Level 3 Thinking: a sign of maturity?


FOTCM Member
I recently stumbled upon an interesting concept some guy came up with in a blog post called Level 3 Thinking: A Unified Theory of Self-Improvement. It is of course a bit simplistic, but I find it very true and very useful.

The idea is that we can go through 3 levels of thinking, although most people are stuck at level 1. Here are the 3 levels with one of the examples the author uses, namely diet, which is a good example:

At level 1, you basically live in the belief system that you were taught, that of your parents and peers, although you don't realize it. In the case of diet, you think "what mum gave you" or "what everybody eats" is the best diet, end of story, and you don't allow any contradicting facts to get in the way. Although you are under the illusion that you arrived to these conclusions yourself.

At level 2, you have what the author calls a "moment of clarity", where you suddenly realize that what you have been told is wrong - usually by finding information about some other idea. You then fully embrace this new, alternative ideology. With diet, you might embrace veganism/low carb/carnivore/what have you and believe this is the holy grail and the absolute truth. You are as identified with the new ideology as with the old "standard" one, maybe even more so.

At level 3, you start to become mature, a true individual who thinks for himself. You realize that you can, and must, look for valuable ideas everywhere if you want to advance. You start seeing nuances, make use of different angles from which to look at a problem or reality without blinking, and don't buy any prepackaged belief system. With diet, for example, you realize that you must look at the science as well as your own experiences, that each individual is different, that a good diet depends on genetics and might even change with your 'spiritual' development etc.

The author calls the 3 levels:
  • Level 1: Blind Ideology
  • Level 2: Chosen Ideology
  • Level 3: Ideology Transcendence

I guess we all can think of many examples where this dynamic plays out, whether it's political ideas, philosophical concepts, psychology, esoteric ideas, scientific theories etc. I think it's very fruitful to keep these "3 levels" in mind when we think about things, research, judge others and so on.

It also reminds me a bit of Paul's ideas about law vs. love, developing from "spiritual children" that need a "childminder" to "spiritual adults" who are in tune with God. In this picture, you start out as a "child" that hopefully is prevented from too much harm by the "law" (level 1), then you have a moment of clarity/a transformation that brings you in contact with a new way of seeing the world and, and a new community (level 2). But you are still a "child in Christ" until you mature to the point that you are in touch with the Christ spirit and confident enough to truly think for yourself without blinking. (These ideas go beyond this concept of 3 levels, but they still seem related.)

It also reminds me of Gurdjieff's octaves, where in each development process you have two intervals that require a "quantum leap" and lots of energy to overcome (i.e. from level 1 to level 2, and from level 2 to level 3).

Anyway, this is obviously not the whole story, but as I said, I find this concept very useful because while this isn't big news to most of us here I guess, it's a very straight-forward way of expressing it.

Here is the whole article for reference:

Level 3 Thinking: A Unified Theory of Self-Improvement​

By Nat Eliason in Psychology
Published or Updated on Jan 08, 2018

I spent the last month revisiting my notes from 200-some books. As I moved through topics spanning health, entrepreneurship, philosophy, learning, and everything else I’ve been interested in, I couldn’t help noticing some trends, some categories of thought the books could be organized into.
When I started reading more energetically, I focused on practical, how-to style self-improvement books. The Power of Habit. I Will Teach You To Be Rich. The $100 Startup. Popular books that promised to teach me a “hack.”
Eventually, I grew bored of books that could be condensed to a blog post and pursued higher level books. Peak. Seeking Wisdom. The Monk and the Riddle. Books that provided a broader understanding, a richer context for their ideas.
Later I started exploring the category above that: books that take the leap to philosophy. Antifragile. Finite and Infinite Games. Godel Escher Bach. Books that do not promise to teach you how to do anything, but rather change how your mind works by the time you’re done with them.
These categories could be thought of as a hierarchy, a way of evaluating what you’re reading for its potential value. At the bottom, you have the life hacky books. In the middle, you have the informative, educational books, and at the top, you have the philosophical mind-bending books.
But I soon realized this wasn’t just about books. It was about thoughts. The way we think can be broken down into similar tiers, and all meaningful self-improvement, attainments of knowledge, advances in maturity, skill development, and independent thought require graduating through these successive levels.
Applied, it gives us a way to understand obesity, tech bros, neo-nazis, depressed college students, vegans, entrepreneurs, angry atheists, SJWs, lifestyle designers, crypto fanatics, Trump voters, and consumerism. It shows us why we get embarrassed by our past thoughts and actions, and why other people can seem stupid and irrational. It gives us a new lens to interpret our disagreements, as well as a framework for how we might push others we care about to improve themselves.
And most importantly: it gives us a model for how to improve our own thinking. For how to be a little less dumb, naive, or mistaken. How to broaden our perspectives, learn more effectively, and accelerate our personal development.
It starts at Level 1.

