Mysterious lights?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
What do you think of this video?

Kosher as something anomalous? Or reflection of strobe lights? ( with faint music in background?)
Maybe, maybe not.

A useful rule of thumb is to check out the uploader's channel:

Faya World Secrets

If they're UFO buffs, then they almost certainly didn't film it themselves. If they don't say where they got it from, when it was filmed, and where it was filmed, then they're likely passing off something old/mundane as new/exciting.
One comment was made that it was more or less a distant display of fireworks. Having been recorded on the night of the 4th of July.
to me looks more like a lazer show with the music in the background....:cool2:
The light sort of looks like a ground bloom flower firework. That’s what I first thought of anyway, watching the video.
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