(Pierre) Second question: dugdeep and I have a theory to explain why homeopathy gains potency while the dilution increases. It's counterintuitive, but we think that in light of the fractal component dimension of the electromagnetic... [laughter]
[Laura bursts out laughing because in the background, several people are making the same patented 'Information Field hand gesture' made famous by Pierre whenever he talks about the information field... We'll have to post a video of it! Perhaps even an animated GIF...]
(Pierre) Oh gosh... It was a complex sentence. I won't be able to repeat it... Okay: Given the fractal...
(Chu) You talk, and we'll do the gesture! [laughter]
(Pierre) Given the fractal components of... [laughter]
(Joe) We're trying to help you!!
(L) Would you guys stop doing that! Let him ask the question. [laughter]
(Joe) It increases the signal! [laughter]
(Andromeda) What's your theory about the homeopathic dilution?
(Pierre) Given the fractal dimension of the electromagnetic connection between informational field and human beings, we think that homeopathic solutions gain potency when the succussion and dilution increase because each time you do succussion and dilution, you replicate at a different scale the same geometric signature that IS the connection to this or that part of the information field, hence increasing the potency that is fundamentally just an informational signature that you replicate and amplify at a different scale. You see what I mean? (“Succussion” is when you hit the vial. The energy provided helps to replicate the geometric signature at a different scale.)
(Joe) So start with little... Say they're like hexagons. When you succuss it, you break that one hexagon into five or six smaller versions. And you do it again and again, and eventually you saturate it with the signature of the information…
(Pierre) And since it's a fractal antenna, you receive at each frequency range, you see?
A: Not only that, but also the division is less material and more pure information field "friendly".
Q: (Pierre) I had an analogy about that... Like when you throw a rock in the pond, if there are islands in the pond, the frequency or information doesn't spread as harmoniously as compared to when the pond is with no islands.