

Jedi Council Member
Hi everyone,

So ever since I had my bladder cancer surgery and had a hysterectomy along with it, I am now going through menopause. I thought that it wouldn't be that bad because for the first month afterwards, I didn't have any symptoms. But as of 2 weeks ago I have started having wicked hot flashes, breakouts and I really feel quite tense and snippy with people in my life. Its just plain MISERABLE! :mad:

I ordered the book, sex lies and menopause, and I am starting to read it now. I had hoped that I would not need HRT, but its looking like I will need something. I have a doctors appointment on monday to talk to her about my options. At this point I am willing to take about anything to make it better. I would like to stick with something natural and I am scared that she will just prescribe me some evil ones--hee hee.
We will see what she has to say, and then I will decide. I found a website that sells a cream that is all natural, so maybe I will go that route. Anyway thanks for letting me rant a bit.

Angela :)

BTW, I am loving my sauna blanket!
Hi Angela,

That book is really good, but we have some reservations about their protocol. The doses seem too high. Some have had reported good results, others not so much. Keep your mind open for lower doses of natural hormones according to your needs or hormone test results.

Thanks Psyche - I think that lower doses may be a good idea too. At least thats where I want to start at. I just started the book, but I did glance to the back where they have the dosage and it did seem like a lot to me. I guess I will just need to figure out what my body needs with a little trial and error.

Here is some info that I synthesized based on Dr. Jonh R. Lee's protocols of low dose natural hormone therapy:

Dr. John R. Lee is a pioneer of low dose natural hormone creams. The protocol focuses mainly on progesterone cream as the main issue is estrogen dominance.

More info at: (with male hormone info as well, he recommends 8-10mg of progesterone per day for men, around 1/8th of a teaspoon)

-After ovulation on day 14 (that is, if we ovulate) we are supposed to produce around 20 to 30 mg of progesterone per day.

-The progesterone cream is usually a 2% natural progesterone, so 1/4 gives around 20mg per day. A normal low progesterone dose is of 20-60mg/day (100mg per day maximum).

-Natural estrogen creams usually provide 1mg of estrogen per 1/4 of a teaspoon.

-Testosterone cream dose (if needed according to serum levels): 1mg to 5 mg daily (start with lowest dose).

-DHEA creams (if needed): 5 to 50 mg once or twice daily (divided doses).



from day 12 to day 26: 1/4 to 1/2 of a teaspoon once or twice per day.

Alternatively (I distributed it roughly according to the Wiley protocol):

1/8th of a teaspoon from days 12 and 13
1/4th of a teaspoon from days 14 to 19
1/2 of a teaspoon from days 20 to 22
1/4 of a teaspoon from days 23 to 26 or until a day or so before your period starts (if you don't know when your period is going to start, just stop the cream when your period starts and count 12 days before you start it again).

Once per day (or twice if symptoms persist)



24 to 26 days a month, 1/4 to 1/2 of teaspoon once or twice per day.

It is important to have some days off as some spotting can occur (if this happens, use the PMS/Pre-menopause schedule and after 3 to 4 months of no spotting, you can resume the post-menopause schedule).


If symptoms continue, a bit of estrogen can be used to see if it helps with the balancing process, more info at There are protocols, but it's best to insist with the progesterone cream at first.

Happy balancing :)
Thanks for the great info Psyche--just one question, should I just start with progesterone cream? Or should I also get estrogen cream too? I am so confused as to where to start.

Thanks again,

Angela said:
Thanks for the great info Psyche--just one question, should I just start with progesterone cream? Or should I also get estrogen cream too? I am so confused as to where to start.

Thanks again,


You can start with the progesterone, but if the symptoms don't get relieved, get the estrogen one.

This protocol is very general and it might need some experimenting and adjusting according to symptoms. If you are interested, there are serum levels testing and adjustment of doses according to that. I think that option is available in one of the links above.

As long as you stick to natural hormones, you should see some improvement :)
Hey everyone

Just wanted to update on my visit with my doctor about the hormones. First of all let me say that I have ordered some progesterone cream and I should be getting it any day.

While I talked with my doctor about hormones and menopause, I was actually quite surprised that she really wasn't all for prescribing them. She actually was a little more for the natural way, but she suggested eating alot of soy products to get some estrogen that way.
The one thing that shocked me, (although it shouldn't have) was that she wanted to treat my hormone related mood swings with.......
Prozac! I tried to explain to her that I am not depressed, just cranky. She said that alot of times she prescribes prozac with premarin and then after a month she has the patient try not taking the premarin and seeing if just the prozac will work. Or I could have used a blood pressure patch that would help with the hot flashes.
I don't know, I just found it odd that she was pushing prozac. I do live in the US and I guess they just want us all to be like zombies with no real feelings.

Anyway just thought that I would share that story.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Oh boy, prozac and soy not so good.
Soy was suggested for my mom after her hysterectomy. She stopped after 3 months as it made her feel bloated and gain weight. If you are going to go with foods, wild yam is better. Many plant based progesterone cream derive from wild yam.

You can up the 5-htp or SAMe which will help with the mood swings.
Acetyl-L-carnitine will also help with dopamine which decreases with menopause. It's good that you are getting the progesterone creme now. I once read a paper in the journal of endocrinology that discussed starting hormone therapy within 5 years of menopause because epigenetic modifications makes it mostly useless if you wait too long to start. Don't know how accurate that was since I haven't read the follow up studies. It's still a good idea to get it going but start low as Psyche suggested.

edit "from" my mom to "for" my mom..
Angela said:
The one thing that shocked me, (although it shouldn't have) was that she wanted to treat my hormone related mood swings with.......
Prozac! I tried to explain to her that I am not depressed, just cranky. She said that alot of times she prescribes prozac with premarin and then after a month she has the patient try not taking the premarin and seeing if just the prozac will work. Or I could have used a blood pressure patch that would help with the hot flashes.

Ugg, that's the stuff made out of pregnant horse urine. :barf:
Many plant based progesterone cream derive from wild yam.

For the more adventurous ladies.

Buying the herbs and making your own product is a lot cheaper in the long run and you can try a variety of different things to find what works best for you.

It`s always great to see people making their own natural products chemical free, preservative free, and gaining the confidence that you can do it.

For instance you can buy wild yam root cheaply enough, you could add chaste tree berries, sassafras root, or anything else you might want to try.

Just make a strong tea out of the herbs and add them to a nice warm foot bath.

Soak your feet for about 10 minutes in the tea water, you will absorb what you need in that time, dry your feet and your done. I did it this way and I have never had a hot flash. Ever!

Twice a week is probably enough.

You can make any herbal cream easily as well, with some sesame oil and a little bees wax.
A pound of wild yam root sells for around $11.00 and it would probably last you for a year!

This place has good quality herbs, if anyone wants to give it a try.

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Many plant based progesterone cream derive from wild yam.

For the more adventurous ladies.

Buying the herbs and making your own product is a lot cheaper in the long run and you can try a variety of

This place has good quality herbs, if anyone wants to give it a try.

Thanks for the link, meager1. Will check them out.
FWIW, a more detailed article on the issue. :-O

Thanks for posting this. I should be going through menopause in the next five years or so and I have no clue about what medical issues I may need. I do know I will not be taking anything for any reason if I can manage it. Those poor mares. My heart hurts for them. I'm now looking into any way I can help them. Thank you again for the info. 🤗🤗
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