Mehran Keshe and Keshe Foundation Game Changer or Scam?


The Cosmic Force
I have been for a while now following the scientific and technological progress of the Keshe Foundation, initiated about ten years ago by Mehran Keshe who is an Iranian-born nuclear engineer who has been working on developing this technology for 30 years or more.

It is now beyond any doubt that the technology is valid and can do what it is claimed it is possible to do with it. It has many applications in energy, transportation, health, agriculture, nuclear remediation, materials and also space propulsion and protection of occupants in space vehicles who would travel in a normal gravity condition as on Earth and not be subject to acceleration pressures.

Recently, a University has been opened to teach this technology in Bari, Italy. Associated universities will likely open in many other countries in a short time. It is already being taught in schools in China.

All the major countries are very aware of this technology and many have been gifted with a flash drive containing all the patent information which Mr. Keshe has developed. As usual, many countries are dragging their feet in releasing the technology, and the many products which could be produced, from the people because this technology will obsolete much or most of what is currently available to the public.

All knowledge of the technology is now being given openly and free of charge to everyone on the planet so that all people can become independent of governments and corporations for their needs of any material sort.

The main websites are and

The Morning and Afternoon University opening sessions videos can be seen at:

Weekly Knowledge-seekers Workshops videos can be found at:
Maybe you could briefly describe what "this technology" is?
Had a look at the diverse websites of this institute. What strikes me first is the disorganisation, the many claims and the little in substantiation. His "technology" ranges from plasma reactors, to carbon sequestration, to world peace, to deep space exploration.

They sell a 3-year Masters Degree in Science for Spaceship Plasma Technology for a hefty 6000 Euro per year - well, a bargain I suppose, if it was legit.

I could be wrong, but that all sounds too good to be true. And if it was true, I guess the PTB would take care of him, like they did with Tesla.

My 2 cents
All the red flags are there:


Some time ago Keshe threatened to "enforce" world peace:

[F]rom 22nd we will [...] take new steps to enforce the peace treaty [...]

(Keshe on 03/17/2013)
In his new "open letter", that he published today, he reveals how this is going to happen:

We will allow the nations that have the USB stick to show how amateur the current and the most advanced weapons technology and defence technology of the West have become, [...].

(Keshe on 03/25/2013)
So, if nothing happens, it's not his fault. Apart from this he seems to have overlooked the slight logical problem, that several western nations (notably the USA) also "have the USB stick". Not that it would actually matter anyway.

I'll leave another excerpt from his "open letter" without further comment:

It has been raised in private and in public and on the forum of the Foundation if I am the prophet or a promised one and if my peace treaty document about the status of scientists makes me a prophet.


The answer clearly and irrevocably is: Yes.

(Keshe on 03/25/2013)

There are countless other examples in that thread.
Laura said:
Maybe you could briefly describe what "this technology" is?

Difficult to sum up in a short way what this is all about, but essentially it is plasma technology. Normally a plasma is thought of as what happens to materials when they have been heated through the solid, liquid and gas phase and become ionized when even higher temperatures are reached. In his paradigm there is plasma even at very low temperatures and it is because even the most elemental particles such as neutrons, protons and electrons all have a plasmatic magnetic and gravitational field surrounding them and can all be looked at as plasmas.

He has designed both static and dynamic reactors which can create these fields, which he designates as Magravs which are both gravitational and magnetic fields. He has also shown how to nano-coat materials with simple processes which one could do in one's kitchen. Anyone can purchase a CO2 capture kit, which is an example of a static reactor, from the website which will convert gaseous CO2 to a liquid state at room temperature and pressure, or you could make your own just by following the fairly simple instructions as to how to make one.

The dynamic reactors are a bit more complicated but have been replicated by many people around the world and have more capabilities than the static reactors. All these things operate on the same scientific principles which he has discovered, which he says is because he studied the way nature operates and duplicated it with these new devices and principles.