Level 1: Blind Ideology​

“Whoever plays a finite game plays freely, but it is often the case that finite players will be unaware of this freedom and will think that whatever they do they must do.” – James P. Carse, Finite and Infinite Games
Each of us was born to level 1. Some move past it, many don’t. It’s characterized by the wholesale adoption of the beliefs, attitudes, and lifestyles that were thrust onto you by your upbringing and environment.
It’s tempting to hear that definition and assume people at Level 1 are “dumb,” but that’s not necessarily the case. The lower-middle-class middle American with paltry academic interests who forgoes college to work at his father’s mechanic shop is likely at Level 1. But so is the New England, upper class, tiger mommed, straight-a-student who “wins” and makes it on the Stuyvesant-Harvard-Investment Banking Analyst track (we’ll call this person SHIBA for short).
What characterizes both of them is that they do “what they’re supposed to do.” Working in a profession because that’s what your parents do, or what your environment pushed you to do, is operating on Level 1. It’s a comfortable “going with the flow,” accepting that this is what “people like you do” and not challenging it too much. Maybe you picked Wall Street over becoming a lawyer, but you were still operating in the artificial idea-space of your local ideology.
Religion is the best analogy here. There is little difference in depth of thought between the SHIBA and a rural Pakistani boy who prays five times a day in pursuit of Harvard paradise. Both have taken in the beliefs of their culture and ran with them, happily playing the game that they were born into.
Someone in Level 1 would read this and be a mixture of offended and confused. To the rural Muslim, questioning Islam wouldn’t just be heresy it wouldn’t make sense. It’s completely foreign to them that someone wouldn’t believe in Allah, just as it’s foreign to the SHIBA that someone wouldn’t want to work at Goldman Sachs/McKinsey/Google.
Level 1 thinkers see someone operating differently and their first thought is “that person must be irrational / confused / stupid / evil.” People who voted for Trump must be stupid. Anyone who eats meat must be evil. People who want tax cuts must be selfish. Students who don’t care about grades must be lazy.
Level 1 thinkers have an ideology they’re fixed to, and their blindness to it makes them throw out contrary opinions as heresy.
Health is one area where, unfortunately, most people are at Level 1 and it’s killing them. It will seem strange to anyone who reads this blog, but there are many people in the world who legitimately believe they cannot lose weight. That they’re stuck being overweight, that it’s in their genetics, that they’re “made that way.” When presented with information to the contrary, they react in the typical Level 1 fashion: “oh, that doesn’t apply to me” or “I don’t think that’s true” or “oh, I tried dieting and it didn’t work.” They don’t consciously respond to it. It gets filtered out because it doesn’t fit with their ideology.
And to be clear, this blindness and naivety apply to every ideology. No pre-packaged set of beliefs can be entirely true, there is always some part of it that is broken. If you’re reading this thinking “well yeah that’s definitely true for Democrats / Republicans / Jews / Christians / SHIBAs / Rural Americans / Vegans / Crossfitters but not for my beliefs” then you’re stuck on Level 1. Blindness to the imperfections of an ideology that you’ve adopted is the defining factor of Level 1 thinking.
We all start at Level 1 though. It’s a necessary consequence of our tribal heritage. There’s no way to be born more enlightened, and there’s no way for someone else to get you past Level 1 (beyond a bit of nudging). The only way you get past Level 1 is to have a Moment of Clarity: a spark when you realize that you’ve been driving with blinders on, that you don’t know as much as you think you know.
If you don’t immediately know what your Moments are then you haven’t had one yet. These are those moments where we come across some idea, person, or experience that crushes through the wall of our ingrained ideology with such force that we become disoriented, confused, and painfully aware of our naivety in a way totally foreign to us before.
The first time I got paid for freelance writing work was one of these moments for me. It completely changed how I thought about work and money, reframing a job as a thing you do rather than something you have. Reading Atlas Shrugged in high school was another one of these moments: making me realize how narrow-minded of a political and economic ideology I’d grown up with. Taking a few months in high school to try to get in shape was another, making me realize how foolish I’d been to think that we were stuck with the bodies we were in.
But these initial moments of clarity are only the beginning. It would be wonderful if we simply broke out of our love for ideologies, but typically, we just adopt another one and move from Level 1 to Level 2.

