Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

I've been doing some research into the testing process for Gulf seafood. One of the common tests in the screening process, is sensory analysis, aka smelling...
“Using your sense of smell is one of the best methods for determining the safety and acceptability of seafood—sensory analysis is a commonly used tool in seafood safety and quality inspections. An essential element of the job of a NOAA seafood inspector is to determine what qualifies as Grade A fish, which means that seafood must have good flavor and odor, ” says Steven Wilson, the chief quality officer

The more definitive test uses a chromatograph mass spectrometer, to test for 19 polyaromatic hydrocarbons.
Finally, Dickhoff says, the samples spend 28 hours running through a chromatograph mass spec machine, which cranks out a detailed chart with separate peaks showing the level of each of the 19 polyaromatic hydrocarbons found in the samples. which sounds fine and dandy, info on the levels found, only that none were deemed to be a health hazard....and I can find no info on any testing to detect the chemicals used in the dispersants.

Also, that no fish in 10,000 samples has tested bad
So far, the state has tested more than 10,000 samples of fish, crab and shrimp. None has levels of oil contamination that raised health concerns.
leads me to believe there is some huge holes in the process. I really wish I could find the data from these tests...something with more substance than, it's okay to eat.
Hi seraphina,

- Overview of Testing Protocol to Re-open Harvest Waters that were Closed in Response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

It lays out the protocols for closing and opening harvest areas and defines the testing approach. The sensory testing is to detect any petroleum taint, but they will also be using chemical testing as well.

It appears they created a surveillance and monitoring program shortly after the spill and have been sampling ever since then.

- Joint News Release - NOAA, FDA Continue Ramping Up Efforts to Ensure Safety of Gulf of Mexico Seafood

This news release provides some further context.

Hope that helps,
Laurentiu said:

i have found this four-part movie on youtube.!

This guy say's that he had discovered a second drill hole at the deepwater horizon.
Maybe oil is still leaking.


He seem to be on something but stop short of proving that the second drilling site (B) is where the real leak is gushing out. I'm confuse, if the video is about drill site A that was abandon last year, can he prove that the leak come from site B where the disaster occurred. Maybe I missed something.
Laurentiu said:

i have found this four-part movie on youtube.!

This guy say's that he had discovered a second drill hole at the deepwater horizon.
Maybe oil is still leaking.


FWIW, this guy (I assume it was the creator of the videos) signed up on the forum a few nights ago and went on a massive spamming campaign, posting links to this on about 12 separate forum boards in 10 minutes before he was finally banned. I haven't looked at the information closely, but the fact that he acted in this way doesn't speak well for him in general.
Shijing said:
Laurentiu said:

i have found this four-part movie on youtube.!

This guy say's that he had discovered a second drill hole at the deepwater horizon.
Maybe oil is still leaking.


FWIW, this guy (I assume it was the creator of the videos) signed up on the forum a few nights ago and went on a massive spamming campaign, posting links to this on about 12 separate forum boards in 10 minutes before he was finally banned. I haven't looked at the information closely, but the fact that he acted in this way doesn't speak well for him in general.

It look like a lure to me, very shinny but often deadly. just my 2 cents
Striking BP's Oil
Reported by: John Snell, Anchor
Reported by: Kia Callia, Photographer
Last Update: 10:27 pm

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Oil oozes to surface on barrier island in Plaquemines Parish (John Snell)
Bay Long, Plaquemines Parish, LA-- On a nameless Louisiana barrier island, oil oozes from a foot or two underground.

The discovery, made over the weekend by a dive team, raises questions about how much oil might be present on the island, but hidden below the surface.

"It's (like) Jed Clampet's oil," laments P.J. Hahn, the Plaquemines Parish Coastal Zone Director. "All we need is the theme song to "The Beverly Hillbillies."

Hahn accompanied the divers as they searched for oil in the water column or on the sea floor, a task made impossible by murky waters close to the islands.

"We really didn't get any good video shots," Hahn said, until one of the dive team members stepped on a hole dug by a Hermit Crab. "Oil just started bubbling out."

They used a piece of grass like a dipstick, which drew no oil to the surface. Then, Hahn says they stuck a larger stick down the hole and found oil deeper under the surface.

On a second trip to the island with a Fox 8 News crew, Hahn brought a shovel and struck oil, turning up thick, black oil that had not been heavily weathered and did not appear to have been dispersed.

"I would have never thought that this oil would be this deep underground," Hahn said.

Plaquemines Parish would like BP to take soil samples to determine how much more oil is present on the islands.

In other news, maybe totally unrelated, there was an earthquake north of Baton Rouge...small, about 3.0...but still the other earthquakes in strange places this year. It just made me think of what the C's said in the last session.....
Q: (L) Okay, so what's going to happen? Is the Gulf Stream breaking up, and is that going to bring on an ice age?

A: It is, it will.

Q: (L) Is that like imminent?

A: The cause is more than the oil. But the people will only see the oil reason and turn against the elite for bringing on such a disaster. Also note that the nonlinear effects will take some time to develop fully.

Q: (L) Okay, so are you saying that there are going to be some people who are very aware sooner than others, and then it's going to spread?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Because in my astrological interpretation, I kind of said that whatever would happen around the middle of July, it would develop more fully around the middle or end of August if I remember correctly. I'd have to go back to read it to be sure, because I wrote it in kind of an altered state.

A: Yes. Also let us commend you for working out the method you use. It is brilliant. No pun intended.

