If it is the answer, then it is that much clearer why there was so much confusion AND why it is essential that no videos be released that would reveal the perfidy.
Pentagon Attacked By A Missile And A Retrofitted Jet

Hi Laura:

Thank you for writing.

Laura >> I've looked at some of your links and what you are proposing as the solution is very interesting. If it is the answer, then it is that much clearer why there was so much confusion AND why it is essential that no videos be released that would reveal the perfidy.
The “two attack” thesis offers many explanations for the seeming contradictions regarding this complicated Pentagon case and also presents the perfect opportunity to crack all the 9/11 cases wide open, because the 9:32 AM ‘First Explosion’ cannot possibly be answered by anything to do with Flight 77. The FBI-provided Flight Data Recorder evidence from Jim Ritter’s NTSB Report (link) places Flight 77 beyond Pentagon airspace at the 9:32 AM FAA Reported aircraft crash time (FAA Timeline), so obviously the government must find the source of the original attack.

The Opening Post Missile + A-3 Jet ‘two attack’ explanation is the only one I can come up with to answer all the questions without creating many contradictions. I hope these members can find evidence for rebuttals, so this thesis paper can be strengthened even more. :0)

Thank you again for writing,

Pentagon Attacked By A Missile And A Retrofitted Jet

Leuren Moret says it was a hut or a truck that exploded in front of the Pentagon in addition to a missile hitting it:


It seems that the explosions in all those, fire outside the Pentagon came from a worker's hut, a temporary building right in front of the Pentagon, or perhaps a truck. It was an explosion before the object hit the Pentagon.
If I'm not mistaken this was actually reported initially in the news.
Re: Pentagon Attacked By A Missile And A Retrofitted A-3 Jet

Hi Kageki:

Thank you for writing. :0)

kageki said:
Leuren Moret says it was a hut or a truck that exploded in front of the Pentagon in addition to a missile hitting it:


It seems that the explosions in all those, fire outside the Pentagon came from a worker's hut, a temporary building right in front of the Pentagon, or perhaps a truck. It was an explosion before the object hit the Pentagon.

If I'm not mistaken this was actually reported initially in the news.

We disagree. The common misconception is that the first 9:31:39 AM explosion came from a truck bomb or planted bombs or some other source. However, the evidence says the Pentagon was struck by a hypersonic missile to start these attacks, which is explained in greater detail in my new “This Is What Really Happened At The Pentagon” Opening Post here.


Leuren Moret Has Many Facts Right, But Some Need Attention :0)

Hi Kageki:

I have read every word of your Opening Post and agree 100 percent that the Pentagon was struck at 9:31:39 AM by a DoD-supplied missile for this self-inflicted wound. Please allow me to fill in the blanks where Leuren Moret’s testimony is a little bit off from my interpretation of the evidence:

kageki said:
Leuren Moret: On the morning of 9/11 at five in the morning, the subway at the Pentagon was full of military personnel and guard dogs. This is not normal.

When the object hit the Pentagon it impacted an area called Naval Intelligence which had just been retrofitted and we know now the object that hit the Pentagon was a cruise missile. The missile also went through the department of accounting. It killed 85 people and destroyed computers withmuch data on them.

The “Naval Intelligence” description is of the “Navy Operations Center” show in blue here:


The Navy Operations Center had not been retrofitted, but the entire Wedge One (pic = one fifth of the Pentagon) had been retrofitted that includes the Navy Operations Center. The hypersonic missile only achieved supersonic speed just outside the West Wedge Wall to create the sonic boom that nearly coincided with the three L-Pill detonations inside the Navy Command Center (front and back = first two pics*) and in the Defense Intelligence Agency Office (shaded in yellow above = final pic*). I explain what really happened in this post, which will give this commentary meaning:

The Inside-Job bad guys (rogue element) inside our own U.S. Military (working under Rumsfeld) began the WTC attacks first in order to give Navy Intelligence Commanders sufficient time to gather in the rear of the Navy Operations Center, before initiating the 9:31:39 AM missile attack run. You will note that this is the key time of the day and the moment when Senor Bush made is quick speech (speech begins at 9:29:55) to leave the school in Florida (9:32-9:34 AM). The DoD bad guys deliberately positioned these bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (Army story) in what I call the Column 14 Corridor running northeast between Column Line (CL) 13 and CL 15 on a 45-degree angle from the southwest like this (pic and pic). The bad guys chose the 45-degree angle for the attack, because that gave them a clear shot to murder the most people on a floor plan that includes a checkerboard of columns laid out on 10-feet centers (Bishop takes Queen chess scenario). Therefore, the retrofitting of this Wedge One office space included the placement of the very people being targeted who were hunting down the 3.5 Trillion dollars ‘and’ the legitimate Military Resources responsible for launching Navy Jets into the WTC theater (story = they never took off). Are we beginning to see the pattern? :0)

The hypersonic missile included three L-Pill components that were ‘time delayed’ to inflict the most damage and casualties in three specified areas along this 45-degree trajectory line (in green). The first explosion came from the missile itself just inside the E-Ring wall that killed most of the Army personnel. The second explosion came from the first L-Pill timed to detonate just inside the Navy Operations Center to kill as many Navy officers (mine is a Navy family, BTW) as possible. The third explosion came from the detonation of the second L-Pill device at the rear of the Navy Operations Center that killed all the Commanders making plans to launch Navy Jets into the WTC theater. The final explosion came from the third L-Pill device timed to strike the rear C-Ring wall first and then detonate to murder everyone gathered in the Defense Intelligence Agency Offices. However, the observers in surrounding area heard one or two explosions, because the time differential from the missile passing the Route 27 cloverleaf to final L-Pill detonation against the rear C-Ring wall was just over a half second.

kageki said:
This is very important because when Dov Zakheim who is a joint Israeli and American citizen was working in the Pentagon, 3.5 trillion dollar disappeared from the Pentagon. So that cruise missile which destroyed the accounting department made it impossible to trace that money that disappeared. Dov Zakheim when he left the Pentagon went almost directly to Israel. Donald Rumseld and other people involved in 9/11 and the White House administration have ignored that 3.5 trillion dollars has disappeared.

Senor Bush and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsefeld and the DoD/FBI/CIA are the inside-job bad guys who launched the attacks ‘and’ have been running the investigation. They made off with the 3.5 Trillion Dollars like they are stealing over 8 Trillion using this silly FED/Paulson/Bushie Bailout Plan. That is what We The People get for allowing murderers to sit in the White House, Department of Defense, FBI, CIA, Department of Injustice, Etc., Etc.. The People have had eight years to get this right and the pretender 911Truth Movement continues running in place and looking the other way . . .

kageki said:
The object, the missile that hit the Pentagon left a round bullet hole through the Pentagon. That was no plane that impacted the Pentagon and it went through four layers of very, very strong walls, cement walls, before it exited the Pentagon and left a very large bullet hole or a punchout at the exit wall.

We can agree that no 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, but the A-3 Jet that launched the hypersonic missile returned and struck the Pentagon just 4 minutes and 48 seconds later to kill even more first responders and anyone sent into the death zone. Carol Valentine from PublicAction.com calls this the “Sixty-Hour Witness Assassination” (story). The same people who designed the retrofitted offices ‘and’ placed the victims in those chairs also designed their missile to penetrate these walls ‘and’ provided the time sequencing data for the L-Pill detonations. If Americans were not murdering Americans in this case, then the missile strike was planned and executed with great precision indeed. If the missile bow shockwave had not uprooted Pole #1 to contact the starboard engine of the A-3 Jet, then the A-3 would have exploded at 9:31:39 with the missile and the E-Ring roof would have collapsed in one smooth motion at 9:32 AM ‘and’ perhaps the DoD bad guys would not have needed 60 hours to ensure everyone on their list was dead.

kageki said:
It seems that the explosions in all those, fire outside the Pentagon came from a worker's hut, a temporary building right in front of the Pentagon, or perhaps a truck. It was an explosion before the object hit the Pentagon.