Level 2: Chosen Ideology​

“Modern education often does more damage when young students are taught dubious political notions and then enthusiastically push these notions on the rest of us. The pushing seldom convinces others. But as students pound into their mental habits what they are pushing out, the students are often permanently damaged. Educational institutions that create a climate where much of this goes on are, I think, irresponsible. It is important not to thus put one’s brain in chains before one has come anywhere near his full potential as a rational person.” – Charlie Munger, Poor Charlie’s Almanack
The problem with Moments of Clarity, with the sudden “Aha!” moments, is that we usually jump headfirst into whatever new belief we’ve found. Instead of stepping back and saying “maybe I shouldn’t just adopt one ideology wholesale,” we say “now I’ve found it!” and commit ourselves to the new ideology with as much vim and vigor as the old one.
Realizing how wrong you were in your previous narrow beliefs is terrifying. You feel naked, vulnerable, and like you’ve been blind for your whole life up until that point. No one wants to spend any more time in that pit of uncertainty than they have to, so they latch on to something else. This is completely natural, and it may be a necessary step to getting past ideological adherence.
Parts of the Atheist community provide a perfect example. These are the members who grow up in Christian households, have a Moment of Clarity, and then commit themselves to preaching Atheism with as much energy (perhaps more) as they had for Christianity. They trade their bible in for a Dawkins collection, and hang out on Reddit instead of in church, but they’re just as religious as before. They just have a different doctrine.
I should mention too that Moments of Clarity are not necessarily “true.” Just because the devout Christian had a moment of clarity doesn’t mean that Christianity is necessarily “wrong,” just that they realize there may be some truth beyond it they had been previously blind to. We can all have completely wrong Moments of Clarity, many of ours are, but they are still necessary.
If you know someone who believes in something and is annoying about it, they’re most likely at Level 2. The friend who just discovered Crossfit. The aunt who watched “What the Health” and went vegan. The coworker who read The 4-Hour Workweek and is moving to Bali to start a lifestyle business. They all feel like they’re “woke” now, like they’ve discovered the truth, like this is the answer, and they’re eager to tell you about it.
But Level 2 understanding is just as shallow as Level 1 understanding. It may be a more accurate interpretation of the world, but you’re still not thinking for yourself. You just found a different tribe to be a member of. A new religion to follow.
The big problem is that while your understanding hasn’t really progressed, you’re much more confident in your beliefs. The lifestyle entrepreneur living on the beach Instagramming how cool their job is thirsts for the same social validation as the Wall Street banker who buys a flashy car, but the banker doesn’t think they’re “woke” and that they’ve conquered the desires of the rat race.
The Bali Lifestyle Entrepreneur believes they’ve beaten the unhealthy obsessions with work… but they’re completely obsessed with work.
The vegan is likely doing themselves as much harm as someone mindlessly eating a standard American diet, but the vegan thinks they’re woke and informed and healthy and a good person.
The pickup artist is just as starved for validation from women as the virgin living in his parents’ basement, but the pickup artist thinks he’s conquered his obsession.
It’s similar to what happens when we get lost in the wilderness. Borrowing a passage from Emergency by Neil Strauss:
“When lost, individuals usually circle in the direction of their dominant hand. And though they might think they’re traveling in a straight line, they’re usually circling within the same square-mile area.”
It’s easy to fool yourself into believing you’re getting smarter while only going in circles, hopping from one chosen ideology to the next.
How do we get beyond this? How do we move past Level 2? It would seem the same way we got to Level 2 in the first place: further Moments of Clarity. We need to continually illuminate how what we thought was the truth isn’t really the whole truth, but without immediately latching onto yet another pre-packaged belief system.