Q: (L) Well, thank you very much. I just never wanted to do astrology. Okay, so we've got that. Is there any follow-up question on the Gulf Stream thing? Oh, wait a minute... Read that back to me... {previous exchange is read back} What do you mean: "The cause is more than the oil"?

A: Internal planetary changes including magnetic field modifications.

Q: (L) And what is causing the internal planetary changes including the magnetic field alterations?

A: Both the change in the cosmic environment and the presence of foreign bodies in and near the inner solar system. {pause} Realm convergence.

Q: (L) Well, clearly human beings are really miniscule specks on this planet, and the planet itself is a miniscule speck in the galaxy, which is a miniscule speck in the universe. So, in a very large sense, we don't really count. So whatever happens, happens.

Wondering if these cosmic changes are playing a major role in the many oil spills, tipping the scales in these man made disasters...that it wasn't entirely the psychos fault. Like they created, through their negligence, conditions which may not have been as much of a disaster if these cosmic changes weren't taking place.

Oh, and Gonzo, thanks for the links, however they are not encouraging to me. FDA
In addition, NOAA and FDA are monitoring fish caught just outside of closed areas, and testing them for petroleum compounds by sensory and chemical analysis and dispersants by sensory analysis,
they're only smelling for dispersants...and also say they're safe as far as they know
Based on current science, the dispersants used during the Deepwater Horizon response have a low potential to bioaccumulate in seafood and are low in human toxicity, therefore there is likely little public health risk associated with consuming seafood that has been exposed to them. Nonetheless, as a precaution, the U.S. government will continue to monitor the use of dispersants and test seafood that may have been exposed to them. It is possible for the dispersants to “taint” seafood with a chemical smell. Even though the dispersant “taint” may not be harmful, seafood possessing the chemical smell is considered adulterated and not permitted for sale.
Still no sites offer any empirical me it just looks like propaganda...all the sites saying the same "info" with nothing to back it up. I want to see how many parts per whatever that they're finding in the samples.
Seraphina said:
Still no sites offer any empirical me it just looks like propaganda...all the sites saying the same "info" with nothing to back it up. I want to see how many parts per whatever that they're finding in the samples.

I agree.
Shijing said:
Laurentiu said:

i have found this four-part movie on youtube.!

This guy say's that he had discovered a second drill hole at the deepwater horizon.
Maybe oil is still leaking.


FWIW, this guy (I assume it was the creator of the videos) signed up on the forum a few nights ago and went on a massive spamming campaign, posting links to this on about 12 separate forum boards in 10 minutes before he was finally banned. I haven't looked at the information closely, but the fact that he acted in this way doesn't speak well for him in general.

If that's the case, than i agree with you Shijing.
It is like Laurentien said, "he seems to be onto something but stop short of proving it".
Some german information sites take it for gold and are spreading it.

We will see what the future brings.

Just received the following. Don't quite know what to make of the video.

I have been inquiring about the current CME correlation with seismic activity. HUGE window from now until Friday for earthquakes (just saw a big one in Indonesia @ ).

Please send the video below to your best techies. Need to know if it has been fabricated, as it is causing people to pack up and leave FL.

Dr. Tom Termotto, BCIM
National Coordinator
Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens’ Initiative)
Tallahassee, FL
(850) 671-1444
Laura said:
Just received the following. Don't quite know what to make of the video.

That commentary is intense, had to turn it off as it seemed to crave a frenzy. It could be the ROV/sub is merely moving up and down with the camera mounted to it, and it does look like that it if you view it as such. The red ligth could be an indication of vehicle maneuvre?
Geez, looking at the video, Laura, made me think of a mini-nuke going off. Does it coordinate with the mild earthquake just felt in the Gulf area? It was one thing to see the seabed swelling, but another to see it drop out of view of the camera.

I don't think anything can be indicated by this video. There is no stable frame of reference to tell if the camera is moving or the sea bed is moving. There is also no frame of reference for the size of the robotic arm. In short - there is no way to tell what this is. One thing is for certain, though, the guy doing the commentary makes it very hard to believe as does the 'propheticseer' stuff. The movement of the water and what appears to be sand at the end of the video is the most interesting aspect, since it does make it appear as though things were unsettled quickly.

All in all - as evidence of anything, it's pretty worthless. Not saying that something didn't happen - but if it did, then this video doesn't make that clear. Just my take though. I'm also curious about the 'it is causing people to pack up and leave Florida' comment - really vague.

Just received the following. Don't quite know what to make of the video.

At first it seems like there is something, like a big bubble under the seafloor and
the robot makes it explode.

But when you look at the right side you see ( I think so) that it is probably the robot who is moving! Not the seafloor!
But there is no really good reference point to see. It could be seafloor or the Robot it is hard to say! But I prefer the Robot!

At first, I really thought it is what he claim it is ! Do you listened how he get your attention on the sea floor!

It is really easy to get our attention and direct us in the way he claim it is !
Gonzo said:
Geez, looking at the video, Laura, made me think of a mini-nuke going off. Does it coordinate with the mild earthquake just felt in the Gulf area? It was one thing to see the seabed swelling, but another to see it drop out of view of the camera.


That is what I thought too, but it could be a methane bubble as the commentator say or fabricated to create panic. I see the ocean floor rise and cave in and sediment rising up. The rover doesn't move as if it was at just the right distance to not be affected by the movement something I find hard to believe.

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