Location, location, location

My family wouldn't move anywhere so i have to remain where i'm with my son, otherwise...in 24 hours
C's said that is doesn't matter where you are but who you are; and even relocating to a hut somewhere in the wilderness wouldn't save our butts. But there should be time at least to pass through 1st threshold, to make a decisive step towards sto. I doubt one could do that in state of confusion, terror and despair. There are some relatively safe places to consider. One of them - in Central Asia - Pamir - Sayanu - Altai mountains, without double fences so far.
Altai mountains
lakes, rivers with waterfalls, mineral water streams, endemic plants, an array of rare medicinal plants, geomalin, stone idols, petroglifs, ancient water systems, caves, etc.

Katun region


river Biya in Turochak



Belukha mountain


Ust-Koks region


Maima region


lake Aya

At least these images will bring some relief that such heavenly places do exist here on BBM
It does look magical, but when contemplating such places one cannot escape thinking
what happens when there is 2 m of snow, or what happens when you have a tooth absces , these thoughts are even more important when one has children

It is nice to fantasise but l it seems that most of us will have to stay where they are, and change location not on the outside but from within
Deckard said:
what happens when there is 2 m of snow
1) you visit nearest ski shop and 2) make a deeeep breath of mountain cooly fresh air and 3) when mental and physical exercising and discipline happily marry :D
And a key to nearest ski shop is one's determination to endure.
Deckard said:
It is nice to fantasise but l it seems that most of us will have to stay where they are, and change location not on the outside but from within
that's true, for me - partially true. My bottomline is: everything that facilitates work is welcome, everything that hinders it, I will try to avoid. Avoiding without direct confrontation will permit maintainig energy level. And keeping eyes open, maybe relocation one day will become an imperative, so i have to be ready to meet that challenge. Imo it also depends on personality - many prefer living in the place they know and stay "put", some can't live without traveling. Imo it's not important at all where it happens, that one achieves that crucial 0,00001% shift toward sto, it's paramount that this happens.
Re joejoeba's early post: keep in mind that New Zealand isn't called Aotearoa [land of the long white cloud] for nothing. :)
It's a long 3 islands which sit atop the Ring of Fire. The furthest distance from the sea is 50 miles - not far for a big tsunami to travel. :( The highest points are the central [volcanic] plateau in the North Island & and Southern Alps in the South Island, said alps also being a MAJOR fault line. The entire land "mass" is criss-crossed with fault lines.

That said [& despite it's problems], this Kiwi isn't going any place else. I just hope our next PM won't be a Bush-groveller [I think everyone's getting somewhat tired of the present one.]
Nice pictures CapeDream. Would love to relocate there. Having had many dreams of tidal waves and tsunamis I think I will take the mountains !! :)
I heard about a forest in Poland. It's enormous and is said to be the oldest un-tampered with woodland in Europe.
Could get the furs (from roadkill/old age((hehe)) out and enter a hidden life in the trees, with a band of like minded compadre's.........Thinking about it, might just keep it to family!

Even if next new zealand PM is a bush-groveller, It wont matter in a time of doom, he'll be just scuttling away to some cave while you cavort freely in the wilderness of your apparently deeply hazardous homeland.
In saying that I'm assuming a number of things.
1. I can't imagine new zealand being a target as such-ie: for nukes
2. I know theres an army, but you should have enough middle earth for martial law avoidance, I would have thought.
3.There may not be any more threat of natural disaster then(and if), than now. I don't hear of many over here.

I really should visit the place to be frank.

