Mercury Levels and Human Refuse in the Oceans

It's all them pesky sailors!
All the time I sailed the seas, it was customary to dispose of the ship's garbage and waste products into the oceans.
So, no surprises there.
MusicMan said:
It's all them pesky sailors!
All the time I sailed the seas, it was customary to dispose of the ship's garbage and waste products into the oceans.
So, no surprises there.

It's not only the "pesky sailors" polluting the oceans. My ex worked for a garbage disposal company for a while, driving the trucks that picks up the weekly garbage in neighborhoods. He told me that they load a lot of the garbage, like plastics and such, onto trucks that take it to a ship that goes out a certain distance and dumps it in the ocean.

I also read an article a year or so ago that stated that a cruise liner had dumped their garbage in the ocean too close to shore. They were supposed to dump it further out in the ocean. So it's all legal if you do it further out. :mad:
When I was working in Diving Industry, we specifically mentioned in our briefings to never throw anything into the ocean as it will just stay there and never go away. We had little bins to use and we brought these back on land after our trip was finished. The only things we threw in was food, but even this can affect the ecosystem, as the fish can get used to this and start to rely on it, among other consequences.

You wouldn't believe some of the garbage on the bottom of the sea bed you can find though....toilet seats, bottles, boots, you name it! Mainly plastics though, and some of the nets fishermen use would be discarded on the coral too. We had cleaning dives, were we would go out and basically pick up anything that didn't belong in the ocean and take it back up with us to the boat. Project AWARE, it was called.

So yeah, the psychopathic culture we live in is good at polluting the oceans. I once read somewhere though that eventually, the earth finds a way to get rid of the waste. Can't remember where however!
Paragon said:
So yeah, the psychopathic culture we live in is good at polluting the oceans. I once read somewhere though that eventually, the earth finds a way to get rid of the waste. Can't remember where however!

I guess the earth finds a way to get rid of the waste by swallowing and recycling it, which might be by going through up side down process at times, getting rid of most living creatures and starting a new cycle...
Eos said:
I guess the earth finds a way to get rid of the waste by swallowing and recycling it, which might be by going through up side down process at times, getting rid of most living creatures and starting a new cycle...
That is an interesting idea. For a moment, I the funny thought, "Maybe our petroleum comes from discarded plastic that Atlanteans buried tens of thousands of years ago?"
Most of the oceans have gyres in them, which are large rotating bodies of water.
Rubbish is collected in these gyres and forms large islands of floating debris at the centre of the oceans. The North Atlantic gyre collects debris from New York (which is barged out to sea and dumped). In the North Pacific gyre there is a lot of the debris from the Japanese Tsunami.
They can be seen from space.
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