Mark Krueger: a different kind of New Age CoIntelPro?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I found Mark Krueger's site while searching the web to see if the term "saviorism" has been coined in the sense that I want to use it. I found Krueger's site because he uses the term and rejects the popular New Age saviorism that so many channeled entities push. He's a professional astrologer who specializes in what he calls karmic astrology. He rejects New Age mumbo jumbo, too, doesn't believe in "ascension," and believes that the so-called "end times" only look like the end of our 3D world to many because tremendous chaos attends these final two decades of the Piscean Age. But somehow, he manages to get a weekly column on PlanetLightWorker(dot)com, which is a typically uncritical site (uncritical -- oh, I guess that's why).

He's an interesting guy in many ways. Mark looks to be around 50 years old, and supports himself through his work via a published book out, the professional seminar, lecture, talk, workshop, personal consultation thing, and donations.

He appears to be sort an alternative for those New Agers who have become fed up with saviorism and mumbo jumbo. However, I think he acts as unconscious CoIntelPro because his bottom-line, if I can discern it through the noisiness of his writing, seems to be his constant message to relax, and little else, which amounts to self-calming. It's a really mixed message, though, because there's so much truth in his writing. It comes with lots of advice to look inward, but also to disengage. Great truths are revealed, but he doesn't suggest any reaction to them other than to "be yourself, express yourself, enjoy yourself."

He seems to be fully aware of the dark machinations of the PTB, but projects a "don't worry, it's burning itself out" sort of attitude that around here we think is only advantageous for the negative powers. Maybe he's another example of "there's a counter-intelligence program just for you."

He writes with, for my taste, too much certainty, which probably comes from his particular subjectivity. He isn't very concise, uses unclear metaphors (which weaken any writing), and works hard to make plays on words that I think aren't always particularly catchy or valuable. He gives advice sometimes in bad metaphors, rendering it useless. Example: "If the devil is in the details, who's in charge of the big picture? You. Watch out for those details and keep your eye on the pie."

He has some apparently clear insights, though, that IMO act as powerful hooks. Read a few excerpts here and see if you agree.

His site is http://www(dot)

Here's a quote about America's machismo and ignorance that just leaves you hanging.
Anger is the most difficult of emotions, certainly in America and generally for much of the western and developed world. Weapons of minor destruction are ridiculously popular in the US. The major destruction arsenals of Amerika are the most obvious fraud of the crusade against the evil doers. Uncle Sam needs to clean up major shit before he goes around pointing fingers and stomping his fascist, imperialist boots. Maybe it's too late and the damage is done. Americans are horribly ignorant of their dark governments' effects on the people of the world. If the ignorance continues, there'll be hell to pay. Ignorance is blitz. Balm's away. Undam the torpedoes, full speed ahead; cross your hard on and hope to die..........

Testosterone needs to find better expression.
Here's one about war and the PTB that leads one to believe that the dark will destroy itself.
Wars are simply and always fought for extreme economic gain for the few. In that case, is it so far fetched that greed might have been at the bottom of some crazy plot? Many millions of people do see that 9/11 was a contrived act ala burning down the Reichstag, the German legislature, by Nazi's. I once asked a professional airline pilot of 25 years experience about 9/11. Without prompting, he stated that he couldn't have flown the planes into the Towers with all his experience and training. He said they were flying beyond the airframes' parameters and would've been very difficult to handle. He didn't say, but what was unspoken was that the planes were on fly by wire, programmed to hit their targets and that's not something that the hijackers could do. He implied that they could not have pulled it off in any way with as little training as they had, let alone the extreme duress of the whole deal. I do see it as a dark government op to manipulate the world according to fascist plan. And likely, they think it's all in the best interests of the fatherland or some crap. There is way too much confirmed history of the USA's dark government bringing down other's governments and on and on. More importantly, this coming last 20 years of the Piscean Age, which happens every 26,000 years or so, offers this amazing window on any and all of the machinery of Creation. The emperors wear no clothes. These powermongers will be outted. They will destroy their own selves in their own inimitable way. The meek will inherit the earth because they don't abuse. Humans best get meek soon or it's all over. Until America owns and makes amends for all the dark ops of the dark government, it will pay evermore karmically.
Here's a bit that disavows New Age mumbo jumbo, advising that you "realize your own consciousness" instead, but no tips about how to do that.
11-11 has been in the New Age psyche for many years via Solara's channeling about the Oneness beyond duality. This is a common dream in the Dream. Oneness is just glued together twoness and maintains the splitting headache of the mind. If you want to be the One or All One go ahead, but it won't clear any suffering for you or anyone else. Transcendence is a state of denial. Ascension is loopy. Be. The rest is goofy crap and that goofy crap is going to be screaming in the years ahead. Terror firma is spirit's bane, banishment and blandishment. Do you really think spirit and god are going to liberate you? Do you really think heaven or nirvana is sufferless? Go to heaven is the current curse that is making the world go to hell. Drop the projections and realize your own consciousness. Being is beyond the Beyond.