Those pictures are lovely.
Lucy said:
Yet, I also wonder if I should stay here in 'the belly of the beast'...since many here will need help in the days to come. Perhaps there is something important for me to do here.
I have been wrestling with this question myself for some time now. You see, because of the fact that I hold dual citizenship and can meet residency requirements for several countries, I could leave North America without too much difficulty. I've also lived overseas for many years and am familar with what that can entail. I can certainly relate to those who want to leave, as I was once one of them. However, at this point , my gut feeling is much like what Lucy has said. I don't have any feeling to leave at the present time, and though of course circumstances may change that feeling, right now, it seems best for me to stay and face whatever comes right where I am now.
manitoban said:
Lucy said:
Yet, I also wonder if I should stay here in 'the belly of the beast'...since many here will need help in the days to come. Perhaps there is something important for me to do here.
I have been wrestling with this question myself for some time now. You see, because of the fact that I hold dual citizenship and can meet residency requirements for several countries, I could leave North America without too much difficulty. I've also lived overseas for many years and am familar with what that can entail. I can certainly relate to those who want to leave, as I was once one of them. However, at this point , my gut feeling is much like what Lucy has said. I don't have any feeling to leave at the present time, and though of course circumstances may change that feeling, right now, it seems best for me to stay and face whatever comes right where I am now.
I think having (or acquiring now if possible) a dual citizenship may be a good idea. Maybe not good to flee with tail behind legs at the slightest disturbance, but then again, sometimes working towards our own destiny means saving our own behinds from danger, if we're to continue to have usefulness to STO and to helping others wake up. Throwing ourselves senselessly into fire to be a "hero" is probably counter-productive, but sometimes it's ok to get burned if that means we're going to help someone else - the devil though is in the details, because there's different kinds of "help", different situations that are evaluated different as they come. But I guess it all comes down to choosing in the moment - evaluating all your options, looking at all available data (and not ignoring your heart), and keeping in mind what our goal/mission/direction/destiny is, and working towards that destiny in each and every moment the best we can. Sometimes that means putting ourselves in danger, if we assess that as a necessary action and in-line with who we are and our direction in life - and sometimes it means getting ourselves out of danger if the danger is simply not "worth it" - something that simply must be assessed in each moment, cannot have a template because way too many variables and details exist.

I wondered what I'd do too, if I was in 1930's Germany (or 2000's USA). Well, one thing I do know - if I stay, it will have nothing to do with denial of what is going on and where it is going, but a conscious decision. I *KNOW* there will be many who will be asking and seeking help when it gets really bad, but I also know that it WILL be very very dangerous for all of those people, including myself and all others. But is the risk/danger something I'm willing to subject myself to just so I can stay and help? Or should I move elsewhere and try to help from outside? This is something I cannot decide right now, and will have to decide WHEN it gets bad - again by assessing all the details of the predicament. One such potential detail is - unlike Germany in 1930's, this time the movement towards tyranny will most likely be global, even if US is the leader. So one thing to consider is - what appears to be like a safe haven at the moment, may very well quickly turn into tyranny about same time as US does. I am just going to have faith in the universe to open up all the necessary doors for me and all others - my job is to work hard so I can SEE those doors when they're open, which means networking/creating connections, acquiring data and knowledge, and being VIGILANT at all times. I trust that I will do what I will do when the time comes. But what I won't do is anticipate and assume how things will go - THAT is probably not a good idea, because as we all know, the PTB but also most of all the Universe is full of surprises.
I am quite interested in this discussion and would like to steer it in the direction of SAO's point if anyone else cares to:
SAO said:
my job is to work hard so I can SEE those doors when they're open, which means networking/creating connections, acquiring data and knowledge, and being VIGILANT at all times. I trust that I will do what I will do when the time comes. But what I won't do is anticipate and assume how things will go - THAT is probably not a good idea, because as we all know, the PTB but also most of all the Universe is full of surprises.
What are some viable options if we wish to leave the US in your opinion, anyone? In another thread dant facetiously mentions one option is an inflatable house anchored in the middle of the ocean but if that doesn't (oh please forgive me) float your boat, then what countries look to be the most welcoming in the event of global tyranny? I am beginning to look into this as a serious possibility and am starting to gather data. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Actually mamadrama while ago I have seen the show about the man who has managed to make the whole floating island out of used plastic bottles, loads of them and this island aint tinny. It took him years. it was somwhere in mexico (if I am not mistaken and he is retired German but I might be wrong since it was while ago)
This dude has managed to build perfect home which is virtually unsinkable- hourricanes or whatever and even has its own microclimate. The beauty of it is that it drifts all the time so he never knows where he will end up next.
And yes- he is growing plants on it and rasing animals and also has a system to obtain fresh water.

cool eh :)
Island made of bottles :lol:

Well I found this guy. His name is Richie Sowa. You find him here:
Well, that was way cool, thanks for that link but please, it's not an island it's an "eco-space creating ship." =) I thought the remarks of the other readers on the site were interesting as well. Apparently, this "island" was destroyed by a hurricane in 2005. In any event, I applaud his ingenuity!
I have been trying to convince people about a feature I saw on the floating bottle dude...Thanks Ardvan !!!

By the way whats wrong with an israeli designed bunker!! should be safe for two weeks....(joke)

Bunker....Cave systems....Agartha....safe location?

Actually weve skirted around it, but, surely we are going down the Noah road here........I instinctively think that a large boat would be a viable and reasonable location!
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