Non duality

I was looking for a read-made image to elaborate on my previous posts, and this image, which I encountered on a web slide titled "Geometry unit 11.6", will do it I suppose. My intention was to suggest that learning (tracing dualities back to unity) "upwards" is also, or rather, "inwards". Although the pyramid in the above figure has its "base" on the down side of the sphere, the base can be anyware else (even at the top of the sphere) without changing the meaning at all. Theoretically, I think, the sphere has no up or down. But the pinnacle of the hypothetic pyramid (of any duality or dualities) is always on the timeless center, that is 7D.

7D explodes outwards and then what's outside leads back inside to 7D in a continuous cycling of self-realization, I think. "Realization", both in the sense of "getting aware", and also in the sense of "actualization".
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To complete the basic illuminati symbology (just joking), I want to remind the compasses example:

I want to add a potential correction. The expression "leading back inside" in the sense of progression to 7D might be somewhat erroneous because the more "inside" one is, the more "all" one becomes, especially from an STO perspective. It's difficult to say that we're going "inside" only, it's rather we are gradually becoming all, which we already are.
Thanks for the clarification, just one more thing, how does one "do non-duality?" or what does it mean precisely? I reckon I might be misunderstanding a few concepts here.
As part of my meditative training, I practised achieving 'non-dual' states. Fortunately, I found a teacher who demolished the idea that there is anything ontologically significant about such states. They are, he said, merely 'experiences' which the human organism is capable of with sufficient practise. They are also dangerous in his (and my) view, as they lead to disassociation from the self.

A well known modality in this regard is the Tibetan Dzogchen. In my opinion, it could lead to soul smashing (and may be its underhand aim).
Focusing too much on non-duality can be detrimental, as there is a tendency to avoid "duality lessons" by supposedly sidestepping all that and "going straight to non-duality".

However, in my view some of the most helpful meditations (such as focusing on the Self or even deeper on the soul, Higher Self or 'beingness') are very close to non-dual experiences. Of course, even the Higher Self or soul is not fully non-dual.
I do not know if my knowledge about the aforementioned philosophies and religions are wrong, but I think there is a great difference between considering ourselves enlightened beings, united with the Supreme Self, without duality, to considering that this actually occurs in our Third Density reality. Consciousness So, I think that this organization could be making a biased or forced interpretation of the ancestral knowledge of that knowledge, to feed the idea - a new age type - that we can create our own reality, change our nature and go against universal precepts.

Nonduality as described in the article sounds like the awareness of 7D or something like that. It's fine to experience that, but what would be the point of staying there? Sure, it may be the 'ultimate' expression of reality at a certain level, but most beings are not there and experience duality, and learn and progress as a result of that experience.
I’m not an expert of nonduality, but being much interested in it, I’m trying to improve myself in this area of awareness. As I said before, I’m especially inspired by N. Maharaj’s teaching of advaita, and I find some significant similarities between it and the Ra-Cassiopaean cosmology.

Among what the C’s said in this regard, I find the following most striking:

”Session 21 March 2015” said:
Q: (L) So, what is it that makes somebody weak?

A: Mostly ego.

”Session 26 October 2015” said:
(Ennio) Getting back to knowledge and communication... Is there any particular area of knowledge that people should be focusing on?

A: Self knowledge and ones own weaknesses.

This is what nonduality is all about.

Nonduality (advaita) says essentially you are not a “particular thing or person” in the creation, you are all, and all is one. The C’s also said this in numerous ways: “You are all that there is”, “You are Prime Creator”, etc. They also emphasized the importance of “meditation”, which, I think, can potentially be very useful to alleviate the heavy burden of our sense of being a particular person, even being a particular “body”.

”Session 25 July 1998” said:
Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th through 6th density STO, this "veil remains unbroken."

Again, this is what nonduality is all about. You are not a body, you are not a person, you are not even human, you are “being”, the all/one. No actual duality between us and anything else.

I know, whether true or not, this doesn’t sound like our actual experience at all. So, potential dissociative effects or disturbances are involved. Personally I have great difficulty in understanding, accepting, and/or assimilating the most basic principles of nonduality. I’m just trying to increase my familiarity with it, experimenting.

I’ve noticed that “positivity” is an important key in recognizing and countering the problems involved. What we call a positive mood, positive thoughts and feelings are the very manifestations of our true, impersonal, universal, Self. I think that’s also why the C’s emphasized “mirth” abundantly. It is of the fundamental universal reality; the joy of diversity rooted in oneness.

Session 10 December 1994 said:
Q: (T) Okay, and you said that the Lizzies feed on the negative energy?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Who feeds on the positive energy?

A: You do.

Q: (T) How do we feed on the positive energy?

A: Progression toward union with the one, I.E. level 7.

We have an abundant, even infinite, potential of positivity/being, but we have great difficulty in manifesting that in our lives because we are under a great negative (STS) oppression. And this is often facilitated by our own STS identity, or false self, ego. And nonduality is all about recognizing and gradually eliminating the false self. But “3D thinking” or body-centricity feeds the false self, and delays “waking up from the nightmare”, so to speak. This is what I diagnose in myself and what I try to heal. Of course, I can very possibly have significant misunderstandings about these all.
Non-duality is sort of like the ultimate goal (7D) and as we do the Work, we take steps towards it.

The only thing is to not fall into the trap of trying to skip all the duality lessons by "going straight to non-duality and staying there", as some or many of the Advaita people seem to be trying to do - which of course doesn't work.
Non-duality is sort of like the ultimate goal (7D) and as we do the Work, we take steps towards it.