Level 3: Ideology Transcendence​

“I am better off than he is, for he knows nothing, and thinks that he knows. I neither know nor think that I know.” – Socrates, Apologia
Eventually, through sufficient Moments of Clarity, we can start to reach a degree of ideological transcendence: sampling pre-packaged belief systems to pick and choose for ourselves what makes the most sense.
To transcend ideology, we need to recognize that no pre-packaged set of beliefs is going to fit perfectly into our mental landscape. Instead, we learn to sift through what’s in each ideological package to see what we might use and throw out whatever is left over.
Diet is a good way to show the differences in levels. Level 1 is eating what you were raised on, what everyone around you eats, the Standard American Diet. Level 2 is discovering Keto, Paleo, Slow Carb, Vegan, Carnivore, and saying “this is the answer” and possibly getting really obnoxious about it on Facebook. Level 3 is recognizing that different people respond differently to different diets, especially based on their genetics, and everyone should experiment to see what works best for them.
Or for work, Level 1 is “I’m going to do what my parents/environment want me to do.” Level 2 could be “screw the normal path, I’m going to be a lifestyle entrepreneur and work from the beach.” And then Level 3 is: “someone else’s definition of a good work-life won’t make me happy, I have to explore and figure it out for myself.”
Thinking beyond any pre-packaged belief system has some uncomfortable consequences. The Level 3 version of religion would be blending the valuable parts of the mythologies of all popular religions, blind faith to one is Level 1 thinking. Someone saying they’re a “Democrat,” “Republican,” “Feminist,” “Atheist,” or part of any group demonstrates a failure of Level 3 thinking. If they can happily say that they fit in an ideological box designed by someone else then they haven’t really thought much for themselves. They’re fitting their beliefs to the box.
That source of belief is the key differentiator between Levels 1-2 and Level 3. In Levels 1 and 2, you look to your ideology, chosen or not, for your values. This is good because Mom/God/Harvard/Friends/Tim Ferriss/Society/Oprah say so. In Level 3, you have to look inwards. What do you think makes sense? What other ideas that you’ve come across could help? It’s about what works best for you, not what can you best fit yourself into.
You don’t have to discard packaged beliefs entirely, that would be insane. Packaged beliefs are extremely useful ways to transmit and store information. You only have to get out of the habit of thinking there must be one answer. You have to be able to see the problems with different ideologies and pick and choose among them to develop a personal worldview that makes sense to you.

Pursuing and Refining Level 3 Thinking​

You must convince yourself of the following: people get the mind and quality of brain that they deserve through their actions in life.” – Robert Greene, Mastery
Now we’re left with the real challenge: how do we break ourselves out of our blind ideologies, and refine our Level 3 thinking?
I said before that we cannot induce a Moment of Clarity. It has to come from something external forcing us through the barriers of our naivety. But by looking at what tends to create these Moments, we may be able to reverse engineer them. Not so that we can deliberately create them, but so we have a greater chance of stumbling over them.
There are three ways to do this: Exposure, Leveling Up, and Brake Lights.


