Non duality

I meant the lack of awareness, that is.. we can't learn not to necessarily suffer if we're never exposed to unnecessary suffering.
What if we've been being exposed to the same unnecessary suffering over and over again in a seemingly endless loop? That's the problem.

No, what I said was.. being suddenly and immediately aware of oneness and past lives and so on.. could be overwhelming for certain individuals who may not be capable of handling that information. Limitations have a positive purpose, there are of course those whose purpose is only to limit, but not all limitations are created equal. IMO.
The veil that counteracts our awareness of what/who we essentially are is also called "ego", i.e. false self (the disease). I didn't mention or imagine that something would happen and the veil of ego would "suddenly and immediately" disappear at once for all population. As I said before, the (gradual) breaking of this veil can only happen on an individual and/or group basis. But as the number of people who manage to do this increases, then I think this will make ripple effects on the rest of the population.

The veil you have been describing is a kind of natural or universal one. The one I've been describing is a self-inflicted (and STS-reinforced) disease of consciousness (false self), resulting in enslavement and tortures. It repeats itself in a loop.
I believe that conscious contemplation and discussion on positivity (or rather "positivity & negativity" in contrast) can help us recognize and treat our ego-related mental blockages that result in unnecessary suffering.

I think one of the significant problems making this complicated is that ego or negativity is a significant part of our life. It's like the language without which you can't communicate or even function in the society. It's like a de facto law of life. It's a deep part of the "order". We don't have the luxury of "disrespecting" it, or ignoring it, other than in short exceptional situations. Since it's deeply integrated in all layers or areas of life, we can't continue our "ordinary" life without abiding, to this or that extent, by the law of negativity.

To have simple and true "positivity" is like an infringement of "ordinary" reality. The "order" can't effectively forbid or prevent positivity, but it's so powerful in its imposition of negativities that we mostly have to be contented with "low-quality" positivities, or ego-contaminated pleasures, hypnotics (escapism), etc.

What do I mean by "true" positivity? Simple, real, deep positivity, during the experience of which one is like temporarily in "another realm" in which positivity, rather than negativity, is the law (like an STO bleedthrough). Positivity is positivity, but since negativity is suchhh a deep and seemingly permanent, inescapable part of our 3D life that we mostly need to season or tailor positivities in view of the de facto negativity impositions by the order.
Our awareness of 7D may be even better once we stop blinking and breathing and the veil of forgetting falls away. Though it is certainly possible to pierce that veil more and more during an incarnation as well.
Ah yes, that old “I knew everything before I got here, I’ll know everything once I’m “ascended”, the veil will be lifted, once I’m dead and back with( ——- ) ,fill in the blank with the deity of choice, or, whatever.
I have noticed that belief, or versions similar which was really popular in the 80’s, is again becoming quite common these days, but is it true?

Back in the early 1990’s, I had a very intense and “enlightening” near death experience”. I wrote a bit of a description in a thread discussing “the Afterlife”, if your inclined to find it.

My point in mentioning it, is that the information I received, as I was about to “go into the light”, was that the only emotion and memories I would take with me in death to the other side, were the love and true knowledge that I had gained and given, in THIS life, (the blinking and breathing part).

So, over the years I’ve studied a lot about death, I’ve read at least a hundred books, articles and met several other Near Death Experiencers over these 30 some years since my NDE, and most of them confirm the same or similar things.

So, imagine how I delighted I was when a few years later I found Laura’s most excellent experiment, and this confirmation from the C’s:

“Love is Light is Knowledge.
Love makes no sense when common definitions are used as they are in your environment.
To love you must know.
And to know is to have light.
And to have light is to love.
And to have knowledge is to love.”
The Cassiopaeans (2 September 1995)

It’s ok, I’ll tell you how I felt and how I still “feel”;
I am positively delighted to be here, learning and questing for as much truth and knowledge as I can find!
I AM loving every moment of this lifetime of blinking and breathing, even if my eyes are full of tears, and my breathing is choked, sometimes.
After all is said and done, All there is, is lessons...
Ah yes, that old “I knew everything before I got here, I’ll know everything once I’m “ascended”, the veil will be lifted, once I’m dead and back with( ——- ) ,fill in the blank with the deity of choice, or, whatever.
I have noticed that belief, or versions similar which was really popular in the 80’s, is again becoming quite common these days, but is it true?
That is not exactly what I am talking about. Simply dying is not the same as "ascending", even though going from 3D to 5D may seem a bit like that.

For example, Pierre confirmed that he can remember all his past lives in 5D:
Session 19 October 2024

(Joe) Is he aware of all of his past lives?


That means the veil of forgetting falls away after death and is only there while we are incarnated.
That is not exactly what I am talking about. Simply dying is not the same as "ascending", even though going from 3D to 5D may seem a bit like that.

For example, Pierre confirmed that he can remember all his past lives in 5D:

That means the veil of forgetting falls away after death and is only there while we are incarnated.
May be not true for everyone. Pierre’s knowledge as a human on earth far surpasses the average Joe and Josephina. He arrived in 5D with expanded awareness and will most likely reincarnate in 4D.

