Predictions and Prophecies

Edward Riordian, with Dick Algire's Future Forecasting Group, foresaw through remote viewing, the trans athlete boxing scandal that we are seeing in the news today.

Except the athlete in question is not trans. He is genetically a male who has a disorder of sexual development.
And Lady Boxers, please get a clue: crouch down; move in close and then take a huge roundhouse upper cut to the balls before you forfeit the match!

Usually the testicals are undescended apparently, and the penis underdeveloped so that external genitalia look more female. That is why such cases are generally thought to be female at birth, and sufferers of the disorder are raised and socialised as female and can have a vagina but usually not a cervix or uterus. They go through a masculine puberty.

I worked with a person who had sex change surgery years ago. When talking to them about it they said that they could have walked down the beach naked and no-one would have known that they were male because the penis was so small. When it came to constructing a vagina for the surgery, it was found that there was already one there that didn't have an external opening so basically that was all that was needed be done surgically.
Except the athlete in question is not trans. He is genetically a male who has a disorder of sexual development.

Usually the testicals are undescended apparently, and the penis underdeveloped so that external genitalia look more female. That is why such cases are generally thought to be female at birth, and sufferers of the disorder are raised and socialised as female and can have a vagina but usually not a cervix or uterus. They go through a masculine puberty.

I worked with a person who had sex change surgery years ago. When talking to them about it they said that they could have walked down the beach naked and no-one would have known that they were male because the penis was so small. When it came to constructing a vagina for the surgery, it was found that there was already one there that didn't have an external opening so basically that was all that was needed be done surgically.
Perhaps my description was incorrect, but Mr. Riordan's post was not since he was referring to a different athlete. With respect to the intersex athlete, the penis didn't appear to be too underdeveloped as seen through the shorts (if the video wasn't doctored).
Except the athlete in question is not trans. He is genetically a male who has a disorder of sexual development.

Usually the testicals are undescended apparently, and the penis underdeveloped so that external genitalia look more female. That is why such cases are generally thought to be female at birth, and sufferers of the disorder are raised and socialised as female and can have a vagina but usually not a cervix or uterus. They go through a masculine puberty.

I worked with a person who had sex change surgery years ago. When talking to them about it they said that they could have walked down the beach naked and no-one would have known that they were male because the penis was so small. When it came to constructing a vagina for the surgery, it was found that there was already one there that didn't have an external opening so basically that was all that was needed be done surgically.
Perhaps these types are the hybrids that the 4DSTS create. But as these do not properly pass as 100% human (eg purely one sex or another), they would be the failed ones, but still part of their nefarious experiment to clone us for their own takeover.
To them reproduction for their takeover is paramount. So anything that cannot properly reproduce would count as a failure to them.

Which also means they are most probably typical organic portals, and maybe not capable of genuine feelings either. As their 'best' breeding is psychopathic.
Perhaps these types are the hybrids that the 4DSTS create. But as these do not properly pass as 100% human (eg purely one sex or another), they would be the failed ones, but still part of their nefarious experiment to clone us for their own takeover.
To them reproduction for their takeover is paramount. So anything that cannot properly reproduce would count as a failure to them.

Which also means they are most probably typical organic portals, and maybe not capable of genuine feelings either. As their 'best' breeding is psychopathic.
They had also had problems with the viability of the Nephilim in Baalbek.
@Jacques posted a predictions of this lady called Izabela who uses crystal, dice, tarot card on the Trump assassination attempt thread. She predicted assassination attempt on Trump and there will be another attempt. I haven't watched her before to have opinion of her track record.

If found it to be interesting and ended up reading transcript ( 37min video) and it is in line with what C's were saying. In short, Kamala won't be there long and her seat will be vacant, there may not be elections , another attempt to kill trump during air travel, but he will escape due to delay , Financial market will go down, but money will come back without central control, pedo's at high places will be exposed, unrest in many cities in USA, army gets involved, Clintons, Obama won't be able to come back, secrets of the West distributed to the rest of the world, Rest of the world will look down on the West, There is a Volcano activity in US or Alaska or North America, the light at the end of the tunnel. This is a practice for people to help each other, neighbor to neighbor.

short edited transcript.
It's quite in the time to talk about different genders and things like that, and the first thing I saw here was that regarding Kamala Harris and other politicians on very high positions ... there will be a lot of surprises regarding gender. There are big surprises that will shock many people and many people not. Because they already know the so-called truth about it. Some kind of gender revelations.

I see a big file and in this file there are classified documents, secret documents. There is a big X on this this file/folder. In this folder, there are a lot of lot of secrets ... very dangerous secrets for those who don't like justice ... who don't like truth ...who don't like honesty. This folder, with a big X ... like the X-files, will be opened and truth will be handed out. And media channels will not be able to stop it. They will be forced to talk about it. A symbolical copy of this folder with a big X on, will be given to all countries around our planet.