As others here have noted, he is sure a weird character and I am not sure what to make of him in this respect. However, if the technology is valid and usable, which after much review and analysis by university and government scientists, NASA, and major corporations such as Boeing, it appears to be so, then it bears our attention. According to Mr. Keshe, commercial spin-offs and products we can use which are things which will radically change how we will live and operate in the world are not far down the road and will have life changing effect, especially in the very poor parts of the world where people for the most part have little or no access to electricity, clean water and sufficient food to feed themselves. It would have major impacts even on the more affluent nations if this technology is valid and viable.

As for those who claim he would already have been 'taken out', many attempts have been made to halt his progress. He has been threatened, forced to leave Belgium and relocate it Italy because of the constant harassment, death threats, and has even been poisoned. He has not only survived all this but continues to move forward with research and spreading freely his knowledge of this technology. At this point, it seems unlikely that this can be stopped because way too many people now know of it and are already using it.

As and example, a few years ago he traveled to Iran for a visit and while there gave everything he knew to the Iranian scientists he met with. The scientists there have been working with this and have apparently used it to down a couple of US drones without any damage. If they had been shot down they would be shattered and it doesn't seem that any other method of downing these drones could have been used.

What I am getting at here is that the technology looks on the up and up after all the information available is looked at objectively, but the personality and views of Mr. Keshe make it hard to swallow. I try to separate the two, even if I do agree with others here that this guy seems rather flaky.
Is there something we can verify? Do you know for sure those institutions have verified his inventions or is he just claiming they did?
Richard S said:
In his paradigm there is plasma even at very low temperatures and it is because even the most elemental particles such as neutrons, protons and electrons all have a plasmatic magnetic and gravitational field surrounding them and can all be looked at as plasmas.

He has designed both static and dynamic reactors which can create these fields, which he designates as Magravs which are both gravitational and magnetic fields.

So I can grasp the basic idea - there are gravitational and magnetic fields that surround subatomic particles, and because of this, they can be called plasma. So all matter then is plasma? So the fields he creates called Magravs are distinct from magnetic and gravitational fields? If so I guess they don't occur outside of his reactors (dynamic / static)? If that's true, what effect does creating Magravs have? It doesnt look like they covert non-plasma states to plasma because everything already is plasma (if the above is true), so what are Magravs helping with doing and how does energy get utilised by these Magravs being created?

I'm just questioning the basic premise, as it sounds interesting but I'm not grasping the basic logic of what's meant to be happening from what you describe. Maybe though that's just how its said, and I should find out from myself, but would be great if you can clear up those things beforehand.
monotonic said:
Is there something we can verify?
Well, you can purchase a CO2 kit for yourself and see if it works. They are not expensive.

Do you know for sure those institutions have verified his inventions or is he just claiming they did?
I have no direct connections to universities, corporations or government scientists and agencies myself so I can not actually say I know this to be true. What I can say is that after paying close attention to this subject for the last few years that there is no hint of fraud of any sort I have been able to detect. The science behind this seems reasonable and a better explanation of reality to me than other popular existent theories, and if this is so, then the technology based upon it would also be expected to be viable and reasonable.

I think we have all been lied to by so many that we are bound to be rather skeptical of anything we might consider 'too good to be true' coming along. Just like the Bible, exceptional claims need to be backed up by hard evidence.

However, it is pretty certain that other technological devices have been squashed by governments and corporations to keep them from ruining the monopolies they have in various areas, but this time it looks like the genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back.
Maybe it is the 'right time' for this sort of thing to emerge. I remember the C's saying that at some point we might see this sort of thing coming along.

It would seem to me to be appropriate for all of us to just watch and wait to see how things develop. I simply wanted all here to be aware of the possibilities that a technological breakthrough such as this may be could bring about.
alkhemst said:
Richard S said:
In his paradigm there is plasma even at very low temperatures and it is because even the most elemental particles such as neutrons, protons and electrons all have a plasmatic magnetic and gravitational field surrounding them and can all be looked at as plasmas.

He has designed both static and dynamic reactors which can create these fields, which he designates as Magravs which are both gravitational and magnetic fields.