No. The Pentagon was definitely struck by a hypersonic missile at 9:31:39 AM to begin these attacks. We have witnesses sitting inside those trailers (like Terry Cohen) who would have been killed LONG before anyone in the Defense Intelligence Office if the explosion had originated in the construction trailers. She ran to the entry hole in ‘seconds’ and saw only black smoke that was coming from ‘inside’ the Pentagon, as the line of destruction was already complete along the Column Line 14 Corridor running northeast (pic).

kageki said:
Jimmy Walter has just given information, the clock stopped at 9:32am inside the Pentagon, but the missile hit the building at 9:37am.

No. The missile struck the Pentagon at exactly 9:31:39 AM to stop the Quartermaster-calibrated Clock (on right). The A-3 Jet that launched the missile then returned minutes later (bottom pic) to create the massive explosion at 9:36:27 AM.


Re: Leuren Moret Has Many Facts Right, But Some Need Attention :0)

Terral said:
Senor Bush and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsefeld and the DoD/FBI/CIA are the inside-job bad guys who launched the attacks ‘and’ have been running the investigation. They made off with the 3.5 Trillion Dollars like they are stealing over 8 Trillion using this silly FED/Paulson/Bushie Bailout Plan. That is what We The People get for allowing murderers to sit in the White House, Department of Defense, FBI, CIA, Department of Injustice, Etc., Etc.. The People have had eight years to get this right and the pretender 911Truth Movement continues running in place and looking the other way . . .
It is obvious from the recent thread on Lloyde England that Terral is trolling about the 9/11 issue, but from the above there's also an indication of what he/she is trying to hide: pointing the fingers in one direction, when the evidence of "whodunnit" as explained in Lauras book on the topic points in another, much more likely, direction.
Re: Leuren Moret says cruise missile hit Pentagon - And So Do I :0)

Hi Foo with Kageki mentioned:

foofighter said:
It is obvious from the recent thread on Lloyde England that Terral is trolling about the 9/11 issue . . .

Trolling? :0) That mere accusation sounds funny coming from Mr. Foo who refuses to even write on this Topic, but insists on attacking my person using nothing but name-calling rhetoric. We can cut to the chase very quickly by looking carefully at the OP Topic that says, “Leuren Moret says cruise missile hit Pentagon.” Okay, so what does Mr. Foo say hit the Pentagon? :0) My hypothesis and explanation agrees very much with Leuren Moret and the Topic Starter (Kageki) is asking for our comments, which he received from me in Post #3. I quoted from the article word-for-word to offer my interpretations from the EVIDENCE, which includes no trolling activities like we see in your little baby name-calling posts. :0) CIT has a fan club here, which is typical of all the Boards containing their Light Pole explanations. However, I noticed that Craig had nothing to say about my reply on this Topic, because that requires CIT to come up with an explanation of what really hit the Pentagon and ‘when’ that event took place. Hopefully Mr. Foo here has greater intentions than to follow me around while pasting three sentences of trolling accusations. :0)

foofighter said:
. . . but from the above there's also an indication of what he/she is trying to hide: pointing the fingers in one direction, when the evidence of "whodunnit" as explained in Lauras book on the topic points in another, much more likely, direction.

Foo is the one pointing fingers with no explanation for what hit the Pentagon. Again, everyone is entitled to his or her interpretations of the Pentagon evidence, which gives these readers more information for drawing ‘informed’ conclusions. If Mr. Foo has any explanations for what really hit the Pentagon, then this is your opportunity to agree or disagree with the OP hypothesis that a missile done it. :0)


Terral is obviously trolling, verbally attacking other forum members and attempting to obfuscate the issues. He has been banned.

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