re: Unfriending People in Realtime

Lisa Guliani

The Living Force
Last night, I decided to unfriend someone I have known for several years, a person who stood with me at Ground Zero in 2005 holding a 9/11 WTC controlled Demolition banner. This person also stood with me at the White House years ago and we carried the same banner together. His name is Michael. He was the archivist on my old show. I feel sad about this decision but I think it's the right one. My friend has changed. He seems to have become rabid when it comes to his views regarding Jewish people.
He didn't used to think this way and he didn't used to spew the hatred I see coming from his posts on FB. But, I think he is being handled and influenced by some people with serious agendas, and frankly, I can't reconcile being friends anymore with someone who spits poison on a daily basis, blaming Judaism and all Jews for the atrocities, the occupation, the genocide and the ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine at the hands of Israeli government psychopaths and their military.

It really pains me to have read the stuff he's been posting on his FB page, none of which I have shared. I have urged him many times to read Political Ponerology and have linked numerous SOTT articles for him to read. He has never commented on these articles to me to my knowledge. He has not read the book either.
He used to be a very kind, gentle, quiet person. I noticed him beginning to change when he became involved in a relationship with a woman who used to date one of the people who were stalking me on the internet and otherwise, several years ago. This woman admitted to me in a letter a few years ago that the people who were stalking me back then were forum admins of Alex Jones' Prison Planet website. This years-after-the-fact admission made me uncomfortable and I wondered why she even contacted me. She felt bad that she hadn't spoken out against the stalkers when it was happening full-bore, and wanted to come clean, is the gist of her explanation.

She began seeing my friend, Michael. Over time, I noticed Michael changing. He went from being a very quiet person to someone whose words are like poison darts. Suddenly, he's an expert on Judaism and passes judgment on all Jews. He paints them all with one sweeping toxic brushstroke. I have challenged him on this more than once, and have asked him, "What about the Jewish and Israeli people who speak out and fight for Palestinian human rights? What about them? They're evil too, in your mind?" He minimizes Jewish and Israeli activists as being a very tiny percentage of Jews and Israelis who do this, and it seems to me, that he writes them off as irrelevant.

Last night, he glorified Hitler. He said Hitler was 'good'. That was too much for me. I linked some SOTT articles for him to read, including Laura Knight-Jadczyk's The Mystic vs. Hitler. I linked Political Ponerology again. I said, "Hitler was a psychopath, Michael. He was not good." He linked to some radio interview, the name of which I can't recall at the moment, but it was 90-minutes in length and frankly, I wasn't into listening to it because I was pretty tired and not into sitting through anything that was going to try to justify hating an entire group of people based upon their religious beliefs.

I am often wrong, but it seems to me that there are quite a few people using the German population and the Palestinian and Syrian people as a cloak behind which they barely disguise what they're really selling - an underlying agenda, which is pushing alot of very anti-Jew messages to the public.
I think Michael is hooked up with at least some of these people. His girlfriend, I suspect, is the one who got him more heavily involved with peddling this stuff.
When I see the two of them 'operating' on Fb, and I use this word because it has seemed like a tag-team effort so much of the time, it appears to me he's being handled.
It reminds me very much of John Kaminski and the woman who appeared to be 'handling' him years ago.

Because I challenged Michael last night on his FB thread after he posted about Hitler being 'good', someone else who was also a mutual 'friend' on both of our lists decided to announce that I'd 'outed' myself as a gatekeeper, that I'm basically pushing Jewish propaganda and I'm either a shill or on the 'kosher' payroll'.
Oh yeah, and I am gutless.

Basically, I told Michael that he doesn't have to become a bigot to tell people the truth about what's going on in Palestine.
I don't see what good it does to inject even more hatred into a world teeming with hatred already.
I don't subscribe to the idea that Judaism is the underlying problem. The psychopathic mindset seems to me to be more the cause of what's going on in the Middle East, and it also seems to be at the root of all the evil BS we are witnessing everywhere we turn in this world. That, and the influence of psychopaths upon individuals, groups and populations of people. I find it difficult to wrap my brain around Michael not reading the Ponerology book because he recorded the show Laura did with me on my old program about this book.

