Dagobah Resident
Astrologer Jose Millan- Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. + Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
I want to share the perspective of Astrologer Jose Millan whom I have followed since shortly before the “covid time”, he makes two monthly reports of the movement of the stars and in this fortnight, he refers to many movements the more interesting of this fragment Pluto retrograde in Capricorn.Note that one may or may not agree with his ideological position or how he sees or does not see the picture -sometimes I am completely contrary to his point of view-. Even so the interesting thing is that he does not make predictions but prospections based on symbolism and the study of past astrological history behavior, so he deduces and connects with his own intuition and criteria, a more objective point of view from an astrological point of view.
The video is called: "Toma las riendas de tu destino", Taking the reins of your destiny and is in Spanish, this part starts from the 22:25 minute
Of course I recommend to see it alI. You can put the subtitles in English and if it seems too long increase the speed a little.
A summary of this excerpt:
+Explain the symbolism of What is Capricorn?
+ Masculine (father) energy that sets limits.
+Quickly explains what Pluto is and what happens when it is retrograde.
+ He says that these weeks will be the hardest of all these 16 years that Pluto has been in Capricorn: -confronts the questioning of what kind of father have you been? He advises to stop being a parent.
+ And it shows harsh revelations showing the psychopath for what he is.
+ In sextile with Neptune, it promises to be a very difficult six weeks because Authority and power (Pluto) will not want to let go, “the old that refuses to leave” and will create hoaxes, fear and collective manipulations that are already being seen more strongly.
+Desperate acts, blackmail that will reveal who is behind the curtain. Mention Israel, Venezuela (Christmas in October), Elon Musk (in Brazil) as examples of abuse of power.
+From November 19 the energy changes strongly by the entry of Pluto into Aquarius and also says that for them (those of the old system) the war is lost, time of transition.
+Pluto retrograde over the United States, (change from Libra to Virgo) in the most crucial point of all their history, where they decide if they collapse or adapt to the new decentralized paradigm (Aquarian).
+Pluto is going to collapse somewhat in the United States, it may be because of the influence of the 2nd house: Finance and economy.
+The days of October between the 5th and the 15th are days of collapse that will condition what is to come.
+ Saturn in square with Jupiter (authority in square with the legitimate the law) questioning of the legitimacy of the Authority increased with force throughout the world.
+ Lesson of detachment
+ Lesson of Self-discipline.
+ Eclipse September 17-18 at the 26th degree of Virgo with the Sun forming a kite.
+ Explanation of the Metaphor of the kite (you can manipulate the kite, intervene the kite in your way).
+ Sun in Virgo in trig with Pluto and Uranus: it is an opportunity to make deep inner changes for service to others.
+ Say goodbye to the earth, the system is over, the air has arrived. Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Aries.
+ "Learn to ride the winds”.
+ We are not in control of our lives either. We are co-authors.
+ “Life is learning to navigate.”