The only way to break through a blind ideology is to be confronted by a compellingly argued contrary belief. Most of our moments of clarity will come from a great book, from an in-depth article, from a conversation with a friend more educated on an issue.
As a recent example, I’ve been experimenting with a ketogenic diet. Someone on my email list who wasn’t the biggest fan of the idea sent me this article about how extremely low fat, high carb diets might also be healthy. It’s a fantastic article, and it helped push me through some of my own limiting ideology that said “carbs = bad.”
But here’s the problem: if someone hadn’t sent me that article in the first place, I never would have found it. It goes against everything in my prior diet ideology, and if I hadn’t given it the benefit of the doubt and pushed through it, I would have missed out on an interesting new piece of knowledge.
We need exposure to contrary ideas to break down our ideologies, but getting that exposure is difficult. We all want to read, watch, and listen to things we like, not what we might disagree with. But it’s the sources we might disagree with that have the highest potential to break down our narrow beliefs.
Exposure is a good solution, but it’s imperfect. What can help more is thinking of “Leveling Up” in the information we consume.

Leveling Up​

Instead of spending some time watching the news network of the political party you disagree with, stop watching news from either side and read some political philosophy instead. The news shows are Level 1 media: catering to existing blind ideologies. Political philosophy is Level 3 media: meant to change how you think and see the world.
You might say “but I don’t want to read political philosophy.” That’s fine, but then don’t pretend that you’re interested in politics. If you want to watch the news but you don’t want to read some John Rawls, then you don’t actually care about politics: you just like feeling outraged and talking to your friends about how stupid/brilliant Trump is.
For health, leveling up is quitting the blogs, newsletters, and magazines, and trying to get as close to the actual literature as possible. That could mean reading research articles on PubMed, or it could mean following people who are closer to the research themselves like Rhonda Patrick.
Whatever area you’re trying to get a better understanding of, you want to move up to the “Tier 3” sources as quickly as possible. The longer you stay at Tier 1, reading Lifehacker, Huffington Post, Health Magazine, James Altucher, BuzzFeed, and other junk, the longer you’ll stay stuck at the blind or chosen ideology level. “Garbage in, garbage out,” as the adage goes. Level 3 thinking requires stepping up the information you consume so that you get a more complex, less narrow understanding.
Sadly, you might have to kill off or reduce some of your favorite sources. The simplest way to assess whether a source is helping you reach a broader understanding, or just reinforcing an ideology, is how often you disagree with it. If you find yourself nodding along happily with everything you read from a source, then it’s not doing much for your mental development.
But when you can find books, blogs, or other resources that occasionally make you feel uncomfortable and force you to rethink a belief you had, that’s when you’ve found something worth digesting.
To do that, we have to overcome all of the little cognitive biases that prevent us from considering the information we disagree with. And the best way to do that is through the use of “brake lights.”

Brake Lights​

Seeing a brake light when you’re driving is a sign you need to slow down. A mental brake light does the same thing: it’s a sign that you need to slow down before you jump to conclusions. It’s a sign that you’ve run up against your own ideologies.
Kevin Simler created a good term for some of the beliefs from the Level 1 and 2 camps: crony beliefs. And as he explains, the easiest way to detect a crony belief is when you catch yourself reacting emotionally to information:
“Crony beliefs actually need to be protected from criticism. It’s not that they’re necessarily false, just that they’re more likely to be false — but either way, they’re unlikely to withstand serious criticism. Thus we should expect our brains to take an overall protective or defensive stance toward our crony beliefs.” (emphasis mine)
Emotional reactions to an idea indicate that you have a Level 1 or Level 2 ideology around that idea. If you feel any emotional pull to defend Democrats / Republicans / College / Christianity / Bitcoin / Crossfit / New Gender Pronouns / Income Inequality in the face of new information, that’s a sign that you’re at Level 1 or Level 2 thinking.
At Level 3, you don’t interpret information emotionally because you see all information as potentially useful. Even when faced with someone totally against their beliefs, a Level 3 thinker will react with curiosity. And when faced with a Level 1 or 2 thinker being obnoxious about their beliefs, a Level 3 thinker doesn’t get angry or annoyed, they get amused. They can laugh about it and ignore them instead of getting sucked into the fray.
Level 3 thinking requires blending together ideas from multiple disciplines, which means you can critique and discuss the subcategories of the area unemotionally. A Level 3 Thinker about health sees the good and bad in Crossfit. A Level 3 Thinker in economics sees the good and bad in Income Inequality. A Level 3 Thinker in Cryptocurrency sees the good and bad in Bitcoin, and a Level 3 Thinker in Technology sees the good and bad in Cryptocurrency.
This is the simplest brake light: When you react emotionally to information, any information, that’s a sign of Level 1 or Level 2 thinking. If you truly had a well-rounded stance on a topic and cared about enhancing your understanding of it, you would not react emotionally to anyone else’s opinion.
That brake light is when you know it’s time to think a little deeper. To seek out more exposure to the reasoning behind what you disagree with, instead of dispensing with it as lunacy. To try to “level up” what sources you’re reading about the topic so you get a more holistic, less one-sided take on the issues. And to try to develop a more cohesive Level 3 perspective on the issue.
There’s one last piece. What does this mean more generally for our self-improvement efforts?
Thank you for this luc,
After reading through your outline of the different levels of thinking, I realised, on reflection, how easily - and often - I have fallen into the trap of being stuck at 'Level 2' thinking. I could be wrong, but I find it most likely that I have become 'stuck' at this level when I find myself internally reacting - in an emotional way - to being contradicted. The emotional reaction suggests to me that I have fallen foul of identification with something; that I have begun lying to myself, essentially - the result often being that I cease offering reasoned discussion and stop really listening to different perspectives.
Of course, it's always much easier to spot these tendencies in others than in oneself, and judge accordingly..
Thank for this Luc. I think I’m caught between 2 and 3. I can see in my life where I have progressed from 1 to 2 and am trying to get to 3 ( I know this is a simplified version but useful none the less).
The problem was when changing my diet and feeling so much better I lectured others on their diet, it always feel on deaf ears. I’m at the stage now of not commenting and waiting to be asked.
Thanks for this. It reminds me that not all knowledge is found within one source.

