Machines & Egyptians


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Since I got my first dream crystal, at the end of 2020 my dreams acquired a strong emotional nuance, of deep feelings in relation to the people I knew in my childhood and in general to people in my past, that is to say, before I had very vivid and visual dreams and now they acquired a depth towards feelings, I can feel a lot when I am in them, feel more myself.
But a few days ago, I had a very funny and peculiar dream that was very entertaining, I think it is my first visual dream, since I went through a period of very emotional dreams.

I was in a large classroom, I felt like a student and there were more young people there, it looked like a practical class or something like a workshop or laboratory practices, because the room was somewhat more circular shaped light was a little dim and there was a machine in the center, looked like a car somewhat oval-shaped, but had the apriencia of this machine to be in disuse, I could see wires and buttons inside, while observing this machine, the class teacher recited about the Law of Thermodynamics, and that the Egyptians knew how to build a "beetle", and then I appeared inside this machine observing it and lightly touching the old buttons inside.
After that, I was with an old friend from the school of Arts, we are both very animated talking about the old times of living with classmates and what was theirs at the moment, we were sitting on a kind of low concrete bench at the intersection of a street with a series of buildings, then the part of the metal roof that looked like a kind of garage door but was a machine began to unfold in the air and make shapes in the air, like an isometric figure but in a machine, a little similar to the movie "Transformers", but this machine made more free figures and they were expanding in the air. ...

It was a very funny dream, and I find it curious that it has to do with machines, which are not something that consciously grab my attention at any time, I am very bad at technical aspects, I do not forget that when I was in art school, I spent a few months in the video area, and one of those classes had a test about connecting the video camera to a somewhat large audiovisual editor, and it was no surprise to me to have failed, I failed to connect almost all the cables of the camera to the big editor machine , and I did not manage to connect it to a video camera. 🤣
Since I got my first dream crystal, at the end of 2020 my dreams acquired a strong emotional nuance, of deep feelings in relation to the people I knew in my childhood and in general to people in my past, that is to say, before I had very vivid and visual dreams and now they acquired a depth towards feelings, I can feel a lot when I am in them, feel more myself.
But a few days ago, I had a very funny and peculiar dream that was very entertaining, I think it is my first visual dream, since I went through a period of very emotional dreams.

I was in a large classroom, I felt like a student and there were more young people there, it looked like a practical class or something like a workshop or laboratory practices, because the room was somewhat more circular shaped light was a little dim and there was a machine in the center, looked like a car somewhat oval-shaped, but had the apriencia of this machine to be in disuse, I could see wires and buttons inside, while observing this machine, the class teacher recited about the Law of Thermodynamics, and that the Egyptians knew how to build a "beetle", and then I appeared inside this machine observing it and lightly touching the old buttons inside.

After that, I was with an old friend from the school of Arts, we are both very animated talking about the old times of living with classmates and what was theirs at the moment, we were sitting on a kind of low concrete bench at the intersection of a street with a series of buildings, then the part of the metal roof that looked like a kind of garage door but was a machine began to unfold in the air and make shapes in the air, like an isometric figure but in a machine, a little similar to the movie "Transformers", but this machine made more free figures and they were expanding in the air. ...

It was a very funny dream, and I find it curious that it has to do with machines, which are not something that consciously grab my attention at any time, I am very bad at technical aspects, I do not forget that when I was in art school, I spent a few months in the video area, and one of those classes had a test about connecting the video camera to a somewhat large audiovisual editor, and it was no surprise to me to have failed, I failed to connect almost all the cables of the camera to the big editor machine , and I did not manage to connect it to a video camera. 🤣
This is interesting. If may I suggest, in your place I would try to learn “how” you left the “machine.” We know, indeed by means of their imagery dreams can call our attention to a lesson at work, or that lesson that needs to be learned as much results in an increase of awareness. Though, of course, not every dream either is meaningful or comes to teach us something —or has literal symbology. Anyway, for example of an approach, relying on what the intention of the learner is put on, maybe a “memory” comes up from a set of one or more elements such as dreams, photos, books, meditation, or even a passing thought.

Also as we know, “beetle” is very noteworthy in the ancient Egypt. So, they, the scarabs, represented the process of resurrection and even more in the Pyramid Texts and their variants —e.g. as we see in Wallis Budge’s studies. Also, we could remember that according to the C’s in the ancient Egypt there were Atlanteans using the Atlantean technology, so that one that brought the doom of the latter.

Just some thoughts. And loved your sense of humor. :-)
This is interesting. If may I suggest, in your place I would try to learn “how” you left the “machine.” We know, indeed by means of their imagery dreams can call our attention to a lesson at work, or that lesson that needs to be learned as much results in an increase of awareness. Though, of course, not every dream either is meaningful or comes to teach us something —or has literal symbology. Anyway, for example of an approach, relying on what the intention of the learner is put on, maybe a “memory” comes up from a set of one or more elements such as dreams, photos, books, meditation, or even a passing thought.

Also as we know, “beetle” is very noteworthy in the ancient Egypt. So, they, the scarabs, represented the process of resurrection and even more in the Pyramid Texts and their variants —e.g. as we see in Wallis Budge’s studies. Also, we could remember that according to the C’s in the ancient Egypt there were Atlanteans using the Atlantean technology, so that one that brought the doom of the latter.

Just some thoughts. And loved your sense of humor. :-)
Thank you OutSky for your comments, I will review what you say, thank you.
There is something that I have been thinking and feeling that has been weighing on my thoughts is about how to restart my being, it has been 7 years since I moved locations and my whole life has changed literally and physically. It has cost me a lot all these years to learn the language and adapt to the change to another country, to being married to having a child, etc., I lost the ties of my family, my friends, my job, although now I see that maybe they never existed, it is hard to see the truth, because it can hurt a lot. I think that loneliness and isolation have made me grow and see things that I had not seen before about myself. I think that if there is something that could be symbolic within the dream it could be the figure of the "beetle" as a transformation.
I have been thinking of starting some course of study in areas that have to do with computer programs or animated graphics or something simple in science, although I really don't know when with all that we are living in today's world.
In spite of the difficult times we live in with climate change, psychopaths in power, etc., I feel deep inside me the hope that there are still many possibilities to go through what is to come.
I literally only know the pyramids in central and southern Mexico, my husband and my mother have been physically in the pyramids of Egypt and about the machines I think that if that is a difficult to connect for me, perhaps the influence of my husband who sometimes likes to watch videos of engines, and those last visits to these museums (Kennedy Space Center and National Museum of the U.S. Air Force) where they have pieces of engines, are impressive.

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