It disturbs me that this formerly soft-spoken person I used to know so well, has changed so much - I mean, Jesus, he's telling people Hitler was good. He's got some good company on his list - people who are even more rabid than he has become. And they back him up and support his comments, and I've seen this tactic before too - I've seen it for years now. Trolls do it all the time.

I know I shouldn't 'feel' bad about deciding to not be friends with Michael anymore. I have Jewish friends who are very good, decent people. I have seen much evidence to support that there are, indeed, many Israelis and Jews who are opposed to what the Israeli government is doing to the people of Palestine. I have seen Jews and Israelis standing alongside Palestinians, fighting shoulder to shoulder with them, protesting The Israeli (and U.S.) government crimes against humanity, human rights violations, segregation, apartheid, land theft, etc...

I notice that when people spit their anti-Jew poison, they seldom, of ever, mention these Israelis and Jews who support the Palestinians and Syrians, etc.
They simply omit them. One hater, who did mention them, told people on her list no one should trust them, simply because they are Jewish.
This is the kind of garbage people are spreading.

And people still wonder why this world is the way it is?

I guess I'm sad because I'm remembering some past times in which my friend and I did some things I think were important and I think those things were good things.
It was about truth and I'm still of the mind now, as I was back then, that the truth matters.
No longer am I willing to live with lies and illusions, I've said a time or two - and I do mean this and try to live by this.
This applies to myself and to the people I surround myself with as well.

And this is why I can't really call Michael Langston my friend today.
Because I think he's spreading vicious untruths about an entire group of people based upon their religious beliefs.
Lumping all Jewish people and Zionists into the same category and classification as EVIL is not telling truth to people.
It's simply promoting ignorance, hatred and prejudice.

I work hard - as I can, with what little I'm able to do - to make this world, or whatever tiny slice of this world I can possibly reach - a better place.
It is distressing to me to see people doing what Michael is doing, saying the things he says and knowing that more than 1.000 people on his list are potentially taking in that poison. He's not alone in his efforts to foment hatred. It seems like there's an entire team of people doing this right along with him,

I'm not sure why I posted this here, but it's been weighing on me all day at work.
I think it always hurts to say goodbye to someone you've cared about and respected.

I wish I could still say I respect his views, but I don't.
I wish I could say I can still call him friend, but I can't.
And I guess I can't because of that thing I always seem to go back to: because the truth matters.
I can't be friends with people who promote blind hatred and justify and peddle it by piggybacking their hatred onto 'causes' and 'plights' and 'collective struggles'.

I am anti-psychopath - not anti-Jew - and I'm really disgusted with this whole thing right about now.

I hope you all get what I'm trying to say here.
Thank you Lisa for this article, it was an extremely interesting read. I'm sorry you have lost your old friend in this way, it really sucks :( My sister in law has quit Facebook again, pretty much for similar reasons (more the stupidity than cruelty, she says). Anyway, thanks again! Good luck :D
In times of war we have to take decisions, drastic decisions and sometimes it hurts. We all change and to see a friend that is not anymore what he was is a sad thing. But it is his decision also to be what he is. So life is a road and sometimes we walk with someone and then this person decided to take another road and we say goodbye. It happens very often, with friends, family members, co-workers.
I can see what you mean here Lisa. And writing your feelings out here rather than concealing them can be a great way to vent. I can see you are being mature about the situation because you have decided not to feed into a friendship based on illusion. To me Micheal seems to be projecting a rather large shadow by identifying with Hitler. In his blind rage against Isreal he is unconsciously becoming like... Isreal! He blames an entire people for the mistakes of psychopaths and their subordinates. It's worse because he's become borderline rascist in his views and if he's with Hitler's perspective then he's looking for total annihilation of the Jews. But I must admit that I've held racial biases before though not to this extreme and the cure is awareness. If you can show him examples of Jews standing against Isreal he may change his views.
I empathize with your loss, Lisa. Friends who are awake and choose finding the Truth can be incredibly hard to come by. Unfortunately for us, we must often see those we care about begin (and too often continue) down a variety of the 'lower roads'.