So I can grasp the basic idea - there are gravitational and magnetic fields that surround subatomic particles, and because of this, they can be called plasma. So all matter then is plasma? So the fields he creates called Magravs are distinct from magnetic and gravitational fields?
No, they are exactly the same.
If so I guess they don't occur outside of his reactors (dynamic / static)? If that's true, what effect does creating Magravs have?
No, not true. The Sun has Magrav fields as does the Earth and most other celestial objects.
When a reactor creates Magrav fields it can react with the fields of the Earth or any other field which is in it's vicinity. This is how lift and flight can be done. The fields can be varied in the reactors depending on how they are set up and used. If the gravitational part of the field is made stronger it will cause increased weight of the area it covers and be more strongly attracted to other gravitational fields nearby, and if the magnetic portion of the field is made stronger it will repulse other nearby magnetic fields.

According to Mr. Keshe, this is how and why the planets have the orbits they do, because there is a balance point at a specific distance where the magnetical and gravitational fields are equal.

It doesnt look like they covert non-plasma states to plasma because everything already is plasma (if the above is true),
No they don't.
so what are Magravs helping with doing and how does energy get utilised by these Magravs being created?
My understanding is that energy is created by an imbalance between two different reactors by using different materials inside them, different layers within them, etc. The imbalance creates a plasmatic energy flow which can be utilized.

I'm just questioning the basic premise, as it sounds interesting but I'm not grasping the basic logic of what's meant to be happening from what you describe. Maybe though that's just how its said, and I should find out from myself, but would be great if you can clear up those things beforehand.
It is really difficult to explain because the terminology and concepts are different from what we have all been taught about these subjects and to understand the workings of all this one needs to read his books and listen to the many Workshops to get a grounding of how it all works. I am not an expert in this even though I have been following along for a while.
I looked at the CO2 kit. He says that the stuff that comes out is CO2 in a plasma form. I'm sure it produces the liquid, but I don't know how I would verify that it is actually CO2, especially since it is in an unconventional form.
alkhemst said:
Richard S said:
alkhemst said:
So the fields he creates called Magravs are distinct from magnetic and gravitational fields?
No, they are exactly the same.
Both combined or just a parent term used as a classification of both?
Any Magrav is the same as any other whether created by a star, a planet or a small reactor. They differ in strength, area which they encompass, etc. but are basically no different from each other in the sense that they are all Magravs.
monotonic said:
I looked at the CO2 kit. He says that the stuff that comes out is CO2 in a plasma form. I'm sure it produces the liquid, but I don't know how I would verify that it is actually CO2, especially since it is in an unconventional form.
Yes, it is a plasma, but more accurately the resultant product is a GANS, which mean gas in nano state. It can be used in both static and dynamic reactors since it is plasmatic in nature, and is being used in such.

You could verify it is not like any usual substance by using it in such a reactor and seeing what are the results. Otherwise, you would need to have it sent to a laboratory which has Raman Spectroscopy to verify it's composition. Note: you are not supposed to touch these materials with the bare skin. Until sufficient testing has been done regarding the safety of handling these materials it is strongly discouraged, as is the handling and ingestion of any nano material.
Richard S said:
alkhemst said:
Richard S said:
alkhemst said:
So the fields he creates called Magravs are distinct from magnetic and gravitational fields?
No, they are exactly the same.
Both combined or just a parent term used as a classification of both?
Any Magrav is the same as any other whether created by a star, a planet or a small reactor. They differ in strength, area which they encompass, etc. but are basically no different from each other in the sense that they are all Magravs.

Is this the same thing:

Gravitoelectromagnetism, abbreviated GEM, refers to a set of formal analogies between the equations for electromagnetism and relativistic gravitation; specifically: between Maxwell's field equations and an approximation, valid under certain conditions, to the Einstein field equations for general relativity. Gravitomagnetism is a widely used term referring specifically to the kinetic effects of gravity, in analogy to the magnetic effects of moving electric charge. The most common version of GEM is valid only far from isolated sources, and for slowly moving test particles.

