New Substack about Homeopathy: The Minimal Dose


FOTCM Member
Hi all, I thought some people here might be interested in a Substack I've started writing called 'The Minimal Dose' where I'm exploring a bunch of different aspects of homeopathy. I've got 4 or 5 posts up so far with more content coming soon. Here's the link: The Minimal Dose

At this point I've focused on mechanisms of action, and I'll probably continue along that tack for awhile. But in the future I'll likely open up to other sub-topics under the wider umbrella of homeopathy.

Let me know what you think!
Just for some context, here's a few snippets from C's sessions on homeopathy.

From March 14, 1998:
A: It IS true that one is wise not to trust bold proclamations from your "mainstream" medical system, as these are motivated by intense STS energy. Also, they have proven to be wrong far more often than right. It is perhaps wise for one to reserve visits and consortations with the above mentioned "establishment" to the instances of physical trauma, and life threatening emergencies, as this is the "place" for said entities. Chronic conditions and wellness, prevention, etc., these are the realms of the homeopaths and Naturopaths, all paths inspired by 4th density STO.

Then I asked them about how it works in the session July 26, 2014:
(dugdeep) Can they give elucidation about the mechanism behind homeopathy?

A: Frequency vibration resonance. Think of yourselves as "homeopathic medicaments" for the planet.

[NOTE: "medicaments" is French for "medicines"]

Q: (Perceval) That's a good description. Homeopathy on a macro scale, with some human beings as the tiny dose of the cure that might resonate with other beings.

(Pierre) So, individuals being on the truth vibration frequency could have a positive influence on the macro-organism that is Planet Earth.

(dugdeep) And why do they get more potent as you dilute [and succuss] them more?

A: Then the resonance spreads more widely in the solution bringing all into proper frequency within the integrity of the substance.

From March 13, 2021:
(Pierre) Second question: dugdeep and I have a theory to explain why homeopathy gains potency while the dilution increases. It's counterintuitive, but we think that in light of the fractal component dimension of the electromagnetic... [laughter]

[Laura bursts out laughing because in the background, several people are making the same patented 'Information Field hand gesture' made famous by Pierre whenever he talks about the information field... We'll have to post a video of it! Perhaps even an animated GIF...]

(Pierre) Oh gosh... It was a complex sentence. I won't be able to repeat it... Okay: Given the fractal...

(Chu) You talk, and we'll do the gesture! [laughter]

(Pierre) Given the fractal components of... [laughter]

(Joe) We're trying to help you!!

(L) Would you guys stop doing that! Let him ask the question. [laughter]

(Joe) It increases the signal! [laughter]

(Andromeda) What's your theory about the homeopathic dilution?

(Pierre) Given the fractal dimension of the electromagnetic connection between informational field and human beings, we think that homeopathic solutions gain potency when the succussion and dilution increase because each time you do succussion and dilution, you replicate at a different scale the same geometric signature that IS the connection to this or that part of the information field, hence increasing the potency that is fundamentally just an informational signature that you replicate and amplify at a different scale. You see what I mean? (“Succussion” is when you hit the vial. The energy provided helps to replicate the geometric signature at a different scale.)

(Joe) So start with little... Say they're like hexagons. When you succuss it, you break that one hexagon into five or six smaller versions. And you do it again and again, and eventually you saturate it with the signature of the information…

(Pierre) And since it's a fractal antenna, you receive at each frequency range, you see?

A: Not only that, but also the division is less material and more pure information field "friendly".

Q: (Pierre) I had an analogy about that... Like when you throw a rock in the pond, if there are islands in the pond, the frequency or information doesn't spread as harmoniously as compared to when the pond is with no islands.

From December 18, 2021:
(L) Okay, dugdeep wants to ask a question about homeopathy.

(dugdeep) Does homeopathy work by replacing the disease pattern within the Vital Force (Vital Force is passive), or does it induce a hormetic response, spurring the Vital Force to act (Vital Force is active)? Or is it something else? (If the latter, how does it work?)

(L) Oh boy. I HATE compound questions! Where is dugdeep? Let me hit him! [laughter] God... Okay, let's bring it down: Does homeopathy work by replacing the disease pattern within the Vital Force?

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay. Does it induce a hormetic response, spurring the Vital Force to act - that is, the Vital Force is active?

A: Yes

Q: (L) That's all you're gonna get. [laughter]

(Joe) Good enough.

(L) Such a sloppy question.

From July 17th 2022:
Q: (The Farmies) What is the "vital force" described by homeopathy? Is the vital force the same as chi? Is chi the flow of electricity?

A: Very close. But mainly the organizing of molecules within the information field.

I really didn't understand that last answer, but I put it down to another sloppy question!

