fille des bois
hello everyone
In may in France, i had the opportunity to see the documentary " Local solutions for a global disaster" from Coline Serreau . It was really good and it opened my mind .When I returned home in Belgium,
I searched more informations about Claude Bourguignon because i found him captivating .
Claude Bourguignon is born in 1951 . He is a french agronomist known for his work and experiments on soil microbiology. He worked first at INRA but his work has attracted little interest so he left INRA
and found with his wife LAMS (Microbiological laboratory Analysis of Soils)where He helps the farmers to understand better the fonctionering of the soils. He travels a lot from France to Europe, America and Africa.
He was among the first in the 1970s to see the degradation of biomass and richness of the soil microorganisms ( bacteria, fungi ).
In his lecture he says there are two ways to destroy the soil : The farmer ploughs too deep , the organish matter can't be transformed in Humus with the fungi, because fungi must have oxygen to do its work.
And the fertiliser has favored the multiplication of bacteria which consume the humus.Without this humus the plant can't grow properly, it becomes sick and you have to use pesticides.
The concequence is the degradation of quality of products
An example 40% of wheat produced in Europe is so bad that they cannot make bread with it , the wheat is given to pigs.
the second way : the farmer doesn't use compost anymore ,formerly in the compost the calcium bond the clay with the humus not anymore so when it rains the clay suspended in rainwater flows to the rivier
It explains the disasters that are made around the world also the erosion and the lost of the fertile soils
Claude Bourguignon estimates 10 tons of soil per hect per year is lost in France.
The agriculture has to change in Europe to survive (92% of the farmers have disappear in 50 years)
this agriculture survives only with the subsidies of Europa and the products are of bad quality for our health .No coincidence that in France the spending of social security increased by 6% a year .
I have resumed some of his ideas
fille des bois
In may in France, i had the opportunity to see the documentary " Local solutions for a global disaster" from Coline Serreau . It was really good and it opened my mind .When I returned home in Belgium,
I searched more informations about Claude Bourguignon because i found him captivating .
Claude Bourguignon is born in 1951 . He is a french agronomist known for his work and experiments on soil microbiology. He worked first at INRA but his work has attracted little interest so he left INRA
and found with his wife LAMS (Microbiological laboratory Analysis of Soils)where He helps the farmers to understand better the fonctionering of the soils. He travels a lot from France to Europe, America and Africa.
He was among the first in the 1970s to see the degradation of biomass and richness of the soil microorganisms ( bacteria, fungi ).
In his lecture he says there are two ways to destroy the soil : The farmer ploughs too deep , the organish matter can't be transformed in Humus with the fungi, because fungi must have oxygen to do its work.
And the fertiliser has favored the multiplication of bacteria which consume the humus.Without this humus the plant can't grow properly, it becomes sick and you have to use pesticides.
The concequence is the degradation of quality of products
An example 40% of wheat produced in Europe is so bad that they cannot make bread with it , the wheat is given to pigs.
the second way : the farmer doesn't use compost anymore ,formerly in the compost the calcium bond the clay with the humus not anymore so when it rains the clay suspended in rainwater flows to the rivier
It explains the disasters that are made around the world also the erosion and the lost of the fertile soils
Claude Bourguignon estimates 10 tons of soil per hect per year is lost in France.
The agriculture has to change in Europe to survive (92% of the farmers have disappear in 50 years)
this agriculture survives only with the subsidies of Europa and the products are of bad quality for our health .No coincidence that in France the spending of social security increased by 6% a year .
I have resumed some of his ideas
fille des bois