A few months ago as I was reading material from www(dot)gnosticteachings.org to investigate whether or not there existed a True reality in relation to the content and/or substance of dreams, I slowly became aware of these thoughts that seemed to come out of nowhere that was divided both from the attention I was directing to read various concepts and the "personal" contemplation of those thoughts. After having become aware of these "other" thoughts I began to experiment with these "other" thoughts in order to elucidate what was being said as I was having a hard time understanding what exactly was being "said." I soon realized that these "other" thoughts appeared to be making comments regarding the various "conclusions" I was making via contemplation. These "other" thoughts would either agree or disagree and attempt to explain why (though it was hard to understand everything as "my" thoughts would sometimes interfere). Well, on this particular day as I was reading the writings of Samael Aun Weor he began to talk about Daniel and his ability to accurately interpret the message/meaning in dreams. It was at this point that I felt like I was urged to search the internet relating to Daniel. I soon came across the website: hXXp://finalbookofdaniel.com/ and in it a person by the name of Daniel Eli claims to be the same Daniel of the bible and that he is back as phrophesied at "the end of days" as an angel of awakening. As I read his book, he talks about his experiences leading to his "discovery"/"awakening" of this "purpose" and describes many anomolous weather events that he was partially responsible for having made it happen. He also claims that he is connected to all who visit his site and/or read his book. He said he is able to feel their emotions (positive or negative) and see the people sitting at their computer. He explained that his knowing of such information is akin to the internet and that we are all connected and that whoever prays in his name without any doubt (true faith) he will reliably be there for him/her. Though this may have been naive (or not at all) I prayed to him that night. As I was going to sleep my whole body began to intensely vibrate. It started at the base of my spine and began making its way towards my head as it radiated out to both my upper and lower limbs. Upon reaching my head I felt like it was going to explode as there seemed to be a building up of intense pressure from within. Having reached from what I perveived to be the top of my head I heard three notes of increasing pitch sort of like Do Re Mi followed by an "explosion of vibratory static" that seemed to shower throughout my body that I perceived as an intense tingling sensation.
Has anyone heard of this book, Daniel Eli or have any comments on what may have occurred to me that night?
Has anyone heard of this book, Daniel Eli or have any comments on what may have occurred to me that night?