

Dagobah Resident
When I was 11 or 13 years,

I remember one day I get up at 5:00 a.m (I do not like getting up early, my mother always had to get up because I fell asleep again.) When I go to the room to my parents were embrace and watching TV (Mother and Stepfather). I'll be awestruck why on TV were showing a program repeated in the schedule that corresponds news.

The program was repeated in a specific scene just like "deja vu on TV". And my parents insisted me "go to sleep and still very early." I was in a good mood, i preparing my uniform, as they too were in a good mood, i decided to tell the truth about which I had forgotten to buy the materials for that day for school (my mother always got angry because i not did the homework in the right time) to my surprise I say "don't worry we buy the materials later, but you go to sleep"insisted on me to sleep, something that did not seem normal to me mother was so kind and their faces were reflect something hidden, evil faces.

I insisted that he had no sleep, but I stretch in bed to expect them to be at 6:30 and immediately i fell into a deep sleep. 7:00.

My mother wakes me up in a hurry that I will be late for school. I note that you are very tired, as if it was not slept in days and bitter, I remind "you must remember to buy the materials you said you would," and she replied "When? again did not do the homework on time and you say me right now that you need something to the school? When I say that? ". I'm still confused and I insist "at 5, was awake and told me that if"... and said again "How? I was sleeping, you're getting a sleepwalker".

I'm not a sleepwalker, and that day I woke up like any other ordinary day.

I knew I was beginning to be daylight, by noise from cars, i'm in the city, and at 5:00 this it is a mess by the cars, i don't look out the window that time, but i can remember,not hear some car pass.

They used my parents, No doubt. but Why insisted on me to sleep?. Someone has a thread that i can read about that? Thanks.

I have others similar experiences.

Once a woman made me black magic, I repel it in the name of god. (a long story, I was a Fanatic of god) no doubt these experiences was for keeping me it faithful to him (Part of the fake) When almost awake, my room had a yellow hue. The cass mentioned in the first series of the wave that this tone is due to the 4D. An experience of Laura and her daughter.

Someone has a thread that i can read about that? Thanks again.
Hi Alma,

I have some difficulty understanding what it is that you want to know, you seem to make assumptions about your parents;

They used my parents, No doubt.

Used by who? and how can you be so certain?

When almost awake, my room had a yellow hue. The cass mentioned in the first series of the wave that this tone is due to the 4D. An experience of Laura and her daughter.

I can't remember reading that, do you remember what chapter?
Bo said:
I can't remember reading that, do you remember what chapter?

This goes with this, not to confuse "I have others similar experiences. Once a woman made me black magic, I repel it in....."

The Wave Part II

Multidimensional Soul Essences

Q: (L) Did this event something to do with the experience of A___ this morning to be awakened by a noise in his room and thought he heard a shrill voice calling his name?

A: Yes "Resident" of 4th density.

Q: (L) And what type of resident 4th density was this?

A: Type Om.

Q: (L) What is a type Om?

A: You'd rather not know!

Q: (L) No, I would rather know. If something is going to be visiting my daughter in her room, I definitely want to know who or what.

A: Who said this would be a regular event?

Q: (T) This was just a one time event?

A: Yes

Q: (V) Is there anything that she needs to do to control your psychic opening to avoid being hurt?

R: Why do control something beneficial? [...]

Q: (L) Returning to the event this morning, when JW told me this experience, said that when he opened his eyes to the light looked yellow ... (V) I also noticed the discoloration ... (J) Was it related to the event?

A: Yes

Q: (J) What caused the light to change color?

A: Traces of effects of 4th density.

Q: (L) Is this something that will happen more and more as we move to 4th density?

A: Yes

Bo said:
Used by who? and how can you be so certain?

My mother did not remember anything of what I had said a few minutes
before and she was completely tired as if it was not slept in days. They were used, an abduction. But what kind of abduction was? his face and attitude were not those of my mother.

They insisted that I go to sleep, he knew fully what was happening. It could have been a possession? where I was isolated in an illusion?

to 5:00 a.m corresponds the hours of news, no way could be going the same novel and the same chapter of the previous night. There was no external noise, a repeated program that did not have to be there.

But the most important is that he remembered nothing of what happened minutes before, she not remember what I said and assure me, that she was asleep. They were not awake when I saw them awake.
I see,

Alma I just noticed from this thread that you haven't read the wave in its entirety, that's to bad, because reading the wave and the adventures series its enterity would clear up a lot of frustration you seem to have about that particular day.

You could try reading the wave in english, at the same time it can improve your english vocubulary and understanding :) you can always ask questions if you don't understand something.

Weird and unusual events happen to a lot of people, you should ask yourself '' if my parents were really abducted, what can I do with this information, how is this information beneficial to me?'' sometimes its impossible to figure out what has happened on a particular event, what is that you really want to know?

do you want to read threads about abductions?

then check these threads;

1. Soul Abduction?
2. Fear of abductions

if you type abductions in the search bar , you will find many more thread.
Bo said:
you should ask yourself '' if my parents were really abducted, what can I do with this information, how is this information beneficial to me?'' sometimes its impossible to figure out what has happened on a particular event...

Yes, I do.

Bo said:
Alma I just noticed from this thread that you haven't read the wave in its entirety, that's to bad, because reading the wave and the adventures series...

Actually i'm reading now the Chapter XXI Black Lightning Strikes... or Marjoe Gortner meets Ted Patrick... in English. The translation is disorderly, I must interpret (especially when quantum comments. xP). This chapter, this very interesting. It has given me many answers and I'm thinking a lot.

I have many things to read.

Bo said:
do you want to read threads about abductions?

Seeking any information related to this, suggestions. Know if I was abducted or not, no makes sense. is a fact that was so. I not pretend stay in a circle, i explain my experience and reach a particular topic. Just i looking for something more.

Bo said:
1. Soul Abduction?
Nop, nothing similar. I do not make any kind of practice where use energy or mind, nothing.

Bo said:
2. Fear of abductions

Psychological fear, my fear is a root of some experience and coffee and alcohol. (Diet and Health, i dod). But, My experiences are not only during sleep.

I've always felt energy in moving. Since birth, I've been with "strange things" in the life. Yes, I must be strong, I try but I must be informed, be strong in these things is not just strength that comes from anger.

I meditate for a while and the answers come and are "forgotten"... :boat:

Thank you very much.
This chapter, this very interesting. It has given me many answers and I'm thinking a lot.

I have many things to read.

Very good, keep on reading :)

I not pretend stay in a circle, i explain my experience and reach a particular topic. Just i looking for something more.

Excellent, keep expanding your horizin, after all, walking in circles is nothing more then a waste of time.

Psychological fear, my fear is a root of some experience and coffee and alcohol. (Diet and Health, i dod).

Keep improving your health and continue to do what you do.

I meditate for a while and the answers come and are "forgotten"...

If you find that the EE has made you feel really angry or frustrated and you feel like losing control , I recommend you to only do the meditation/prayer for a while until everything cools down within you.
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