I believe you are correct in that you shouldn't 'feel bad' for discovering that a good friend has chosen another path. True, withdrawing your offer of open, true friendship may feel like a horrible thing to do to someone, but what's the other option? Obviously you cannot support the things he is currently, and if he is choosing to align with thoughts and actions that you strongly disagree with, do you really WANT to continue offering a supportive friendship? I think perhaps bad feelings like these might come partly from 'make nice' or 'not being someones friend because they're supporting something bad makes YOU the bad guy'-style programs, but also quite a bit from the loss we feel.

This feels to me very much like dying, in a way. When someone dies, I don't feel bad for them. I understand that they are simply 'between cycles', so to speak, and so any sense of loss is not for them, but for those around them still here who have lost a friend, family, lover, brother and so on. It seems in a slightly less dramatic way that this is the case when we lose close friends also. They might not die, but they move far enough away from us in thoughts, words and deeds that often enough it feels like they may as well be sort of 'dead to us', in a way.

Your friend Michael has wandered away from your path, it would seem. Perhaps he has a lesson or two to learn, and is setting up that lesson now (though also perhaps without knowing that's what he's doing). In any case, I feel we must allow him his lessons, even though for you personally there is the feeling of having 'lost' him. But what are you to do? You can't learn his lessons for him, see objectively for him or force anything as such on him, either. However, you can do exactly what you did: Show him the door to objective truth, giving him the opportunity to step through it with you once again or continue down whatever road he is currently on. You've given him and continue to give him the opportunity. THAT is a true friend.

Just my humble opinions. I'm glad that if nothing else I could be here (along with the others!) to hear/read your vent and share it with you. I hope you find a meaningful resolution in this, however that may come.
Thank you Lisa for sharing your experience with us. You explained it perfectly. I think you made correct and only possible decision. I know how painful is to lose friends because of these reasons, but it is inevitable.

Universe cleans her/his house and the battle is through us. This means, to me, that we must purify ourselves as well as our relationships, or we will be swept away along with garbage.

Sometimes it seems that you'll be alone in the world and that this forum is the only place where there are people who can understand it.
Thank you for your work, and big hugs :hug2:
It's really a simplistic mind that believes "friend of my friend is my friend, enemy of my friend is my enemy" which is what that type of thinking amounts to.

If anybody wants to get the inside scoop on Hitler, I highly recommend "Hitler: The Man & The Military Leader" by Percy Ernst Schramm who was the war diarist and draws his information from transcripts of talks given by Hitler and direct, inside information. Also, there is Sebastian Haffner's "Defying Hitler".

As the poster child for Post-Modernism, Adolf Hitler, said:

A new and magical understanding of the world is on the rise, one based on will rather than truth. There is no truth, in either the scientific or the moral sense.

And of course there is the proclamation of the US Neo-conservatives (now there’s double-talk for you!) as reported by journalist Ron Suskind:

In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in ESQUIRE that the White House didn't like about Bush's former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. He expressed the White House's displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn't fully comprehend -- but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency.

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Schramm was properly a medieval scholar but being one of the most eminent of non-Jewish German historians of the time, he ended up being appointed as Hitler’s official War Diarist. So, if you want to know what evil really looks like, read Schramm’s portrait of Hitler, much of it painted by using Hitler’s own recorded words placed in the context of his actual deeds, and all of it in relationship to those people around him who loved him, hated him, feared him, and did his bidding. Schramm writes about these relationships:

… one point still deserves our close attention. Even a year after Hitler’s death, Jodl regarded him with a quality of respect similar to that expressed in Field Marshal von Kluge’s farewell letter acknowledging Hitler’s “genius.” In personal style and intellectual background, these two senior officers had nothing in common with Hitler. Much about him they found repulsive. Their training and service in the Army General Staff had cultivated in them a way of thinking that was diametrically opposed to Hitler’s. Yet they had submitted to him not simply out of obedience to the Supreme Commander and Chief of State but also because they respected Hitler, despite his flaws and inadequacies, as superior to themselves.