The problem was when changing my diet and feeling so much better I lectured others on their diet, it always feel on deaf ears. I’m at the stage now of not commenting and waiting to be asked.
I'd like to think I'm something like level 2.5. But diet is an easy one to get stuck in. A quick example is when you forget why you are taking a certain supplement. I guess if you're honest with yourself and just say you really don't know, then it's leaning towards level 3 thinking.
I would say that level 5 could be :Take action.

The hardest.
Action can actually be considered Level 0, as every manifestation precedes thinking (cogito ergo sum);

Also, in gematria any multiple of 10, is considered an actual material expression of the spiritual significance of the number.

So before thinking too much, do something.
The problem was when changing my diet and feeling so much better I lectured others on their diet, it always feel on deaf ears. I’m at the stage now of not commenting and waiting to be asked.
Yep, I learned the hard way on that one too.. "wilfully ignorant" is how I've been described a few times now..

and speaking of my ignorance, could I ask what this means mbww:

every manifestation precedes thinking (cogito ergo sum);

Many thanks.
Thank for this Luc. I think I’m caught between 2 and 3. I can see in my life where I have progressed from 1 to 2 and am trying to get to 3 ( I know this is a simplified version but useful none the less).
The problem was when changing my diet and feeling so much better I lectured others on their diet, it always feel on deaf ears. I’m at the stage now of not commenting and waiting to be asked.

I think going through level 2 is a necessary step, possibly with each new issue/topic, although it gets easier with practice. Also, as the author of the article rightly points out, this process never really ends - we can't get to the "absolute truth" or "the one right theory" in this life. It seems to be more like climbing from plateau to plateau. Also, some "level 2 stuff" will probably be always with us, because we can't study or know everything and so must depend on various "belief systems" that we just take for granted. We can replace them over time with real knowledge based on mature thinking (hopefully), and a network helps tremendously because everyone can cover different aspects, so we can join forces so to speak.

Ultimately I think we want to get to a place where our love for truth is so great that it trumps the wish to convince or convert others, to be right, to be vindicated etc. We just search for truth and enjoy it. With this kind of love for truth, you can enjoy finding puzzle pieces wherever they are and leave the realm of ideologies and identification with certain belief systems, "schools of thought", assumptions and so on. If we convince others, it's by teaching by example, by exemplifying this burning love for truth. But notice that "love" is a matter of the heart. Perhaps it is the love of God, or the Christ spirit, that can touch and sustain us in all this - tentatively and sporadically at first, then more steadily, until hopefully all need for the safety of blind belief & identification will be conquered.
Action can actually be considered Level 0, as every manifestation precedes thinking (cogito ergo sum);

Also, in gematria any multiple of 10, is considered an actual material expression of the spiritual significance of the number.

