More from St Germaine (on earth changes)



Well, I'm biased here - I see this (alleged, if you like) St-G transmission as wheat, not chaff, as it comes from a friend. But feel free to pull it apart, guys - debate encouraged......not attached.....but earlier in this set of transmissions, St-G urges us never to watch TV because of the various ways it mind controls eg through frequencies, and has some pretty sane and sensible-sounding ideas on 911 etc.... IMHO. The book referred to is an analysis of how the PTB are planning to crash/ are crashing the global economy through mutuals etc.....

IMHO at least someone is admitting the earth changes are going to happen, even if we don't like the idea.

Any comments?

Taking Responsibility for Yourselves

The year 2005 begins a long stream of earth changes that cannot be evaluated in terms of the past, for there is and will not be any precedent.

With the tsunami of December 2004 in the Indian Ocean, devastating floods in Mumbai, India, the recent devastating floods in South China and Eastern Europe, multiple underwater earthquakes around the Pacific Rim and most recently hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast, we are witnessing the start of earth changes that will increase in frequency and intensity over the coming decades. This initial set of earth changes is expected to be water-related - primarily flooding of the coastal areas and lowland areas - caused in part by an alarming meltdown of the earth's ice caps and underwater earthquakes provoking high tides and more tsunamis.

The catastrophe in New Orleans and the US Gulf Coast area poignantly demonstrates to us that government institutions will fail to help the people they govern in these times of earth changes, for they cannot cope with this level of demand of service. In my book, The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies, we devoted a whole section to the problem of bureaucracies - they are essentially designed to take from the people rather than serve them. We have witnessed this phenomenon in the incompetence and the selfishness of the government bureaucrats in handling this tragic event. With more significant earth changes on the way, governments will be overwhelmed as their true nature is exposed. We must be prepared to take care of ourselves.

Crises tend to bring out the best and worst in mankind. However, it is the innate goodness in man that ultimately shines forth. Form local groups among your friends and neighbors of mutual aid and plan what you might do as a group in times of crisis.

For those of you living in the coastal and lowland areas around the world, at a minimum, we are told that living fifty meters (150 feet) above sea level is the first safety precaution one must take in these times. If you live near large lakes, bodies of inland water, rivers and streams, make sure you are not in the path of drainage or overflow, for even these water sources will become problematic in the foreseeable future. The meltdown of the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps along with the vast permafrost regions of the Northern Hemisphere will impact on ALL bodies of water, raising the sea level as well as swelling the underground aquifers. Seek higher ground.

It is also prudent to have a plan (group and individual) in mind when the calls for evacuation are issued. It is best to listen deeply to your own intuition and hunches which come from your Higher Self and spiritual guides, for you can always count on them to guide you in times of crisis. Another important step in being able to respond to danger and take personal responsibility was highlighted in our article in the Current Messages section on Detachment . Those who cling to their possessions will find themselves submerged underwater or swept away with them. If your spouse or "nearest and dearest" resists your intuitions, then you must act firmly and decisively. Having the freedom to act according to your intuitions when danger is signaled is a very important part in taking responsibility for yourself and your family.

Most important, your dedication to regular meditation, esoteric study and service to mankind are the means by which you keep your vibrations in sync with Mother Earth as She moves into a higher dimension. By evolving with Her, you are naturally kept out of harm's way. Your spiritual guides are also ready to lead you out of danger. But as long as you are not in sync with Earth's increasingly heightened vibrations, you will be at odds with this enormous process of change taking place and suffer its consequences.

This is not the time for passive thinkers. Take responsibility for yourself.
Asking people not to watch TV is like asking people to bury their head a little deeper in the sand, is it not?

Instead, what 'Saint-Germain' should be saying, is do not believe what you see on TV but always be aware of what is going on. In other words, stop being influenced and you will see through the images, through the agenda. Learn not to react as the reaction is already an amplification of influence that inscribes itself in the very fibers of your sense of perception.

Gosh, if we are not mature enough to watch TV and not be affected, how will we react when the full impact of the end of this cycle will have reached our doorsteps?

This is always the tendency to seek and protect poor little ego against the aggressions of life, like a mother hen that refuses her kids to be exposed to reality and somehow prevent trauma whereas there 'will' be trauma but against a mind that will not have been trained to contain the impact of reality by refusing to interpret the value of the experience on its emotional impact, good or bad.

This is the mental equivalent to the hyper sanitization that we impose upon ourselves socially and that result in untrained, inadequate immune systems. It is not the environment's fault, it is our lack of lucidity and insecurity that continually reinforces itself. Now, we have mental spaces that constantly seek to protect themselves against impressions because they are afraid of being influenced?

This message is a form of manipulation in itself. The trick is to hide the trap within a pile of plausible statements, including a few 'truths' that resonate well within certain persons' registries. This opens up a channel as the 'truths' are recognized and open the mind to the lure of spirituality; a soul trap.