Kamala will not be there for long. I see her seat vacant. There is no one sitting there . if she steps in after Biden, she will not be sitting in that position for long. It could be weeks, maximum a couple of months. And then it's empty... vanished.

I cannot be sure if there will be any elections this year, in the United States. There is a big question mark here. And it would not surprise me if the elections will be cancelled for many strange reasons. A lot of empty seats ... where high politicians were sitting, will be revealed.

Some kind of volcano will become active in the United States or Alaska, because it belongs the USA ... in North America This volcano have not been active for a long time ... because I see lava coming out from that volcano.

Mr Trump are meeting with world politicians ...And there are more politicians he's going to meet with. People will be surprised why he meets with them. There will even be a meeting with Mr Putin. It's like it's planned. And it could be within one and a half month ... two months ... something like that. It could be even longer. I'm not really sure but I see them two sitting together and talking. They're also exchanging information.

A big pedophile ring will be exposed in the USA. And this horrible practice of what they have done to the little ones ... will come out. Those who have been involved with this are mainly people on very high position. A lot of CEOs and people on high position are going down.

There will be another assassination attempt on Mr Trump. I see him ... he wants to travel ... it could be by helicopter or by airplane. It could be that something will explode but he will avoid that flight or he will be delayed or something will happen. And the explosion comes, but he's not there ... Like in the last second he avoids it.

I see mobilization of the military in the US. But not for going abroad to fight another country's conflict ... no ... it is to keep the peace or some kind of peace in their own country. I see unrest in many cities around the US.

And I see country after country around our planet, that do not belong to the corrupt Western world ... they will say no to US's so-called culture. No to a lot of European countries. They are going to look down at them, especially now after the inauguration of the Olympics. What a horror show ... A lot of people from different countries .. they just shake their heads ... please don't mix us with this.

I have done other readings about the financial situation ... it will be very shaky, as I see bank after bank going down all around the world. It must be cleaned out ... from the roots ... before a new system can come. I don't see some kind of a digital tyranny ... no ... I see cash ... I see coins ... I see bank notes. But a different kind of monetary system. That it's not totally controlled by a few banks and bank elites.

Let's see if they want to show something more ..

Many news outlets in the States/USA ... heads of media companies ... they're also going down. There is so much dirt, so much corruption around couple of them ... and they are "big heads". This is going to be exposed quite soon. And that will also make other news media companies in Europe and Australia and Canada very very shaky, because they are also about to be exposed.

We are in for a quite a rough ride.

All the so-called conspiracy theorists, they're going to have a lot of talking to do, when people seeks them out to know more ... "but you said this ... but you said that ... how is it possible you know ... we could not see this". They will be like teaching the people little little bit, what have been going on .... at least what we know until now.

Some very important statements from Elon Musk. It seems like he will talk about things regarding himself, that have been quite secret and things will come out. Why he is doing things he is doing and what he has been involved with before.

I see four Mr Trumps ... one, two , three, four, four different ones,. It could be doubles ... it could be people in masks. I'm not sure ... but I see four different ones being ordered to go into different places. And the real Mr Trump could be a little bit difficult to find. But that's normal, many politicians or people in very high position have doubled. It has been like that throughout history so it's nothing strange about that.

Now I'm going to take some cards to see if the cards have something more to say about this.

Those who are worried about Obama coming in or maybe Big M coming in or maybe some other politician that is not currently in any high position ... I don't see them being able to come in and make problems ... no ... Hillary not either. I see them like being pushed aside.

okay ... The cards, they look like this: Let's see what we got here. In the tarot cards

we have The Emperor ... Seven of Swords ... Two of Swords ... The World and The T.ower. On the oracle cards we have anger ... the Sun ... the tower again ... a ship ... hitting the mark/intention/detachment. And on the dice we have ... finally ... football ... a snake and a butterfly.

In the tarot cards we have two towers ... so a lot of things are going to fall down ... going into destruction. Under the first Tower we have a snake ... it seems like a lot of snakes ... a lot of traitors ... falsehood ... lies are about to be shattered ... destroyed.

And for many it's finally is going to happen. We have a football ... a soccer ball Somehow this football ... symbolically ... we have seen it before in some videos, is going to have a very big importance for revealing the snakes.

The Emperor ... people on high positions, they are very angry, they are very worried, because they know the time is for them is coming, the time for the end of them.

We have the Sun here ... the Sun represents light. There will finally be some light in this Darkness. Finally some light on the lies ... who is traitor .... who is snake ... who is not.

This assassination attempt ... is like the start of the end ...the end of the snakes and the evil ones, and the beginning of something new. For a long time we have been feeling that nothing is happening ... really .... and the evil ones ... the evilness is still out there ... burning forests making problems and this and that .. big disasters ... wars are still going on. But we are coming to an end.