I have read stuff that’s is along the lines of that one can only experience ‘heaven’ at the level of understanding they have gained in the previous incarnation, which would imply that we can devolve if we don’t learn our lessons that we have programmed.

I’m telling you for certain, there are definitely people I know that are in no way, shape or form ready to experience their multidimensional selves, not in this life nor in 5D, and when they get to 5D for a life review, if they’re anything like they are embodied then the helper ‘angels’ are gonna have a hell of a time trying to help these souls (I’m making assumptions on that soul bit) see through their own self importance.
Then that would be because it is what is necessary to learn to let go.
Yes, and no. I think you've been resorting to a debate of semantic logic. You say that if a suffering is resulted, this means it was necessary (inevitable) for that suffering to result. It's a case of "cause and effect", and it's natural and beneficial because in this way one can observe the effect and get an opportunity for amending the cause. So, what you come to call a necessity and its benefit is about the necessity/inevitability and potential benefit of the "cause and effect" relationship. I have no problem in understanding and confirming it.

And if you too have no problem in understanding and confirming why, nonetheless, I call some sufferings "unnecessary", then no need to further the debate in this specific aspect of semantics.
May be not true for everyone. Pierre’s knowledge as a human on earth far surpasses the average Joe and Josephina. He arrived in 5D with expanded awareness and will most likely reincarnate in 4D.

I have read stuff that’s is along the lines of that one can only experience ‘heaven’ at the level of understanding they have gained in the previous incarnation, which would imply that we can devolve if we don’t learn our lessons that we have programmed.

I’m telling you for certain, there are definitely people I know that are in no way, shape or form ready to experience their multidimensional selves, not in this life nor in 5D, and when they get to 5D for a life review, if they’re anything like they are embodied then the helper ‘angels’ are gonna have a hell of a time trying to help these souls (I’m making assumptions on that soul bit) see through their own self importance.
That's a most interesting situation to me. You know, the C's say we're 5D (no more 3D) once we disincarnate. But even when we are in the 5D contemplation zone, this doesn't seem to make us 5D per se (as in "5D" to which one is graduated after completing 4D) but this is probably due to the multidimensional aspects (different levels) of 5D. We both have some true awareness and experience of 5D but also have some limitations in terms of being a student of 3D. Maybe we're like 3D/5D, or 5D/3D (and add to that we're always 7D! :)

In addition to the generic limitations of being a student of 3D in 5D, there are also some individual limitations or problems, and apparently these can cause problems not only during incarnations but also between incarnations. 5D doesn't seem to preclude some childish corruptions in learning or awareness. As above, so below, or, vice versa, as below, so above!..

Maharaj said:
Q: From early childhood I was taught to think that I am limited to my name and shape. A mere statement to the contrary will not erase the mental groove. A regular brain-washing is needed — if at all it can be done.

M: You call it brain-washing, I call it Yoga — levelling up all the mental ruts. You must not be compelled to think the same thoughts again and again. Move on!

Q: Easier said than done.

M: Don’t be childish! Easier to change, than to suffer. Grow out of your childishness, that is all.

Q: Such things are not done. They happen.

M: Everything happens all the time, but you must be ready for it. Readiness is ripeness. You do not see the real because your mind is not ready for it.

Q: If reality is my real nature, how can I ever be unready?

M: Unready means afraid. You are afraid of what you are. Your destination is the whole. But you are afraid that you will lose your identity. This is childishness, clinging to the toys, to your desires and fears, opinions and ideas. Give it all up and be ready for the real to assert itself.

Maharaj said:
Q: How is it that here my mind is engaged in high topics and finds dwelling on them easy and pleasant. When I return home I find myself forgetting all I have learnt here, worrying and fretting, unable to remember my real nature even for a moment. What may be the cause?

M: It is your childishness you are returning to. You are not fully grown up; there are levels left undeveloped because unattended. Just give full attention to what in you is crude and primitive, unreasonable and unkind, altogether childish, and you will open. It is the maturity of heart and mind that is essential. It comes effortlessly when the main obstacle is removed — inattention, unawareness. In awareness you grow.

In the above quotes, “childishness” has negative connotations but elsewhere Maharaj also offers some positive connotations about a “child principle” (as opposed to a certain pollution in psyche as one “grows”).
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You can also notice the similarity of ego definitions between the C's and Maharaj:

Session 3 February 2001 said:
Q: (L) What was Frank upset about?

A: Ego .

Q: (L) Yes. It didn't show itself so clearly except when he was under hypnosis, and then his ego was just simply repellant. (J) Yes. (L) The whole attitude was that he was all-knowing and the rest of the world was just basically dirt.

A: No. Afraid.

Q: (T) Afraid of what?

A: Not being. Ego.

Q: (L) His ego was afraid of not being?

A: Yes.

Maharaj said:
Q: If reality is my real nature, how can I ever be unready?