So as you can see, I've been quite taken with the question of how homeopathy works for quite some time! So much so that I started an online certification course this year and am about halfway through right now. I'm pretty convinced that its a really effective healing system that will be worth its weight in gold in the future if and when we see access to other modalities start to break down.
This subject is dear to my heart! for many decades. I've seen the results, read and applied practically. I will say more when next I have time, just letting you know this topic is a hot one!

Note that Unda numbers, homeopathic remedies, have been forbidden in the USA I heard from close homeopath friend. Not so far in Canada we think. We are used to periodic attempts of the gov't to put naturopaths and medicine makers out of business with regulations, so far not successful. So I have a document on making homeopathic medicines and consider myself forewarned on the non-pharma healing availability. This is an incredibly important aspect of going into whatever is coming our way. Thank you!
One of most interesting things about homeopathy to me is how the mechanism of action somehow extends beyond mere symptom management, which is more or less the sole focus of the majority of mainstream medicine, and affects the whole person in all their complexities and across multiple dimensions and levels. As a hypothetical example, treatment for a cold sore, let's say, can end up improving one's work and personal relationships. How and why this works aside, the fact that this is not an uncommon feature of homeopathic treatment is quite astonishing.

Thanks for starting this Substack, dugdeep! Looking forward to learning with you as you plum the depths, or at least play around in the shallow end of the theoretical :-P, of this mysterious but effective modality. :cool2:
Thank you @dugdeep for starting Substack on Homeopathy! I do believe this system goes far beyond the mind of present humanity ...very few people (even among homeopathy doctors) understand it’s core and apply correctly...and most people just don’t trust it works at all🤦‍♀️ I also believe that in case of homeopathy one shall apply not only knowledge but so to say intuition, inner understanding of a person...
I study homeopathy with the help of books and experience with family members and my dream is study it more deeply , maybe by having some special education and your substack can be of much help for me in this way 👏
From July 17th 2022:

I really didn't understand that last answer, but I put it down to another sloppy question!

Thanks for the substack DugDeep! It’s been enjoyable to read.

I was thinking about this for a while and bought a few books on essential oils and the hydrosols that are distilled along with them to try and understand the mechanism of healing.

So it might be that a very diluted treatment just does something like pulses the immune system and white blood cells remove more than pathogens from the body, they’ll remove misplaced proteins, fats that won’t work and many other misplaced molecules inside our bodies. The plants that are used to create most of those hydrosols/oils don’t get attacked by insects. I’ve grown sage, oregano and a few mints and aside from some occasional caterpillars they’re essentially left alone, so one could possibly draw the conclusion that these particular plants are packed with chemicals that’ll essentially attack any insects system.

So if one dilutes the hydrosol down to the point where essentially there’s very very few toxic compounds remaining with only the memory of those toxic compounds in the water, then the body could perhaps have the same reaction, it mounts an immune defense and sends out the WBCs that will essentially remove the molecules currently in the body causing disease and inflammation like prions, bad fats, bacteria, viruses ect….

Essentially it’s just a signal that’s naturally telling the body to go to work. There’s a sort of evidence for this from Hoxley who set up clinics to cure cancer in the US using a mix of herbs. As the story goes, that mix of plants was obtained by his Grandfather who watched a horse with leg cancer eat certain plants in its pasture, certainly in small amounts….. Hoxley was able to cure some patients, but not all and many of the cancers he was most successful with were carcinomas, where the mixture was applied externally. That would create a massive reaction from the body. Internally, it makes much more sense to use dilutions that just contain the information from those molecules.
I have tried everything homeopathic, natural immune boosting supplements, and even benedryl which didn't really work.
@bowerbean, moved this from the pictures thread so that others could possibly help with homeopathy questions. Homeopathy can help the itching, but I think I could have been more successful with my dog, Lena, if I had been able to work with a professional homeopath. I was just studying on my own and didn't really know what I was doing, but still had some success. Even though Lena's itch never went away totally, I felt that suppressing it with steroids or Apoquel would have just pushed the problem inward. I hope you can get your Charlie off the Apoquel.
Hi all, I thought some people here might be interested in a Substack I've started writing called 'The Minimal Dose' where I'm exploring a bunch of different aspects of homeopathy. I've got 4 or 5 posts up so far with more content coming soon. Here's the link: The Minimal Dose

At this point I've focused on mechanisms of action, and I'll probably continue along that tack for awhile. But in the future I'll likely open up to other sub-topics under the wider umbrella of homeopathy.

Let me know what you think!
Thank you dugdeep - I'm subscribed and looking forward to diving in! I really have very little knowledge about Homeopathy, so I'm looking forward to doin' me some learnin'.. 🧑‍🏫
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