So before thinking too much, do something.

Obviously we don't talk about the same thing. I was talking about putting in action what was learned at level 3.
I think going through level 2 is a necessary step, possibly with each new issue/topic, although it gets easier with practice. Also, as the author of the article rightly points out, this process never really ends - we can't get to the "absolute truth" or "the one right theory" in this life. It seems to be more like climbing from plateau to plateau. Also, some "level 2 stuff" will probably be always with us, because we can't study or know everything and so must depend on various "belief systems" that we just take for granted. We can replace them over time with real knowledge based on mature thinking (hopefully), and a network helps tremendously because everyone can cover different aspects, so we can join forces so to speak.

Ultimately I think we want to get to a place where our love for truth is so great that it trumps the wish to convince or convert others, to be right, to be vindicated etc. We just search for truth and enjoy it. With this kind of love for truth, you can enjoy finding puzzle pieces wherever they are and leave the realm of ideologies and identification with certain belief systems, "schools of thought", assumptions and so on. If we convince others, it's by teaching by example, by exemplifying this burning love for truth. But notice that "love" is a matter of the heart. Perhaps it is the love of God, or the Christ spirit, that can touch and sustain us in all this - tentatively and sporadically at first, then more steadily, until hopefully all need for the safety of blind belief & identification will be conquered.
You’re right about leading by example ( not lecturing ppl). The more I’ve taken responsibility in areas of my life the more those areas have improved, the less anger and resentment I’ve felt.
If we convince others, it's by teaching by example, by exemplifying this burning love for truth.
Funnily enough, I was just turning this idea over in my mind after I finished off watching the last episode of the MindMatters show, where the guys got into this idea in a really useful way, I felt. It seems that they were highlighting the difference between having intellectual ideas of truth and justice that are not really shown in what a person does; as opposed to somebody who demonstrates a search for truth and justice in what they do, but they may have some 'kooky' intellectual ideas.
A drive to convince or convert others, I think, is more likely to come from the former, and maybe where a move towards a more integrated 'Level 3' thinking comes in..?
Interesting. These past few days I have been thinking about the "third man theme" the Cs talked about. From The Wave Chapter 24:

Q: (L) I recently read some things about the Selloi priesthood and the priestesses called Peleiadas. They seem to be involved with urns, birds, tinkling bells, urns that can be struck and which then set up a particular resonance in other urns, oak trees, and some other peculiar references that relate to laurel trees…

A: Siren song. Greek mythology.

Q: (L) What do the sirens represent?

A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal “many beautiful and amazing things”, all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicative connecting clue profile. Connect the threes… do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!! And why? Because it is the realm of the three that you occupy. In order to possess the keys to the next level, just master the Third Man Theme, then move on with grace… Siren song? What of this? What have we alluded to before about sound?

Q: (L) I was thinking that the “siren song” is probably a mythical representation of antigravity.

A: Close.

Q: (L) Can you give me another clue?

A: No, you do not need one.

What I have been thinking is that I have encountered many obstacles or dilemmas in life that seemed to be resolved by coming up with a 'third option'. I am confronted with a problem, and there's the obvious option A, the opposite or alternative option B, and I spend some time in frustration trying to decide which one is best. Eventually I realize that there's a third alternative, usually more creative, better than A and B, often borrowing from them, but more than the sum of A and B. And I wonder, in light of what the Cs say, if there is some sort of general rule of thumb for solving problems and understanding things in our realm, for third density beings, involving 3s or three options. So next time I have some dilemma of any kind - practical, emotional, intellectual - I try to remember that apart from the 2 options in front of me, there is somewhere a third, more reasonable and adequate alternative that I am not yet seeing.