M: Unready means afraid. You are afraid of what you are. Your destination is the whole. But you are afraid that you will lose your identity. This is childishness, clinging to the toys, to your desires and fears, opinions and ideas. Give it all up and be ready for the real to assert itself.
Yes, and no. I think you've been resorting to a debate of semantic logic. You say that if a suffering is resulted, this means it was necessary (inevitable) for that suffering to result. It's a case of "cause and effect", and it's natural and beneficial because in this way one can observe the effect and get an opportunity for amending the cause. So, what you come to call a necessity and its benefit is about the necessity/inevitability and potential benefit of the "cause and effect" relationship. I have no problem in understanding and confirming it.
No, it's not a semantic debate, I just don't think taking the approach of imagining that the universe made mistake, which is where this line of thought eventually lands, is of any use to anyone attempting to progress.

Suffering is unnecessary only for those who realize that, but those who realize it also realize that they needed to undergo that suffering to understand it, instead of saying that it was completely useless and a mistake or a veil, that can only land you in a place that is so detached from reality that you miss whatever lessons you came here to learn.

And it's no different than new age stuff. We suffer until we learn how not to, but we do suffer and it's ok to realize that be it by ignorance, incense, arrogance or whatever, we suffer.

I think placing ourselves above suffering by deeming it unnecessary, isn't really helpful. We truly move on from something by accepting it and understanding it, not by deeming it a mistake.
Suffering is unnecessary only for those who realize that, but those who realize it also realize that they needed to undergo that suffering to understand it, instead of saying that it was completely useless and a mistake
What’s wrong if they said that? Is it impossible? Unreasonable? Or would it threaten to disturb the functioning the universe?

that can only land you in a place that is so detached from reality that you miss whatever lessons you came here to learn.
So, you agree that foolish acts (leading to “unnecessary” suffering) are possible, at least to a certain extent?

I think placing ourselves above suffering by deeming it unnecessary, isn't really helpful.
I’m forced to repeat that I didn’t say or imply that all sufferings are unnecessary or unbeneficial.

We truly move on from something by accepting it and understanding it, not by deeming it a mistake.
“Deeming it a mistake” would be what? A mistake?

I agree that “there are no mistakes” from the perspective of 7D. But I think “suffering” doesn’t exist from that perspective either. However, they are both very natural and even widespread parts of human experience in 3D STS. You appear to be under the impression that God/7D would be offended if we openly recognized the reality of stupidity as implied by unnecessary suffering.
Questioner: I assume that an entity on either path can decide to choose paths at any time and possibly retrace steps, the path-changing being more difficult the farther along is gone. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The further an entity has, what you would call, polarized, the more easily this entity may change polarity, for the more power and awareness the entity will have. Those truly helpless are those who have not consciously chosen but who repeat patterns without knowledge of the repetition or the meaning of the pattern.

Free will is a double-edged sword.
Maharaj said:
Q: Yet you cannot help another much.

M: Surely, I can help. You too can help. Everybody can help. But the suffering is all the time recreated. Man alone can destroy in himself the roots of pain. Others can only help with the pain, but not with its cause, which is the abysmal stupidity of mankind.
I agree that “there are no mistakes” from the perspective of 7D. But I think “suffering” doesn’t exist from that perspective either. However, they are both very natural and even widespread parts of human experience in 3D STS. You appear to be under the impression that God/7D would be offended if we openly recognized the reality of stupidity as implied by unnecessary suffering.
Wait.. so suffering is a natural part of human experience, I think you just made my point friend.
Wait.. so suffering is a natural part of human experience, I think you just made my point friend.

The C's say "No pain, no gain" (Suffering is necessary). But they also say "You don't need to suffer," or "Stop suffering" (So, unnecessary suffering is also a fact). You seem to argue that no suffering can be unneccessary, and that's what I object to. Suffering doesn't always function so as to resolve itself, sometimes it "perpetuates" itself. It can either weaken or strengthen our ego (false self), depending on the situation. Nondualism / self-knowledge (work on self) helps us to recognize and eliminate all unnecessary suffering.

Either necessary or unnecessary, suffering seems to be caused by lack of knowledge/awareness, maybe except for that suffering which is experienced/shared in empathy for those who suffer, as the C's say.

So much evil has been happening all around the world for so many millenia. Hyperdimensional aspects of evil are just mind-boggling. This can result in a significant loss of trust in "God" or universe as a sentient unity. God is all, God is life. And our life is filled with evil. So, it can appear like God is evil. It can at least appear very questionable how much trustable God really is. Or, even, how much real God is?

Yeah, the "afterlife" lore provides us with some relieving insight. But the realities of our "ordinary" life on Earth involve so much evil that nothing might suffice for us to be deeply peaceful about and trust in the Whole. This can be a stagnating factor in terms of the lack of "polarization".

I believe self-knowledge as explained in nondualism offers profound insight into this problem. Although God (7D) seems to be very far away to be observed and queried effectively, we're suggested that we're God, we are 7D. Apparently our false self prevents our effective identification with the Whole, with our own universal self. I think self-knowledge / work on self is supposed to diagnose and treat this problem.
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