Photo documentary about Jordan Peterson


FOTCM Member
Since Jordan Peterson is doing a wondrous job when it comes to psychology, the gender war and educating people it is always interesting to see beyond a public figure so to speak. I came across this photo documentary when watching a small great talk about relationships and is also highly recommended imo.

Anyway, the documentary was taken in 2015 by the Canadian photographer Jonathan Castellino and he did imo a very great job capturing the essence of Jordan Peterson.

Some picture examples below and for reference the entire album:

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I saw all the pictures and I must say, he is so natural so free. I feel like he have great karisma.
I'm sure people around him are happy and well balanced. I would like to meet him one day.
Is he scheduled for interview? Thanks Gawan!
There are some great pictures there, thanks for posting! The interview is worth listening too- I enjoy listening to JBP talk about his wife or his kids.
Thanks for posting this!

The pictures themselves are quite good from a technical point of view and Jordan Peterson transmits a lot of his character in his body language.. I think that's also something that was captured quite good in the album
I love this one. He is truly remarkable to see live in person. Everything about his conduct, and how much he actually *listens* to people when they speak to him, is truly remarkable.

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