"Lost Star of Myth and Time"



Lost Star of Myth and Time by Walter Cruttendon. St. Lynn's Press, 340 pages.

I cannot recommend this highly enough, but I'm the guy stuck on Eternal Overtime and dash if I can find the time to write my own praise of it. (BUT I WILL, I WILL! I'll put it here too, promise.) Cruttendon has done his homework and absolutely deserves a good hard look in terms of the coming end-of-cycle times and what they might mean for all of us. Below reviews from Amazon, till I add mine of course. Below that a link to Cruttendon's website (still small but I'm sure it'll grow, some pdf downloads available there now.) -- FranzJoseph.

The Amazon Reviews (for a short take on what Cruttendon is about):


Walter Cruttendon has done a vast amount of research on the subjects of ancient and modern astronomy, scientific findings of extinct cultures, and the many surviving myths and legends of the past. From these studies the author developed unique insights. His perspective of the earth, time, and its place in space ... is a very fascinating reading experience. His hypothesis is based on connections he has made from ancient and modern astronomical and scientific discoveries. He noted one main distinguishing difference between ancient and modern man is the concept of time. Modern man is obsessed with a linear focus - seeming to view events and discoveries on the basis of evolution, going from the simpler to more complex level. Ancient cultures however, viewed time as cyclical, even the Old Testament speaks of a time and season for every purpose and event. The ancient Babylonians, the Egyptians who built the pyramids, the shamans of the Hopi Indians of North America, the Mayan Indians of Central America, and the oldest civilization in the world which existed in India - all had an obsession with time. They demonstrated this knowledge by tracking the stars in the heavens and leaving monuments which are often records of their discoveries. Noting the abundant scientific evidence for the cyclical nature of many biological, physiological, and chemical life processes ... the author noted that ancient people had recognized patterns and cycles of the stars and its causes. The author describes how modern scientists view the concept called "celestial motion of precession" and its causes. The author provides detailed explanations why his view supports what the ancient Arabic, Sumerian, Mithraic, and Vedic traditions hinted at ... that our sun is influenced by another star. This other star (or sun) could affect many aspects of life on earth through its orbital cycle, gravitational pull and magnetic energies. This other star could be the cause of the cyclical nature of many natural events from the ancient past, the modern present, and future life on earth.

The author obviously loves his subject and does a phenomenal job of sharing his knowledge and deep insights. He has a wonderful grasp of the science of astronomy. He lucidly explains and describes difficult concepts and ideas on this subject. Each suspense filled chapter is an adventurous read which unfolds fascinating ancient scientific knowledge of astronomical observations comparing it to the modern scientific view. The author includes a very helpful glossary for complicated terms and unfamiliar concepts. He provides a wonderful bibliography referenced by footnotes in each chapter where supporting data and the ideas can be verified by any curious reader. There is a terrific appendix with eight sections which is an added bonus that includes otherwise difficult to obtain information. The author created the four tiered Galileo Awards each with a substantial monetary award attached, in order to challenge the scientific community to provide the scientific evidence required to prove once and for all ... the existence of the binary twin associated with our sun. I give 10 stars to this book as recommendation for anyone interested in ancient cultures, myths, and astronomy.

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This intriguing book builds a case for a cyclical theory of history, where the great year of the precession of the equinox is considered the key to understanding the cosmos. The author frequently refers to, and builds upon, the work of Santillana & von Dechend, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Richard Thompson, Zecharia Sitchin, Charles Hapgood and many other modern and ancient writers.

Lost Star provides evidence for an alternative theory of history based on ancient science that claims that our solar system revolves around a companion star in a 24 000 year cycle. As it does, the earth moves through the electromagnetic field of another star that causes subtle changes in consciousness over large periods of time. This vast celestial motion affects all life. At some stages, the influence is positive and leads to golden ages while at others it is negative, leading to civilizational collapse.

The chapter Cycle Of The Ages defines the precession phenomenon and investigates its definitions in Greek, Egyptian, Biblical and Indian lore. The next chapter provides the background on the standard explanation, the perspectives of the ancients, the meaning of the Zodiac and hints of a companion star in ancient sources, whilst the following one investigates lunisolar theory versus the binary hypothesis.

Chapter 5 is devoted to speculation on what the sun's companion star might be, considering various objects like black holes, brown dwarfs and dead stars. It also considers the possibility that Sirius, Indra and Nibiru might be one and the same, while introducing the effect of distant influences like those emanating from the Pleiades. The next chapter more comprehensively explores cosmic influences on consciousness with reference to cutting edge research in the field.

In the chapter Wisdom of the Stones, the author discusses pyramids, dolmens, standing stones, stone circles, megalithic structures and ley lines as possible energy receivers and transmitters devised by the ancients. The last 2 chapters look at further evidence and the implications of a cyclical interpretation of history.

The main text is interspersed with supplementary text blocks highlighting specific subjects with photographs and illustrations. This thought provoking book concludes with an appendix, footnotes arranged by chapter and a thorough index. Lost Star is a great synthesis of the work of the authors mentioned in the introductory paragraph plus it contains much that is new and original. I highly recommend it to those interested in mankind's unknown past, alternative history and the study of consciousness.

Walter Cruttendon's website (new and smallish, but I see tremendous growth possibilities in this man's work)

Saw this post and bought the book awhile ago. Got it in the mail the other day and i've been reading it since. About 70 pages into it (370 total) and it's very interesting. Has alot to say about ancient civilizations that reached technological/spiritual awareness equal to and greater in our ancient past.

Basically, there's a 24k yr cycle, half of which we are ascending and half of which we are descending in terms of spirtual and overall awareness. It has to do with rotation around a "lost star" and other celestial phenomena. Within each 12k yr half cycle there are 4 bits, broken down into Iron, Bronze, Silver, Golden Ages - iron being the low point and golden being the high point. In iron we are materialistic, corrupt, and totally interested in physicality whereas in golden we are aware to the point of being demi-gods.

Its a good book so far, and kinda fits with the Cass material, they also mention the current time and how a spiritual paradigm shift is soon approaching. One that supposedly increases awareness and changes the world. Sounds like the wave... Anyway from someone who picked it up i reccomend grabbing it if you're into ancient history and the pyramids etc.
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