Wars are a distraction from the peace that you are. Peacemaking is good war that only maintains bad war. From this day forward war no more, as Chief Joseph said. Peace no more too. Your being is peace. Don't go to pieces over peace and war. Speak to the unconscious stuff that you see in the collective if you like, but let go of peaceing the world together again in the grand One. It would be the mind that Won.
Here's one with some great support for the concept of intention, but sadly, not DOing anything to follow it up.
There's nothing special to report as to the unfoldment of the month. It's business as usual but what is unusual is that all the old, ancient crud of the psyche is upwelling. What isn't processed gets acted out in the body and in the body politic and the body of the planet. The deeply stirred emotions are clotting in the narrow squeeze points like the Straits of Hormuz or the family budget/credit or elections of the unfittest. The emotional congeals into the physical if it is not faced. Weirder and weirder things will be taking place in people's bodies and in the world. It becomes pointless to predict the details. I'm more interested in reminding you of the bottom line of the machinery of the Dream so that you can make entirely different decisions rather than get engrossed in decisions that amount to polishing the furniture on the Titanic.

There is one elegance of play in the Planets. When Mars enters Libra on the 7th it is followed the next day by the Moon entering Aries and opposing to Mars. There is a fine window open now to have your creativity be met by your audience. You may not see anything at the time. Intention is the key. Get intentional about who you are and who you are not and about what you want and what you don't want. Feelings of impotence and indecision will be predominant. Carry on in your intention. The old stories of karma will melt in time. Your intentions will come manifest. Live your life as an art form. All the while you'll enjoy your self.

With the gates of Armageddon now open, civilization is on a traction beam of silly sallies into sin and salvation that have nothing to do with anything. The spiritual/religious and nationalistic/corporate pride shall especially be going before the fall. They all talk in projection. Whatever they talk about, they are actually talking about and to their selves. Example: Bush pointing fingers at Evil Doers. Crashing and burning in major ways are from henceforth the dominant theme. Get on with your life. Living as you choose is more potent than jawing for changes or wishing for the best. Be your dear and wonderful self. It cannot be taken from you. It never comes or goes. You don't have to get it right and you aren't wrong in any way. Be and the world be with you. Do and you do and do in the do do while feeling like a dodo. There's nothing, NOTHING that you have to do to be your self! You are yourself. Claim it and clear your karma.
Note the ending -- he's right, according to Ra, that forgiveness is the key to balancing karma, however, his actual words are "There's nothing, NOTHING that you have to do...." Sure, he then says, "Claim it and clear...," which sound like action words, but he's actually saying, as I read it, do nothing! Do nothing and you're okay. Nothing wrong with that -- nothing right with that. Why am I reading then?

This bit encourages being truthful, but ends again with the idea of "letting go" that I read as disengagement. That would seem to mitigate the impact of one who would be truthful.
Localized truth is the stuff of bondage. Consider all the millennia of oppression in the name of truth, the one truth, our truth, the holy truth, etc. Even the so-called free countries are in bondage to something or many things unconscious and still oppress others in their behaving freely. You¹d think that would be wrong if you saw that. It is not wrong; it is however unconscious and unconsciousness leaves a trail of pieces rather than peace.

Freely say the truth about whatever. There is nothing right or wrong about it. If there is reaction, then say the truth about that and so on. Right and wrong have no place in truth. The mind feeds on wrong and right, good and bad, localized truth and lies. If someone is lying to you, say the truth. If you are actually harmed, (check out actually harmed for therein will often lie an embedded lie) say the truth and hear the truth. Hearing the truth is sometimes very difficult because of those old unconscious agendas. Those unconscious agendas are what karmically attract the so-called lie. Opposites attract repulsively.

Be free in the truth of who you are. Choose freely. Be free from imposing truth on others. This is not always easy. Everyone has chronic distortions in their unconscious that come to light and with it comes some fight. Give up the fight in yourself and let it go in others. Some lies are quite perpetual and nothing can be done about them except being conscious of them. When conscious, you don¹t have to act out the distortions and in due time neither will they, at least around you and eventually not around some others. Lies eventually choke the liar: karma. But karma also chokes on truth when truth is held outside of one¹s being. Neither run nor hide nor fight. Be present and let go. March to no drumbeat. Walk the walk and talk the talk consciously.
I'll end with just a simply fascinating bit -- he offers loads of these -- but they kind of go nowhere, if you know what I mean.
Pluto has just been deleted from the pantheon of the planets by the IAU. This is quite unprecedented. When planets are discovered, the time/events of the world determine the planet's symbolic meaning along with the meaning of its name. As time goes by, more is discovered. Pluto was discovered in the early 1930's when the underworld of the Mob was establishing deeply in the US and extreme totalitarianism/fascism was arising around the world along with a global economic depression.

Is it surprising that the planet that represents fascism, for instance, is erased at a time when the fascists of Amerika and elsewhere are trying to cover their trail? I think not. I suspect that the IAU's decision may yet be overturned.
Some Krueger fans are quoted on his site, and they love his insight and wordplay. OK, that's entertainment. Is he really helping them? I don't know.

*** END ***
Adpop said:
Note the ending -- he's right, according to Ra, that forgiveness is the key to balancing karma, however, his actual words are "There's nothing, NOTHING that you have to do...." Sure, he then says, "Claim it and clear...," which sound like action words, but he's actually saying, as I read it, do nothing! Do nothing and you're okay. Nothing wrong with that -- nothing right with that. Why am I reading then?
I may understand this wrongly as well but I think he is from that school of thoughts that say "you are already there with your true self" but it is misleading as many will understand this as I don't have to do anything to BE and he forgets to mention that none of us actually remember him/herself that's why we have to work for it.
It's confusing imho, because if you'd be already aligned with your I, you would not be looking for it in the first place, right ?
That does not do any good that I am already there if here I am not.
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