This is one of the keys to Hitler’s ability to assert himself as effectively as he did … but it also demonstrates to everyone attempting to deal critically with the historical problem of Hitler what sort of criteria are really relevant. Anyone who speaks of him as satanic or infernal is, in effect, making a theological statement. Whoever calls him a “demon” is ultimately reserving judgment about the nature of his acts. The difficulty is that language offers no negative equivalents to “hero” and “genius.” Whoever is concerned that we may possibly be giving Hitler more than his due by seeking adequate terms for him misses the point, for only in this way can we hope to comprehend the seductive malevolence of the most devious and baleful man in German history.

Even when the problematical has been explained, the fact of Hitler’s historical existence will remain a disconcerting, extreme case of human individuality. Generations to come will reflect on the grim history of that frightful man who for twelve years determined the fate of Germany, and for five brought the earth to tremble. This unique event cannot be comprehended in terms of traditional conceptions and moral categories.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, early in the twentieth book of his largely autobiographical DICHTUNG UND WAHRHEIT (Fantasy and Truth), suggests a direction for our thoughts. Where Goethe deals with the essence of the demonic, he writes:

“The most fearful manifestation of the demonic, however, is seen when it dominates an individual human being. In the course of my life, I have been able to observe several, some more closely, others from the distance. They are not always the finest persons, in terms of either mind or talent, nor do they commend themselves by goodness of heart, but they emanate a monstrous force and exercise incredible power over all creatures, and indeed even over the elements, and who can say how far such influences may extend? All moral powers combined are impotent against them. In vain do the more enlightened among men attempt to discredit them as deluded or deceptive – the masses will be drawn to them. Seldom or never will contemporaries find their equal, and they can be overcome only by the universe itself, against which they have taken up arms. And it may have been in view of this that the strange but striking proverb originated, ‘Nemo contra deum nisi deus ipse’ – ‘No one can do something against God who is not God himself’.”

…Goethe spoke of the demonic, but he lacked the experience which would have enabled him to comprehend how frightful, how satanic, how infernal it could be. We know; but there is no word in our language adequate to suggest the dimension of the demonic which took form in Adolf Hitler.

Whenever anyone tries to understand Hitler, the final result somehow never adds up correctly. His contact with children and dogs, his joy in flowers and in culture, his appreciation of lovely women, his relationship to music were all quite genuine. But no less genuine was the ferocity – morally uninhibited, ruthless, ‘ice-cold” – with which Hitler annihilated not only real but even potential opponents. …

Greek mythology tells of the face of Medusa, which is said to have petrified those who beheld it. Had the members of Hitler’s circle of mealtime companions ever been able to see his true face, even the most loyal and devoted of them would have turned to stone.

Hitler was not unique, he just had modern technology. In fact, as psychopathic leaders go, Hitler was a failure. It’s only because he lost and his dreadful deeds were exposed for all the world to see that we know that he was truly a psychopath. Obviously, if Hitler had won the war, our history would be very different. All we would hear about is how much Hitler loved children and dogs and music and what a great guy he was, a true hero and genius. How many other psychopaths in history have “won the war” and are recorded in our annals as great guys who loved children, dogs and music? More than you suspect.
That does suck, Lisa - very hard to watch such decline. Sounds like he has taken on-board just what Laura quoted of Hitler:

A new and magical understanding of the world is on the rise, one based on will rather than truth. There is no truth, in either the scientific or the moral sense.

He will see only what he wants to see, handlers or not. If this is really the case, then you are just wasting your time/effort with him. The only other thing I can think of - if you think you may still have an "in" with him - is to suggest a viewing of the documentary Nazis, A Warning from History. In this, the examples of psychopathy are "in your face".

But from what you say, it sounds like he too far gone.
Lisa Guliani said:
I don't subscribe to the idea that Judaism is the underlying problem.

Me either. If the US and Brittan had given Pat Roberson and his Christian fundamentalists billions of dollars, nuclear weapons, and "the Holy Land" as their "Christian State" we'd be seeing the exact same thing happening to the indigenous people there. I am sure of this because the exact same thing happened to indigenous people in the US, and it was done in the name of Christianity.

Religion has nothing to do with this, it's just a tool used by of many.

