On Stupidity

Depends on how specific you want to be. I think "stupidity" is a very accurate macro statement on the situation, when viewed over time and scale. Note also in the video that Bonhoeffer went into detail explaining that these "stupid" people effectively give up what independence they had in favor of group think and trite statements from authorities. That's rather more detailed that just "stupid", and it's very true of the covid world today.

I agree, "stupidity" can be a very accurate term to refer to the situation in general. What was crossing my mind while writing my post was more the thinking errors I have made many times when judging some situation around me. Sometimes one can judge a situation too lightly by observing this "stupid" behavior, when in reality perhaps the situation deserves some slightly more thoughtful consideration. A trivial example: I am driving my car and in front of me there is another vehicle in the middle of the street, driving slowly and without letting anyone pass; the driver could well be an absolutely inconsiderate individual who cares very little if someone is behind or if they want to pass him, or a person who is just learning to drive and still does it with some insecurity, or an elderly person who has lost reflexes and driving skills over the years, or any other case that one can think of. I don't know, maybe it's because of the derogatory connotation of the word "stupidity", but although the behavior could rightly be called stupid, at least IMO it doesn't seem fair to me to judge all these cases as just "stupidity" (although I certainly did it several times :-[ ).

To put it more simply: while I agree with most of what has been said here about "stupidity", at least on a personal level, I prefer not to abuse the use of this "label" because I feel it could sometimes desensitize or lead to being inconsiderate, which in fact has happened to me.
If we look at this from a practical perspective , seems quite clear that the system is designed to keep you on your knees ,to suck energy out of you,.
You are working 8 - 9 or sometimes more hours per day , at the end you are stressed and exhausted, but life goes on and so you have to deal with other issues ,spouse, children , the fridge is empty and you need a run to the supermarket ,or other thousand things that you can think of ,and given that we live in a physical world all these things needs to be taken care of and they require your attention and energy.
So finally the sun is setting , who can blame you when you switch on your TV or lazily surf the net (probably only reading the headline rather than the full article) searching for "news" and thinking that you did your "research" and you are now "properly informed" and up to speed ? Who can blame you , you have not an ounce of energy left , the media beating down on you with incessant propaganda, in this state you cannot really discern much and so you drink the lies thinking them truth ,is really a Pavlovian experiment.
So that's why as Pluchi pointed out ,many people acting (stupidly) but in good faith , they really think that they have the truth, but this doesn't make them less dangerous, Bonhoeffer and countless others paid with their life ....

There is, I think, something to be said here for the obsession with "work culture" as it were. People are purposefully made to spend as much time and energy as possible on their work/careers through various means and social pressures such that, when they aren't spending what little free time they have tending to family/etc. and putting out fires before recovering for the next day/week, there's practically no personal time left for reflective "work" on the self. I think it was another one of these channeling books, maybe Marciniak's "BotD" that suggested something to this effect coming from our favorite dark overlords for such a purpose. I mean, mind control and all these other exotic things are like, 'yeah ok whatever', you can maybe break out of that through physical and mental/emotional strength/cleansing etc., but to intend to purposefully interfere in the spiritual pathways of others by heaping endless busywork on them is one of the most vile and insidious things I've ever read. It is extremely cunning and makes sense for 4D STS to want to do such a thing, but even so.

So, for some people that are not necessarily salvageable, well again it's like 'whatever' when it comes to them, but it is hard to blame some with potential for falling to the wayside when they have all this coming against them. That is all I really intend to say on the subject, I guess.
The text I linked above does not, apparently, have the whole text because he talks about graphs that he shows and those graphs and the discussion around them is very, very interesting. Perhaps someone can get the E-version to see if those graphs are well presented there as they are in the hardcopy, which I got from amazon.fr.
Here is a free version of the text with the graphs, pay attention to them, they are hilarious!: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity. This part helped me understand what might be happening in my beloved Venezuela:
In a country which is moving downhill, the fraction of stupid people is still equal to å; however in the remaining population one notices among those in power an alarming proliferation of the bandits with overtones of stupidity (sub-area B1 of quadrant B in figure 3) and among those not in power an equally alarming growth in the number of helpless individuals (area H in basic graph, fig.1). Such change in the composition of the non-stupid population inevitably strengthens the destructive power of the å fraction and makes decline a certainty. And the country goes to Hell.
I have faith that we still have a high number of people in Quadrant "I" to make it work.
Here is a free version of the text with the graphs, pay attention to them, they are hilarious!: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity. This part helped me understand what might be happening in my beloved Venezuela:
Thanks Pluchi for this link. It did help me understand the shifting of the weight of the social consciousness towards stupid is the driving force towards social decay.

How can stupidity be objectively measured?
Are psychopathy and stupidity the same human flaw?
Is stupidity also found in animals?
How can stupidity be objectively measured?
Are psychopathy and stupidity the same human flaw?
Is stupidity also found in animals?
Are there enough gradients to encompass all the variations on the stupid scale?

I don't equate stupidity with psychopathy.

Nor with ignorance.

But, perhaps stupidity involves willful ignorance or intentionally chosen blindness.

Stupidity in animals? Why not? I once saw 15 cattle shuffle into a slaughter house quite obliviously one right after another. But one... one was backing into the farthest corner of the pen...with tears streaming down its face.
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