Reality Transurfing - Vadim Zeland


FOTCM Member
Ark found this guy while looking for audiobooks in Russian to listen to while he was in the hospital. He has read the "little book" and has listened to part of the big one, and another one in Russian that has not yet been translated.

Here's the little book:
Yeah, it says "creating your own reality" which is kind of a no go around here, but his idea of YCYOR is rather different that what we have been exposed to, so don't be turned off by that.

I was quite intrigued by Ark's descriptions of some of the topics and explanations and he bought me both the little and the big book. I read the 37 pages of the little book that more or less introduce things and it mentioned that all was explained in the big book. It was sufficiently interesting to cause me to put down the little book and pick up the big book:

The big book is over 700 pages, but I can tell you, I read over 200 pages pretty much steady on. Had to stop because I was tired.

The ideas have echoes of Gurdjieff, Castaneda, Mouravieff, Paul, Stoics, etc, and a LOT of resonances with things the Cs have said, but also appear to have his own specific slant on things as though he applied his knowledge of physics and computer science and applied it to working out a theory of what reality is and how it works. It's not impossible that he was exposed to some of our material but I don't think it is a necessary assumption considering how he says he acquired the knowledge from a "source".

Anyway, he talks a lot about frequency resonance. His description of what Mouravieff called "The General Law" is really interesting: calls it more or less an assemblage of "Pendulums". It also has a striking resemblance to the "Operators" of "Operators and Things." (One of the creepiest books I ever read.)

His ideas about the Information Field and changing one's reality are rather similar to what I described in my "Knowledge and Being" videos and also a lot of resemblances to things I wrote in the Wave Series based on Cs ideas combined with research. However, what he does not actually have, as far as I have read, is any idea of densities (the stepping down of energies to our own realm) or 4D beings as we understand them of both the STS and STO orientation.

There is also no emphasis on STO itself and it seems to me that some areas of his theory are rather weak and contradictory. However, so far, it really is a furiously interesting connecting of some dots we are all pretty well aware of here and a brilliant exposition of some ideas the Cs have bruited but which we have never followed up on. In fact, some things are explained so well especially in terms of how the General Law works, and Frequency Resonance Vibration, that I think it is probably a MUST READ even if a few things need to be taken with some salt. There are some things the Cs have recommended or suggested that he doesn't even approach, or gives a contradictory take.

Anyway, would like to see some folks reading this and giving ideas and opinions and let's see if we can sort out some of the issues I see and some I may not see.
Thank you for the recommendation, it certainly sounds like an interesting read. For anyone else interested, I found a paperback version printed in 2013 for £9.11 on Abe books, an Amazon version which is newer (2014) and costs around £23 and a Kindle version too.

EDIT: The Abe books version are volumes I-V sold separately, hence the lower cost, my mistake.
I heard about this book couple of years ago, but after checking book's description I thought "Meh, yet another STS manual" and skipped it. Check for yourself:
We are not going to exercise, meditate or dig ourselves. Transurfing is not a new method of self-improvement, but a fundamentally different way of thinking and acting so as to get what you want. Not to achieve, but to receive. And not to change yourself, but to return to yourself. (DeepL translation from official Russian website)

OK, now you have my attention ©
I heard about this book couple of years ago, but after checking book's description I thought "Meh, yet another STS manual" and skipped it. Check for yourself:

OK, now you have my attention ©

Yes, as I mentioned, there are some elements that are very unsatisfactory, but at the same time, there are significant chunks that are furiously interesting.

Ark and I discussed it a bit and he thinks the guy was just using his analytical skills to formulate the ideas. Zeland says repeatedly that he's not going to try to describe anything outside of this reality in any detail, and he doesn't. But that is exactly what the Cs do and it sure gives a better understanding of things and will help us to weed through this material.
Anyway, he talks a lot about frequency resonance. His description of what Mouravieff called "The General Law" is really interesting: calls it more or less an assemblage of "Pendulums". It also has a striking resemblance to the "Operators" of "Operators and Things." (One of the creepiest books I ever read.)

Coincidentally I was thinking about that book earlier with regards to hook operators. The image of velcro come to mind, one side of velcro having hooks and the other having loops. Velcro doesn't work without both the hooks and the loops. So I'm for anything that helps me be less loopy.

Just did a quick read over of the 'look inside' function on amazon and the chapter titles look intriguing.

Here's a blurb on the author:

Vadim Zeland: "I'm over forty. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union I was engaged in research in the field of quantum physics, then computer technology, and now books. I live in Russia. My nationality is Russian, or more precisely, a quarter Estonian. The rest is irrelevant, as is all the above. Regarding my own success, all I can say is that Transurfing works perfectly. I don’t however want to advertise my personal life, as then it would cease to be personal. Fame turns against you, if you give in to temptation and climb up on a pedestal for all to see. Among some people, the American Indians, for example ,there is a belief that if someone copies your portrait (photographs you), they steal part of your soul. Of course, this is just superstition, but tthere is no smoke without fire. You can distribute a product of personal creativity ; but release your personality for mass circulation – never.

To the question of intrigued readers: "Who are you, Vadim Zeland?", I usually just say: "Nobody". My biography can not and should not be a matter of interest, since I am not thecreator of Transurfing, only a "retranslator". It is essential that we be nothing - an empty vessel, so that we do not impose our personal distortions onto this ancient Knowledge, that opens the door to a world, where the impossible becomes possible. Reality ceases to exist as something external and independent. and becomes manageable if you follow certain rules. The secret itself that is hidden only in as much as it lies on the surface, is so great that the personality of its bearer ceases to be relevant. Perhaps the guardians who passed on this knowledge to me are of genuine interest but they too prefer to remain in the wings."
Jeez, I first saw his books in a Russian bookstore many years ago but never bothered to look into them thinking it was another New Agey self-help nonsense. Thank you for recommending them!

If anyone wants to read it but can't afford it, send me a PM and we'll make a PDF available. But as usual, it's nice to support the author whenever we can.
I have epub/mobi versions of the ebook and you can PM me to get them but please - only if you can't afford it (the Kindle version costs just 9 bucks).

By the way, here is his website.
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For those of you who are interested: a moment ago I bought for 3.14$
"The Best Quotes of Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland: Read this every day for 30 days and it will change your life."
to recognize what is going on. :-)
It is very known by the Russian community. I have read about 10 years ago the 7 volumes volumes in French. I had tried for the 2 years the balance, the corresponding the influences of entities and emotions. I stopped the results seemed mesi-free. Or it's not to understand the origin, it was a little blur, but interesting. In the Zeland volunteers, says her friend woman who helped him much in this research, had a deadly accident of the road. He made us think of Grdjieff who thought was supposed with his car and made a serious car accident.
Thank you for recommendation. :flowers: I'll give it a read.

It's true that at the first glance he looks like another new-age/The Secret style guru. Apparently he also mentions all kind of raw eating advice. And some didn't like him as a person, etc.

So if you wouldn't recommend it, I probably wouldn't consider reading it. ;-)

But then, I am at this point in life when it would be really awesome to get some inspiration or an advise. Maybe it will be helpful. Will see how it goes. :-)

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