Romantic Fiction, Reality Shaping and The Work

Ark takes his current romance novel to the hospital with him and leaves it lying on the night table. None of the nurses have ever commented on them.

I agree, though, that the covers and titles are cringeworthy. No reason you can't tape on a book cover.
207 seven pages. Into Mary Balogh, Dark Angel~ Lord Carew's Bride. My communication has become concise better in thought before speech. Why is it that when I read particular people began to speed up. One day I was reading for two hours I walk in smaller space at a business and it would have seem usually in hindsight how in that moment with reflecting that the customers and the store clerk where almost not there. So I was thinking does reading have an immediate influence in relevant(relative) environment? And some times I get the feel does this move away inertia or inertia energies that sort of idle in people. I felt that partly on waking-up is the moving, of inertia; in oneself that has settled in a person. So I open myself a little to read to people on a single to single base thus soothing to them yet they lose interest. I experience beffudlement and the coded language in the Bibles diction and utterances and jargon psychological in it's insinuating program to make one settled and believe. Is beliefs unnatural entity? I experience this in myself in meditation how the lazy thought comes in subtlety about how one not in the mood to do. Yet when I do anyway I learned this. I can call this rationally the struggle against inertial stagnation of everyday life.
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There is like bubbles of illusions in the environments when I go to read some peeps become agitated or other leave or I have notice movement in them for one reason or another. I'm not quick to pinpoint a determination or else I lose sight of the sensitivities involved in perceiving and somewhat observing with my senses. Now this has been true in the sense it's true perhaps just thoughts. That the general law that hyperdimensional matrix follows or use as a tool to get a person not knowledgeable about these things to keep moving or to be lazy. Lazy does not give negative connotation in my usage whenn observant but the cows and cries and control and cries come about from the unknown when gaining knowledge. As if many people have been programed along the same lines as everyone else.
Finished book five of The Survivors' Club series Only A Promise. Like the previous four, this one chronicles the protagonists introduction, marriage, working through the challenges, individual and mutual, to, of course the happy ending.
But unlike the others, at least for myself, I was brought to tears by Ralph's emotional turmoil brought on by the enormous guilt and the perceived responsibility he carried for the deaths of his three chums in the napoleonic wars.
Chloe's strength of character is evidenced by facing her own fears and supporting Ralph in dealing with his guilt and shame.
More than the previous novels, Balogh gives more emphasis to the horror of war, again through Ralph's guilt and trauma.
I finished the trilogy of Courting Julia, Dancing with Clara and Tempting Harriet. I've already commented on the first two, so regarding the third one...
It's probably the one I suffered the most during the length of the book out of the three. Although Harriet and Archie were 'together' for the most part, it was an illicit love, they had to hide, they lived in guilt (or at least she did) and in the knowledge that all would soon come to an end, they couldn't accept that they actually loved each other, and all because of social conventions and an unfortunate misunderstanding. If one lesson is to be learned from this book is that love out of committment leads to suffering (and suffering leads to the dark side, as Yoda would say). No wonder why the institution of marriage was invented, although some societies have taken the rigidity of their rules a bit too far! Happily, it all ends well, so I can sleep peacefully at night. :)
I've enjoyed Mr. Wade and Miss Newmann relationship however short the duration of non anticipation. Mary Balogh, Dark Angel~ Lord Carew'. I had thought it was Samantha or if Miss Newmann is Samantha other name. Mr. Wade is thoughtful quite more secure in himself not after anything besides maintaining his life almost a humble abode within him. And Miss Newmann', coming from such a privilege life as the Finale sport altar of who seduce whom and made ownership over another and the dread of being position in like pawn in the long held tradition. She wanted. Something truer in her life and without marriage yet. Intriguing as she venture off to the gravity of Mr. Wade friendship.
I have greetings and conversation with pretty woman some very attractive. It's a most earnest of darndest and daunting subtle inner play that goes on in men when beauty comes about ones presences. The conversation goes more or less but the appearance and even a slight smile may have a man thinking more than what it is. Just that. A conversation. That's it. Nope you must have been wishfully dreaming. Maybe but that's not an answer. That it would lead any further than the bee and the rose. So, no disappointment he thought he ask her in such a way to wing from her hidden thoughts if she is attracted to him. And what to say? how to say it? if it is said did he ruin his chances of any further talks? Leave those questions on the flower. And a nagging thought did he not say enough? And off she goes. Well, of those questionable encounters. remedy for straightforwardness such acts holds no regrets.
The other remedy is what I have worked on not caring either way when conversation begin because any reason can be given in deciphering her no. And if she wants Woman are pretty good at knowing what they want. And sometimes a Manhood is left on the flower when she is not right for him. So a Man has to also not forget himself. I say real love guides is not desperate is not in doubt. Trusting the nature of Love to allow and be takes effort I think.
I don't know why hospital visits accompany your Husband Ark. I had seen a slight younger version of him about two or three weeks ago. Or maybe his spirit or consciousness appeared briefly. His apparition appeared when I was outside the motel I had stay at very briefly in the morning and no surprise it rains almost everyday. In Bellingham. first time I've ever had seen him. besides what's on talk videos. I'm pretty sure it was him. And I hope what I say here do not upset in anyway. I was surprised myself I didn't know those ability are with him. Sincere health love for healing for Arkadiusz.
Although I gotta admit, the novels have really given me insite into why women act and respond the way they do. In fact, their thinking processes, as well as their physiology, are markedly different from men.
Yeah, it's rather obvious there are visible physical differences, but the subtle complexities and nuances in their responses when communicating with men is downright fascinating.
So, imo, it behooves us guys to try and understand these lovely creatures that the DCM has blessed us with. And these novels, written as they are by and for women, are an ideal resource.
As well, they have helped me understand what I need to work on, even at my age-74-to be able to more fully relate to all women, at whatever age, in a positive and higher spiritual way, to be more externally considerate, by my physical appearance:
grooming, diet, exercise, manners, etc. Iow, to be a manly man.
Anyway, that's about all I have to say for now. Fwiw.
I've told no one!
Ditto. I'd get laughed out of town, although the folks at the public library know and there's been no raised eyebrows from them.
But read them at the local coffee house where I hang out? Nope.:thdown::cool::cool2:

I started telling people as a specific decision that was came from a lesson in Balogh's books - that of my own mask or program of 'Mr. Nice Guy'. I would often present a certain face in public so as to seem cool, and get people to like me. This is the false personality that exists at the expense of the essence.

Better to be a naked Fool than the shadow of a man who wears a deceptive cloak.

I'm quite new to the Forum and the C's material. I have decided to take this personal challenge to Facebook as well - sharing more articles that will undoubtedly burn bridges with more left-leaning associates. I am sharing carefully, not getting too involved or seeking to teach or change others, as advised by the C's. But it is crucial for me to engage in this sharing as a form of Work - to take the lesson from Balogh's books and be who I am, network, and not hide behind an idea of strategic enclosure that really only serves to run from conflict and a change in social dynamics.
What I have learned when talking with women is acknowledge what they are saying and I am thankful for their insight. I avoid sexualization or innuendos as well. Women's main frustration with men is that they do not listen so by me being a objective listener changes everything in the way they interact with me. It has been a very liberating experience for me since I no longer have any expectations or discomfort when talking to women, I only have the desire to learn what insights they have.
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