Mike Cernovich Substack


Jedi Council Member
Mike Cernovich has a pretty good substack about basic things people can do to improve their health along with many many books he’s read on the subject along with practical ways to exercise while managing the everyday tasks in life like parenting. I figured I’d post about it because he has some useful insights and he’s managed to go on shows like 60 minutes and hold his own against establishment guys like Scott Pelley.

Here’s his latest about getting in your cardio in creative ways while also honoring your commitments to family life.

There’s lots of positive things about the gym-bro culture. They’re definitely supportive of each other when it comes to performing optimally. I’m not talking about the steroid crowd here and saw plenty of that during my time in the military. It’s just about maintaining your health in the long term so you can be there for the ones you love. I also think lots of guys like Cernovich or Tucker Carlson could shift their thinking if they’re presented with books like Palestine Hijacked, which then can slowly shift the reality for all of us. Good people will change when they’re presented with well researched sane information and there’s a definite logical progression to finally accepting a source like the Cassiopaean’s as reasonable. You gotta bring people there step by step if they’re interested.

Anyway, lots of good information here along with books people can read about how to improve their athletic performance to live longer and more fulfilling lives.
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