I imagine that 2nd density beings are regularly faced with two options: fight or flight in their different versions, and they can't come up with a third one. Their challenge is to choose the right one out of those two, and choosing rightly keeps them alive for longer and propagates their species. As 3rd density beings, we also have those two basic options available, but we can come up with a third one if we remember to look for it.

I think about the psychological programs we get by our interaction with our parents. Option 1 is to become what our parents 'want' us to be, the way they programmed us. Option 2 is to be rebel and be the opposite - but that is still not good enough for genuine growth because it is also determined by the programming. Option 3 would require realizing this false binary choice and that we can be responsible for our own original way of being, perhaps borrowing from some of what we got from our parents, but also from the alternative option or even elsewhere.

This resembles the model that Luc points to above. It also relates to the Hegelian dialectic, where historical and ideological movements are marked by thesis, antithesis and synthesis. It can be applied to politics as well. Left or right? People can fight for decades jumping from one side of the equation to the other, until one day perhaps they realize that the moral integrity of the individuals on either side of the aisle is more important.

Anyway, some food for thought and free association of ideas. :-)
Some very interesting food for thought indeed Windmill knight - made me think about how, at least it seems to me, binary choices can be employed by some as means of manipulation and/or control. A quick anecdote to illustrate:

I recently was drawn into a conversation with my step-son (recently returned home for the Christmas season from university) about the prospect of the COVID-19 vaccination. I got the sense from the way he seemed to 'cue-up' the conversation, through his body language and the tone of his voice, that he had a (strong) view that he wanted to share. Now, it would be unfair of me to try to relay the whole conversation verbatim, because I don't think that I remember everything that was said with enough detail, but one of my initial remarks was along the lines of:
"I can't say that I'm completely against vaccinations in principle; I don't know enough about the science behind them, but I can say that I won't be queuing up for this one as I think there are just too many questions around it and I want to inform myself as best I can".
Well, that remark was met with, "You need to check your privilege", and "not getting the vaccination is like walking around punching people in the face".
So, I was being presented with a binary choice (and a glaringly obvious employment of an 'appeal to emotion' fallacy); either I get the vaccination and am therefore a good person who doesn't randomly assault people, or I reject the vaccination and, well, am guilty of assault..
I did point out the attempt the manipulate with the 'appeal to emotion' by the way, but it didn't really 'sink in'. We had to end the conversation at a bit of an impasse. I was labelled 'wilfully ignorant', to which was added that it was hoped I would be "forced to have the vaccination sooner rather than later". I simply smiled and accepted the label of ignorance.

Just as a final thought: it seems to be that my step-son became, in that conversation, the mouth piece for the manipulative either/or narrative that is a part of this whole COVID madness. I'm not sure where the third option is to be found, but certainly:

we can come up with a third one if we remember to look for it.

Anyhoo, some free associations of my own.. :-)
Just as a final thought: it seems to be that my step-son became, in that conversation, the mouth piece for the manipulative either/or narrative that is a part of this whole COVID madness. I'm not sure where the third option is to be found, but certainly:
Thanks for that. That was a great example, and a great insight into how manipulation usually involves a binary choice! The third option, in this case, I think you had it already. As you quite diplomatically put it: not being against all vaccines in principle, but certainly not jumping into taking this one since it raises so many questions. That's perfectly reasonable and quite the opposite of being 'willfully ignorant', in fact! I also think you handled the situation as best as it could be handled. The problem of couse is that your step-son is stuck in black or white thinking. It sounds like he is young, so maybe in the future he'll understand what you mean. But in the meantime, it's a situation many of us have faced. One sad lesson during this 'pandemic' is that we just need to accept that several people we love don't want or are not ready to see the situation as it is, and there's nothing we can do to change their minds.
we just need to accept that several people we love don't want or are not ready to see the situation as it is, and there's nothing we can do to change their minds.
And I think this has been the hardest aspect of this whole hysterical drama; for me at least. Still, black or white thinking is a choice that can be made.
Makes me wonder: how often is 'debate' the result of two (or more) people getting stuck in this kind of thinking..? (Incidentally, my step-son is very much into 'debating' issues, which is perhaps a clue..)
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