The only thing is to not fall into the trap of trying to skip all the duality lessons by "going straight to non-duality and staying there", as some or many of the Advaita people seem to be trying to do - which of course doesn't work.
axj, I had prepared the below message (I'll just post it) before I noticed your message. I'd need to edit it to cover your points but instead of that, for now, I only want to mention that I currently tend to take "positivity" as a kind of synonym of nondual awareness. I hope that my message will already cover some aspects of your points, whether rightly or wrongly, so that they can be discussed.
I want to suggest a method on becoming positive, or becoming gradually more positive, consciously. The previous statement is more or less the method itself; becoming positive consciously. We can discuss what constitutes being “positive”, a positive mood, or positive thoughts and emotions, etc., but for now I want to skip it, leaving it to your immediate perception or belief about this.

Let’s suppose you have some free time that you can take for yourself, preferably in the absence of an immediate and annoying stress factor likely to distract you. A few minutes can be more than enough for a try or for subsequent tries. The purpose is to gradually increase your positivity as consciously and uninterruptedly as possible for a few seconds or minutes. I mean, positivity for the sake of positivity. I personally assume that positivity is “me”, it’s my pure, universal, impersonal Self, which is all that there is. So, when I say becoming more positive, I mean “becoming more myself” because this is what I conclude based on the materials I mentioned before (especially including the R&C cosmology). This helps me to claim more confidently my right to be positive, because it’s me! I want to use my right to be myself. Someone else might not consider positivity as one’s true self, but still as something very beneficial. This too can provide sufficient motivation.

But let’s face the hard fact: We are living in a world, in a status quo, which is almost completely structured to ensure in overt and covert ways that we don’t increase and share our positivity, our light, our true self, which will threaten the interests of those behind the status quo.

Such a challenge!!!

Of course, a “network” such as this forum offers a great way to collectively and effectively resist and counteract the manipulations of the conspirators by appropriately increasing our awareness. My suggestion is not, can’t even, be meant as a “substitute”, I just wanted to suggest it for possible use or trial in our personal work on ourselves, meditation-like practices, so that it can be observed and discussed how viable it is, or how it can be improved, if possible.

Imagine yourself practicing this. You begin to observe your thoughts and feelings, and the quality of their positivity and negativity. And you intend to selectively allow positivity only, just for some short period of time at the beginning. You intend to not allow negative thoughts and emotions, or negative ways of having them. You “insist” on keeping positive and gradually increasing it. Of course, you are not meant to be immediately perfect in this, I surely am not anywhere near perfection! So, don’t be angry or overly judgmental with yourself when you fail. In the long term, one will naturally develop oneself more and more.

Finally, I want to offer my current perception that becoming more positive for the lovely sake of positivity tends to heal our soul/being/consciousness gradually more deeply, including any materials or issues which we are not consciously aware of.

So, I believe, you can trust that your conscious increase of your positivity/being here and now will gradually heal you in your entirety beyond time and space limitations.

As for potential dissociative problems that might arise from such practice, I think yes, there’s such a risk because, at one point, maybe at the very beginning, one will probably have a kind of “Truman Show” or "Matrix" complex.
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And you intend to selectively allow positivity only, just for some short period of time at the beginning. You intend to not allow negative thoughts and emotions, or negative ways of having them. You “insist” on keeping positive and gradually increasing it.
In my experience, what helps is not to block negative emotions or force yourself to have positive thoughts. Rather it is about going deep (or 'high') into the depth of yourself or into love - and from that place allow yourself to feel the negative emotions.

In other words, by bringing the positive and negative together you dissolve the negative more and more. Then you can naturally and almost effortlessly be in a much more positive and connected place.
In my experience, what helps is not to block negative emotions or force yourself to have positive thoughts. Rather it is about going deep (or 'high') into the depth of yourself or into love - and from that place allow yourself to feel the negative emotions.

In other words, by bringing the positive and negative together you dissolve the negative more and more. Then you can naturally and almost effortlessly be in a much more positive and connected place.

I'm thinking on your explanations and some of them can be a more accurate way of explaining the factors involved.

I don't claim that all negative emotions can or will be blocked anytime soon. We have ego. We are ego, to some extent. We suffer an existential illness. Our psyche contains lotttssss of deep overt and covert negative patterns of thought/feeling.

Ensuring a relatively very short period of conscious positivity by oneself is like creating an oasis in a desert, in my view.

"Bringing positive and negative together"... Yes, or, in other words, I think, being consciously aware of positivity and negativity in our thoughts and feelings at the moment, and choosing, or rather, "identifying with" one of them, the positive. To me, positivity is not a beneficial "attribute" to have, it's me, my very Self (impersonal, universal, existential self).
Ensuring a relatively very short period of conscious positivity by oneself is like creating an oasis in a desert, in my view.
Sure, that is very helpful too - doing a meditation where you let go of all the thoughts and emotions and just focus on your depth, pure beigness or I am (True Self). Which as you said is pure love and other blissful feelings at the higher emotional center.
As for love (loving oneself and loving others), I want to quote Maharaj:

That which you are, your true self, you love it, and whatever you do, you do for your own happiness. To find it, to know it, to cherish it is your basic urge. Since time immemorial you loved yourself, but never wisely. Use your body and mind wisely in the service of the self, that is all. Be true to your own self, love your self absolutely. Do not pretend that you love others as yourself. Unless you have realized them as one with yourself, you cannot love them. Don’t pretend to be what you are not, don’t refuse to be what you are. Your love of others is the result of self-knowledge, not its cause. Without self-realization, no virtue is genuine. Where you know beyond all doubting that the same life flows through all that is and you are that life, you will love all naturally and spontaneously. When you realize the depth and fullness of your love of yourself, you know that every living being and the entire universe are included in your affection. But when you look at anything as separate from you, you cannot love it for you are afraid of it. Alienation causes fear and fear deepens alienation. It is a vicious circle. Only self-realization can break it. Go for it resolutely.
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