On a side note, searching around for what is Gravitoelectromagnetism, came across this, which seems interesting in terms of "information":

The theory of informatons is about the phenomena and the laws of the gravitational and the electromagnetic interactions.

The term INFORMATION is introduced in physics by narrowing its everyday meaning to a physical concept. It is given a specific signification by defining it mathematically.

The theory of informatons starts from the idea that a physical object manifests itself in space by emitting INFORMATONS. Informatons are dot-shaped mass- and energyless entities which rush away at the speed of light carrying information about the position, the velocity and the electrical charge of the emitter. The rules for the emission of information by a point mass at rest, and their attributes, are defined by the "postulate of the emission of informatons".

The consequences of the postulate for the GRAVITATIONAL INTERACTION are developed in paragraphs I to IV, and those for the ELECTROMAGNETICAL INTERACTION in paragraph V. The physical entity "field" and the physical quantities that characterize a field acquire a new meaning. The laws to which these quantities are subjected and the rules that manage the mutual forces are deduced. One shows that there is a great analogy between a gravitational and an electromagnetic field, what implies that the gravitational field has a component that is analogous to the magnetic one.

In paragraph VI the theory of informatons is applied in the study of ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND RADIATION. The idea is introduced that PHOTONS are informatons carrying an energy packet. This leads to the view that the deflection of light passing through a narrow split can be understood as the visible effect of the possibility of the transition of an energy packet from one informaton to another that crosses his path. Finally the implications of the gravity-electromagnetism analogy for the existence of gravitational waves and gravitons are investigated.

alkhemst said:
Richard S said:
alkhemst said:
Richard S said:
alkhemst said:
So the fields he creates called Magravs are distinct from magnetic and gravitational fields?
No, they are exactly the same.
Both combined or just a parent term used as a classification of both?
Any Magrav is the same as any other whether created by a star, a planet or a small reactor. They differ in strength, area which they encompass, etc. but are basically no different from each other in the sense that they are all Magravs.

Is this the same thing:

Gravitoelectromagnetism, abbreviated GEM, refers to a set of formal analogies between the equations for electromagnetism and relativistic gravitation; specifically: between Maxwell's field equations and an approximation, valid under certain conditions, to the Einstein field equations for general relativity. Gravitomagnetism is a widely used term referring specifically to the kinetic effects of gravity, in analogy to the magnetic effects of moving electric charge. The most common version of GEM is valid only far from isolated sources, and for slowly moving test particles.
It doesn't appear to be as it seems they are talking about different things while using the same terms, which do not apply in different contexts and systems because the words often have different meanings.

On a side note, searching around for what is Gravitoelectromagnetism, came across this, which seems interesting in terms of "information":

The theory of informatons is about the phenomena and the laws of the gravitational and the electromagnetic interactions.

The term INFORMATION is introduced in physics by narrowing its everyday meaning to a physical concept. It is given a specific signification by defining it mathematically.

The theory of informatons starts from the idea that a physical object manifests itself in space by emitting INFORMATONS. Informatons are dot-shaped mass- and energyless entities which rush away at the speed of light carrying information about the position, the velocity and the electrical charge of the emitter. The rules for the emission of information by a point mass at rest, and their attributes, are defined by the "postulate of the emission of informatons".

The consequences of the postulate for the GRAVITATIONAL INTERACTION are developed in paragraphs I to IV, and those for the ELECTROMAGNETICAL INTERACTION in paragraph V. The physical entity "field" and the physical quantities that characterize a field acquire a new meaning. The laws to which these quantities are subjected and the rules that manage the mutual forces are deduced. One shows that there is a great analogy between a gravitational and an electromagnetic field, what implies that the gravitational field has a component that is analogous to the magnetic one.

In paragraph VI the theory of informatons is applied in the study of ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND RADIATION. The idea is introduced that PHOTONS are informatons carrying an energy packet. This leads to the view that the deflection of light passing through a narrow split can be understood as the visible effect of the possibility of the transition of an energy packet from one informaton to another that crosses his path. Finally the implications of the gravity-electromagnetism analogy for the existence of gravitational waves and gravitons are investigated.

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