'Salvation' if you will, is not offered by one or the other but comes from within. The stick and the carrot, the fear factor and then the offer of protection, these are the trademark of occult manipulation. Fear is the tool of the dead against the coming of human will in order to perpetuate and reinforce the stronghold of the astral in man's psychic field. Fear is a kind of possession. The closer we will be to the end of cycle, the more the pressures will be great against the human psyche.

Krishnamurti was right when he warned to be wary of those that promised something in this world and of those that promise something in the other.

Why do you say you are biased?
I can see both sides of the TV issue, but to be fair to Byzantia's side, it sounds like the St.-G source meant frequencies of TV not the actual content. The C's said that the TV screen (and computer screens as well) due to their strobe nature can induce a hypnotic opening that makes people open to suggestion, which can synergize with the open content as well as the subliminal content. No doubt there is much more going on as well.

We all like to flatter ourselves that we cannot be manipulated, but when in doubt it may be best to turn it off.
I see what you are saying Donald. I agree about the 'frequency' bit as the reference. I was not going against Byzantia's take on this but against the 'message'.

I am more worried so to speak about the frequency of occult sources for that matter though.

Again, if we turn 'it off' for fear of being manipulated, we are then already being manipulated from within. It will take a long time before we learn to contain our energy and know our own territory. We will not train to sever ourselves from the collective unconscious therefore we will retain within a large estate of unconscious. It is through that unconscious that we are manipulated, not through the conscious of which there is already too little.

If these 'frequencies' are there to manipulate, they first must be attuned to the target.
In the end, it does not matter that we flatter ourselves or not about not being manipulated. We either are or aren't. At least, knowing the likelihood of manipulation should at least serve the purpose of heightening our level of awareness, therefore our lucidity. If we fall, we must learn to recognize that we fell and get back at it again.

The lasting danger is to those of us that have not recognized the nature of the energy that supports the impression of being within and that will act as a feedback loop with the manipulating energy. A catch 22 you might say. The impression then is that the energy that has imprinted its mark in the psyche is 'us'. Just knowing that works against that principle.
Unbeliever said:
Again, if we turn 'it off' for fear of being manipulated, we are then already being manipulated from within. It will take a long time before we learn to contain our energy and know our own territory. We will not train to sever ourselves from the collective unconscious therefore we will retain within a large estate of unconscious. It is through that unconscious that we are manipulated, not through the conscious of which there is already too little.
What if we turn it off because we become aware of the nefarious effects it has upon us? Because we understand that until we are stronger, it will continue to affect us, and that it might be better to not expose ourselves to it?

Do you think it could then be an act, not a reaction, a consious choce and not a manipulation?
Hello Henry.

I would say then that we are being directed to do so for our protection from within.

That would be a personal thing, but I do not believe it would be a conscious choice even though the ego would identify to the impulse and therefore decree that he had chosen so.

At the very least, I guess, whatever someone does is actually what he is supposed to do within the mind frame he supports. In other words, every person's experience is that person's very own and perfectly adapted experience, including that of turning the set off.

Because of the way you put this, I would go in your sense and compare the situation to internal channels.

Many would wish to have a channel opened with other realities. On the other hand already wanting to open a channel is being sought by occult forces to open the door. One must know that before opening that channel, he has the power, the authority to close it at will. If not, the vampire is allowed in the house and we all know that story.

In that sense, the fear that one could live in front of the challenge of manipulation is a protection for the ego who then will simply continue feeding its soul with experience via other avenues. And, that is also fine.

About conscious choices, I do not believe there is such a thing as a conscious choice. Ultimately, there are rather decisions which are not based on choices but on the activation of will forward what must be done. Choices are only the reflection of our ignorance that is the base for our experimental consciousness.

Choices are empirical in nature, necessary for the refinement of the intellect. Yet, the intellect is like a computer and works out of the data that is available to its memory and that allows it to interpret the experience and the world around. The impression the intellect has of choosing remains a reaction to the state of the memory bank (the soul) he has access to. It is in reaction to the program it holds, defined by its experience, that is already geared to interpret reality this or that way.
Obvious proof of this is that not two people faced with the same 'choices' will chose the same avenue. Does that mean that one is more intelligent than the other? Perhaps but not necessarily so. Actually, the right action, what must be done rather than what one wants to do, could be neither of those choices.

In the end, we always do what we were 'created to do' since we have not created our reality yet. Creating our reality implies creating the consequences. This also means removing or annihilating the tricks of the mind we call choices and that are only the expression of confusion to then be the master of our lives. Then one knows what his destiny is since he is the master of it. There are no questions of choice anymore.

If we knew what will become of us individually, we would already know what we will do to get ourselves there. There are no two ways for an individual although admittedly there are as many ways as there are individuals. Then, the ego would be forced to realize that the choices that are apparently in front of him are all sorts of subterfuges the ego will opt for to avoid going down that path. In fact, the ego cannot speed up its evolution, but it sure is quite apt at slowing it down though. This higher self everyone talks about already knows quite well where the experiment is going and the Petri dish is perfectly organized to bring about the end result.

