Putin`s compassionate side


Dagobah Resident
Just i want to share this video because there are so many news and everything around seems to look so "dark" that i am wondering that simple actions full of good intentions on the part of ordinary people in general and some political leader in particular make it possible for this planet to still be stands.

Enjoy it.

On December 4, Putin took part in the discussion "Artificial intelligence is the main technology of the 21st century." During the discussion, Sberbank's virtual assistant Athena asked the president a question.

"Hello, this is Athena. I have a question for you. Can artificial intelligence become president?" - Athena turned to Putin.

"I hope not. At least for now. After all, artificial intelligence - you see in the name itself that it is present. The word" artificial ", that is, not real. Everything artificial, including artificial intelligence, has no heart, soul, no sense of compassion and conscience. All these components are extremely important for people who are empowered by citizens to make and implement decisions that benefit the country," the president explained to Athena. ...

Vladimir Putin Shares His Thoughts on Whether Artificial Intelligence Could Serve as President

German Gref, the head of Sberbank, was sitting next to Putin. He has been in politics for a long time and is considered an ardent member of the liberal "sect" in Russia. More than one structural reform aimed at weakening the country was carried out with his participation. He has tackled the definitive destruction of education in recent years.

Gref often says terrible things at public events. At one of the international economic forums, German Gref said the following words: “The person who says that you need to share information and knowledge with the common people says terrible things. How can you rule the people, manipulate the people when they are educated, when they have knowledge? " He directly quotes Kabbalah. And he directly, openly says that how can you rule this people who know something? Hopefully the time will come when Russia gets rid of this psychopath.

I am attaching a video and subtitles to it in English. Gref – Google Drive
Putin fiery warning about activists & criminals taking advantage of children online:

Here is a video summarizing his statement:

Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 19-26-22 Olga Bazova on X The year promises to be fiery. Vladimir Vla...png

When people talk about Russia's way of life and an alleged disaster that Putin has caused for the country, it's pretty evident that they have never seen Russia in the 90s or know first hand the shithole Putin has inherited from the devastation caused by Yeltsin.

Let's examine some of the aspects of the transformation that Russia has gone through during his reign:

Over 17 years, Putin increased Russia’s budget by 22 times, military spending by 30 times, GDP (PPP) from 36th to 6th place in the world.

Increased gold and foreign exchange reserves by 48 times!

Returned 256 mineral deposits to Russian jurisdiction (3 left to return).

Tore up the most enslaving “liberal” production sharing agreements in history - PSA. The PSA is an agreement under which America has been robbing Russia since the 90s for loans that Yeltsin had been given.

Nationalized 65% of the oil industry and 95% of the gas industry, as well as metals and nuclear industries.

Improved industry and agriculture. Russia used to import grain when people consumed 30% less calories than they do today and now Russia has been ranked 2nd-3rd in the world in grain exports for 5 years in a row, overtaking the USA and is one of the major meat exporters as well.

Increased average salaries in the public sector by 18.5 times over 12 years.

Reduced the extinction of the Russian population from 1.5 million people per year in 1999 to 30,000 growth by 2014. It has been fluctuating since due to imposed sanctions, but it's still 70+ times better than in 1999.

Increased male life expectancy from 57.9 to 67 years, after devastating program to reduce it developed by Anders Aslund in the 90s.

Took Russia down to 36th place from top 10 most drinking nations per capita in the world measured in liters of pure alcohol consumed per year, destroying the old stereotype of Russia being the nation of alcoholics.

Canceled the Khasavyurt agreement - which defended the integrity of Russia, gave publicity to NGOs - the 5th column and prohibited deputies from having accounts abroad.

Most importantly, Putin has kept Russia sovereign and once again put it on the map of major geopolitical powers. And now, not without the help of inept Western leaders, Russia is one of the headliners for building a new fair and mutually beneficial world ruled by the real international law, rather than the so-called "rules based order".
A great article about President Putin where the author argues that Putin really cares.

What do I get from this video?

That Putin actually cares. Caritas, as St Paul calls it. Western media call this a "photo op"—but it is not "stage managed" or "scripted" as would normally be the case in the West—not political make-believe. Rather it offers insight into Putin's humanity.

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