It's like we have to hold on for a little bit more. Don't give up ... we are hitting the mark.

When things will be crashing down, it will be something really really big. And the crashing down will not be of evil nature, because what is going down are the snakes, the wars, the evilness, the corruption is being exposed. This assassination attempt will be followed by many many big events all around our planet, that could seem very scary, but it will be in a way a cleanup, to show where the evilness is and to be able to take it away.

We have a nice little butterfly here. so finally it's like the beauty will return to our world.

I'm going to take one more card on this Tower ... to be a little bit more specific what the tower is about here. If they can say something more. We have King of Coins. It could be the banking system. It could be things that have something to do with finances, that are crashing down. I am going to take one card on the other Tower.

We have the Two of Cups. I would also say that the so-called rainbow agenda is also coming down. What is behind it ... who is behind it and why it is pushed on people to craziness. It seems like they want everyone to be gay or queer or this or that. Let people be what they want to be.

We don't have to be pushed into something, forced into it. If someone is like that well let them, but nobody have to really watch it openly. And when you are mature enough to know what you like and what you don't like, then maybe you can decide. But not push it on the young ones.

And Justice will come, because we have as the final card the Justice. We are heading for big times of Justice. And why should we cry over the snakes? Why should we cry over those who are responsible for thousands and millions and even billions of people's death and suffering.

The cards, they look like this: In the tarot cards we have Three of Cups ... Page of Coins ... Ten of Coins ... The Death and Knight of Wands. On the oracle cards we have great adventure/take a risk/ venture forward ... a child and Archangel Michael/you can do it.

According to the cards, it seems like Mr Trump had protection from higher sources. There was some kind of assassination attempt but who and what was behind it, it doesn't really come up here. The cards does not want to tell it. We will definitely learn the truth about it. "The Knight of Wands" will tell us. But this was prepared in advance.

And it was like the evil ones were preparing ... no they were celebrating in advance the death of Mr Trump. But he didn't die .. no. That was maybe not so funny for them. There will be a lot of investigations, a lot of money put into this, to clarify this. And the truth will come out. I also saw it in the crystal ball. But some extra information on who and what and so on, the cards don't really want to say.

I think what we have learned until today about all this, what's happened around this assassination attempt, we will change our opinion about it in the future. It seems like everything will be put upside down, inside out, a lot of new information will come out, that will totally change the picture around this assassination attempt. And the official version is not really the true story according to the cards. Now I'm going to take the last three cards.

The last words for this reading.

We have the Eight of Swords . the Nine of Coins and the Four of Coins. There will be some kind of turbulence in the financial sector. I don't see that we should worry too much, because there is money and even if certain places will be empty of it, the money will somehow return.

It is put aside for this crisis. And it seems like there will be some kind of big financial crisis, that will affect the whole planet. It will be replaced with something else. But I don't see digital money. Somehow we still we will have digital money but it will be backed by real value, real money. And as I said, I see coins .I see bank notes . so that will continue.
A few days ago, Robert Fleischer ( intervewed Birgit Fischer. A german medium from Austria. The best interview parts are behind a paywall. She made some predictions in this interview that I found very interresting (not available on YT, so a short summary will follow). So I did some research about her, and the very first thing I found was on YT. She is making predictions for one month, a few days before it starts. As we had a July full of freaky things, I gave her a try and watched her predictions for July, uploaded on June, 24th.

Here are some translated topics/parts I put out she mentioned in this video that caught my attention:

It will be an extreme summer, a month characterised by 'settlements' (she said 'settlemets' )

... on the one hand extreme drought, on the other extreme rainfall

while July is very extreme, let's put it this way, August will be even more extreme.

What is still evident on Earth are certain peace talks on the one hand and you can already see that there are always two opposing poles that are very extreme. On the one hand I see peace talks and these peace talks are also being continued and implemented, on the other hand it seems as if a new war is being provoked again.

Yes, what I found very interesting is that you said that the financial situation of continents seems to be doomed. Not quite the same wording, but that's how it will be labelled.

I would like to mention again that the United Arab Emirates...
...will play a very, very big role in the next few years

...the official science in the predulie because many people hardly believe it anymore...

it was said that there will be an increase, especially in my opinion, in the direction of major events, namely attacks, and a lot of terror alerts, and they said that some of it is also staged, however

They also talked about the fact that this will also be publicised, namely that crime in Europe is increasing very sharply. And we will also read about that...

