Man saves dog*Dog saves hummingbird*Hummingbird saves everyone

My sister just sent me this 2:34 minute video. It's pretty precious and uplifting. Even the news anchors were touched. Hope you enjoy this short little story.


P.S. Those instructions posted in Dr. Bizaramor for embedding videos didn't work for me. Maybe because of my browser (Safari) or my software OS-X (Apple Mac)??? Or maybe I didn't follow the instructions correctly??,41833.0.html

Gawan - Reply #2 said:
You can many times embed a video. Vimeo and youtube have for this a button available and the embed. On youtube it is below the video and called "share" and then you click "embed" and on vimeo it is the paper plane logo and then "</>" or "Embed". After that you copy the entire code.
This is incredible! Very interesting to see how animals are teaching us more and more to be good animals. Thank you!
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