It disturbs me that this formerly soft-spoken person I used to know so well, has changed so much - I mean, Jesus, he's telling people Hitler was good. He's got some good company on his list - people who are even more rabid than he has become.

Yeah, I think that eventually the backlash against the Jewish people is going to be horrible...again. It would not surprise me at all to have to be hiding Jewish Americans from rabid neighbors who want to scapegoat them within 10-15 years.

I am anti-psychopath - not anti-Jew

I want this quote on a T-shirt!
Thanks very much to you all - listen, I posted the above at a very late hour and didn't think about the fact that currently there is an article I wrote on SOTT about another friend. Just so nobody confuses the two: the article on SOTT is about another friend ( kinda clueless) who lives local to me. The above post is not in any way connected to the article on SOTT, although it would appear that my former friend in the above post has gone from clued-in to clueless.

No, I don't want to try anymore to make him see the light. I've posted alot of links to information for him and he will do with it whatever he chooses to do with it - or not.
I have always found it interesting that he ended up with a woman who was dating and hanging out with the very people who were stalking me years ago - people he wrote about in articles. Interesting.

Another thing I've seen is something of a witchhunt taking place regarding Jewish/Israeli activists. I jumped in to defend one person who I'm friends with not long ago, as he was being smeared mercilessly and painted as some evil b*stard who is working against Palestinians ( because he's Jewish) and he hid that fact from people for a long time out of fear of how people would react if they knew the truth. One day,, he disclosed to the people on his list that he is Jewish and why he kept it a secret for so long. The people on his list were, mostly, supportive of him, me included. But shortly after that, some rabid people who are 'friends' with Michael Langston started smearing my Jewish friend's name all over the internet. Our mutual Palestinian friends stood up and told stories of how this friend who happens to be Jewish helped them when he made a visit to Palestine. He helped them, helped their families, etc. Even after hearing these Palestinians defend our Jewish activist friend, the haters refused to let it go, to drop the issue or to apologize in any way.
It was horrible to watch and brought back all kinds of memories, because this merciless smearing has happened to me too, so I really know how it feels.

The attacks hurt my friend ( the Jewish activist) so much that he dropped off the internet for a while.
This is the kind of thing that is going on and when I see it, I try to stop it. It's wrong on all levels.
But I'm not into trying to bring Michael Langston back from the 'dark side'. He seems to like his perceived importance among the people he has surrounded himself with, who pat him on the back and egg him on, which fuels him on. Now mostly, his other half just seems to sit back and watch him dig himself in deeper while she posts stuff about Jesus and quotes scripture. Unreal.

It's true, I think, that many people come into our lives for a season and a reason.
Well, in this case, that season was long, but it's over.

Thank you, Laura, for taking the time to post at length on this thread, and for all the feedback I've received on it from everyone else.
I really appreciate it.
Thanks for sharing this story, Lisa. It's disturbing that this is happening and people who seemed to have a clue and cared about important issues can so totally change so suddenly. And totally miss the point/refuse to acknowledge that it's about PATHOLOGY and not a specific group, that's gotten us into this mess. Good to see you stand up for what's right, once again.
Guardian said:
Yeah, I think that eventually the backlash against the Jewish people is going to be horrible...again. It would not surprise me at all to have to be hiding Jewish Americans from rabid neighbors who want to scapegoat them within 10-15 years.

This statement is very interesting. We are really in a loop, incapable to leave it. People like Michael Rivero, for example, who is always talking against Israel, can provoke hate of Jewish because the majority of people don't see the difference between the psychopaths that have power and the citizens. And maybe this anti-Jewish that is coming is part of another plan of the PTB?
And totally miss the point/refuse to acknowledge that it's about PATHOLOGY and not a specific group, that's gotten us into this mess.

Amen! ..or...well, you know what I mean ;)


I am anti-psychopath - not anti-Jew

I want this quote on a T-shirt!

Thanks, 'cause now I'm runnin' t-shirt ideas based on this through me noggin'. Much fun :)

Thanks for sharing this story, Lisa. [...] Good to see you stand up for what's right

I very much agree.
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