Another topic that is shown to me, and that I find very nice, if I may judge it a little humanely, is that the
Generation Z is having an impact. In terms of educational behaviour and pedagogy, and this topic will become more and more
more and more at the centre over the summer. Due to the fact that many children and young people no longer want to go to school.

uses ingenious search terms in the AI we should again train the AI a bit e.g. with certain entities, but positive entities, yes facts about hellensinnen (hellensinnen = clairvoyant)

that the earth should be darkened a little, this no longer happens or only to a small extent

There is also a prediction for August already. You can watch it on YT. YT transcripts and translations are working.

When you see her the first time, and research about her, there are more than one red flag. But the more I read or watch, the more the red flags are going away...

...but step by step. I'm now watching again the interview and will write down her predictions. And also some more about her.

@Jacques posted a predictions of this lady called Izabela who uses crystal, dice, tarot card on the Trump assassination attempt thread. She predicted assassination attempt on Trump and there will be another attempt. I haven't watched her before to have opinion of her track record.

If found it to be interesting and ended up reading transcript ( 37min video) and it is in line with what C's were saying. In short, Kamala won't be there long and her seat will be vacant, there may not be elections , another attempt to kill trump during air travel, but he will escape due to delay , Financial market will go down, but money will come back without central control, pedo's at high places will be exposed, unrest in many cities in USA, army gets involved, Clintons, Obama won't be able to come back, secrets of the West distributed to the rest of the world, Rest of the world will look down on the West, There is a Volcano activity in US or Alaska or North America, the light at the end of the tunnel. This is a practice for people to help each other, neighbor to neighbor.

short edited transcript.

I watched a few viedeos from Izabela (a lot of a few years ago). The thing I like is that she gives out (or pushes out...) information she gots where she clearly says that this information is just a 'kind of message I can't verfy. Please be careful!.' But on the other side I'm missing her own clear interpretation of it.
A few days ago, Robert Fleischer ( intervewed Birgit Fischer. A german medium from Austria. The best interview parts are behind a paywall. She made some predictions in this interview that I found very interresting (not available on YT, so a short summary will follow)
On youtube is a short 20 minutes version of this 1h15 interview:

The main topic is 'Contact with non-human intelligence', and it should be posted in the Imminent Alien Disclosure thread. But I want to share here her predictions from this interview.
Since childhood Birgit Fischer can see/hear all kinds of things. At first she wanted to get rid of it. She went to many doctors, took many pills and thought she was going crazy. She tried suicide. When she became pregnant, she started to listen to the voices, changed her view on what is happening to her and startet to read many books about it and visited many spiritual teacher. She became a good seer.
She worked with a group of seers who are helping the police and the CIA, but stopped it. She wrote 3 bestselling books and is today a spiritual teacher and healer. She says she is in contact with about 150 different aliens races.

Now to the predictions (my own words).

Q (Robert): We have geopolital chaos now. What kind of future do you see regarding the war?

A (Birgit): In 2024, new hotbeds of war will break out. many small hotbeds of war, one after the other, so that people will notice, stand up and say: we don't want this anymore. no more cruelty. as long as humanity does not stand up together, more and more will break out. many scenes are very often staged by a small group of people who make many people suffer.
In the next ten years I don't see the big bang. No nuclear war. No escalation of war in German-speaking countries, all around yes, cruel provocations and wars, many dead people, collateral damage. People should watch brutal news and then say we don't want that. because this is very powerful. is moving in the direction of the entire human race seeing itself as one nation, so that other peoples (entities/aliens) can get to know each other. the acceptance of other peoples (entities/aliens) will become greater among humans, even if some of them are annoying.

Q (Robert): there willl be no alien invasion?

A (Birgit): you don't have to ask when they will come, but when we will drink a cup of coffee together.

Q (Robert): how will the alien disclosre go on in the next one or two years?

A (Birgit): I see two years. end of 2025 / early 2026. I see a UFO, but this is a rebuild. Build by humans.
I hear there is something with frequency technology. Then the feeling that there will be more disclosure about what humans have done with UFOs. It will be this direction first. "look what UFOs we've rebuild".
At the same time, there will be more and more publications and personal contributions on the subject on social media.
The entities living on earth will be seen by more and more people as the human energy field changes, some energies will become visible to us. more and more.
A (Birgit): you don't have to ask when they will come, but when we will drink a cup of coffee together.
I like her take on things. It might be, that by the time the coffee happens I will be having dinner with Falco, George Michael and Karl May in the eternal hunting realms, but nevertheless, having coffee, has a very healthy connotation for the human race. As for the rest of the comments, I agree, although the future is open as the C's always say.

... and waiting for Scooter of course.
Not sure about “drink a cup of coffee together” upon meeting aliens.😄
Once upon a time in the nineties, Let's have a coffee, was THE thing to do, when you wanted to relax, feel good and have a great conversation on a shoe string budget. It was also the best place when you wanted to know more about someone. Equal footing, unassuming, friendly but no strings attached.
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