The "pela-caras" is a legend told in different ways, for some they are a gang of
organ traffickers (In Mexico, for example, drug traffickers do this to torture a competitor who has the misfortune of being caught or to prevent quick recognition of the victim; they also often peel off fingerprints.) and for others they are
THE PELACARA (Face Peelers)
In the Peruvian jungle there is a lot of fear of the 'pelacara', what in the Andes is known as 'pishtako', in the end both are very similar. In general,
they are gringos (here we call all white-skinned foreigners, regardless of their nationality).
They are tall, and in some areas they add that they have beards, most of them are male. They call them 'pelacara' because they say that they remove all the skin from your face to
take out the fat, which is sent abroad to make beauty creams and oil for spaceships or high-tech things like that that we don't understand.
In Pucallpa in 2008 we heard a lot about the 'pelascaras', on television, on the radio and even in the newspapers they said that they came to the city and
took children and adolescents to remove their fat and organs. Then they said that they used to leave the bodies abandoned with their stomachs open, without organs and with wads of dollars inside, and it was precisely because of this money that the families of the victims of the 'pelacaras' did not denounce them to the police; and if someone did, the 'pelacaras' paid the police to ignore the denouncement.
POR: LIZACHA En la selva peruana se le tiene mucho temor al ‘pelacara’, lo que en los Andes se conoce
Reported July 2022
Bilingual teacher Silas Soto was attacked by alleged pelacaras who left him semi burned on his head with a Laser, who was seriously injured in the native community of San Luis de Caco in Iparia .
Silas Soto was immediately transferred to the health center of the district of Iparia because of his critical situation, where his condition is of reserved prognosis.
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Those known as pelacaras are people who are dedicated to organ trafficking and literally extract with a laser the whole face of their victims, hence the name. It was like a legend for many years, which was touted in many villages in the Peruvian jungle. Although many attest to these cases as a terrible reality.
Lo que está pasando en Iquitos
Presence of "Pelacaras" denounced in the community of "San Antonio de Pintuyaco".
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The situation is worrying in this community, because the residents and authorities of "San Antonio de Pintuyacu" denounce the presence of "pelacaras" that harm the inhabitants of this part of the interior of the Loreto region.
"We have come to the city of Iquitos to make known to the authorities that our people are suffering with this problem since the 11th of this month. The communities and the villagers are worried and fearful because
these guys show up at night. We have come to the governor's office so that they can provide us with police officers because there are several mortal victims that
appeared on the banks of the river without their faces", said the lieutenant governor.
The community members said that after these events occurred in their communities and they tried to capture them, and even used their shotguns to shoot them, but they could not do anything to them, they are very agile to escape and slip away from their captors.
A delegation led by the lieutenant governor of "San Antonio de Pintuyacu", arrived at the Governor's Office of Loreto to talk with the prefect and show their concern about this problem.
"We need the Peruvian national police and even the Peruvian Navy to go around the place and patrol the area because
we do not know what kind of people are these subjects that come to our community. We have sent document if we have had no response that is why we have come personally to talk with the prefect," he said.
It seems that the mystery may involve both human organ traffickers and aliens abducting humans to satisfy their food needs.