The real choice is to eliminate the stray ways, the non choices. Of course, manipulation can also be for the manipulated own benefit like education is necessary but, nonetheless remains a kind of manipulation.

Just my 2 cents about choices.
Unbeliever said:
Asking people not to watch TV is like asking people to bury their head a little deeper in the sand, is it not?
Call me an ostrich, but I find that watching TV is mainly an immersion in frivolity. Like a bath, a temporary immersion can do you some good, but if you stay too long, you'll get all wrinkled and pruny.

I've never found the local news or national news to be worth watching. Like Jello Biafra pointed out, notice how many news stories are just thinly disguised commercials, in between the numerous real commercials. And they never report on anything relevant - it's always the equivalent of a highway car wreck, something to gawk at and rubberneck.

I stopped paying attention to the mainstream news outlets, even on the internet, long ago, even when I was unaware. The best news is from one-man internet newspapers.
I see.

How about this then. It is not so much the content than the 'spirit of the content' in the same vein as the 'spirit of the letter'. That goes for the content.

As Donald pointed out above, the initial statement by Byzantia was more related to some 'frequencies'.

One in the other, the frequency inside the content, is what is interesting. What is being put forward will always be some sort of conditioning, most often of the dumbing down type.

On the other hand, like reading, there is the form (the letter) and the spirit of the form (the spirit of the letter). In this case, obviously, there is very little spirit if any at all. Still, there is a chance to exercise the spirit at decoding the incoming crap for what it is. Of course, there is alwasys the 'zapper' to switch channels and some have the opportunity to seek international stations for a different color of conditioning.

I can't speak for others but I will still watch and take in what is being said/shown and so forth. That again is about the content.
About the 'frequencies': If I sense signs of being aggravated, reacting emotionally or whatever else of that kind, I will look within to witness the mechanisms being used. I can then 'study' my own pipeline so to speak and see how I am wired for manipulation.

One might benefit from watching one's life like a movie rather than becoming that life. Becoming that life is equivalent to total association by programmed vibratory affinity with certain emotionally charged conditions. When you 'live' that experience, you become it and therefore become forged by it. You become the result of a succession of reactions. You are made into what you become. If that is the way we take in TV content, we become that content, in other words it forges our mentality and, as you say, become totally numb and mentally impotent although with some impression of having understood something. Even what falsities coming through the tube are considered knowledge by the public.

Mainstream outlets also are interesting since when seen through, they clearly show the evolution of their agenda. I personally find very important to see that evolution, as it is, in a sense, the clock to the end of this time.

It is also a great exercise in synthesis of causality and appreciation of the collective system of chains and pulleys that feeds and regulates the autohypnosis machine that is the thought process based on common sense and cultural values.

On the other hand, I can only agree with you that the amount of garbage coming out of those boxes can be obnoxious to the extreme, especially in North America where the concept of fast food has made its way to disposable information and fast-food entertainment. Fast-disposable life before you die.

Then again, the only reason this is possible is because the individual craves this stuff. It always come down to a problem of consciousness at the individual level.

If Jello Biafra could see what you said he saw, it is already a noteworthy remark that could only be had by someone watching the stuff with the eyes of his own spirit.
Unbeliever said:
I can't speak for others but I will still watch and take in what is being said/shown and so forth. That again is about the content.
About the 'frequencies': If I sense signs of being aggravated, reacting emotionally or whatever else of that kind, I will look within to witness the mechanisms being used. I can then 'study' my own pipeline so to speak and see how I am wired for manipulation.
Personally, I can't watch ANY TV, just as I can't use a cell phone. Both literally hurt. It's not my intellect that is challenged, but my body directly on an energetic level. I feel sick, drained, polluted and just less alive. I can watch DVD and video, and sometimes even then there are frequencies that disturb me, especially where a lot of computer graphics are used (but not always). I also feel a sensitivity to the computer screen, when logged onto the Internet, although it is less with an LCD. I can handle that, however, much more than the TV because it is interactive.

With TV and cellphone I think it's a matter of a toxic broacast transmission, an electromagnetic pattern that disrupts you at the level where body expresses psyche. I didn't even have to break any habits (as with junk food for example, which still pulls on me occasionally). It was simply not worth the adverse effects on my system.

At the same time we are all different, with different degrees of sensitivity and tolerance to different things, so it is always a personal choice. It's just that for the life of me I don't see any positive use for the tube. Recorded entertainment is always available as is the Internet, which has far more and better information content. That's why my own opinion is that everyone would be far better off to just put their boob tubes in a box and lock it in storage. Perhaps we would even be able to claim a bit more of our draining humanity that way.
Absolutely. Experience and its parameters are totally personal.
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